I guess I'm below average in T.V. usage, although I am above Bob's usage. I watch maybe 6-8 hours of T.V. a week. The thing that kills me is that I do pay $200 for my cable bill, which is T.V., internet, and phone. I have all sorts of channels that I never watch. In fact, I watch about five channels, the History Channels, the Military Channel, The Discovery Channel and the Science Channel. I have a very nice 40" plasma in my living room with a 5.1 surround system, and a 26" LCD in my bedroom. Guess which one gets watched more.

I don't go to concerts. Mostly, there's no one I want to see, and if there is, it's $50-75 a ticket, plus $20-30 for the parking, another $30 to get to Seattle and back on the ferry. I can buy a lot of DVDs for that which are going to sound better anyway. Plus, I won't have to fight traffic.

We do have an open mic night around here, but it's during the week, and I'm usually in bed by 9-ish, so I don't go. I try to attend some of the free open air jazz concerts in the summer, but they're often local musicians who get paid by the city to come out for a concert series.

We used to go to some of the local bars where small bands played, but you don't find too many of those any more, at least not a 4-5 piece band. Plus, not too many places will advertise that they have live bands any more.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!