
You shouldn't feel bad. Most of us ocassionally need a friend to suggest that we "tone down" our statements.

The discourse wasn't meant to be offensive, but as a way of looking at the topic at hand and the fact that all of us who use programs like BIAB are contributing to the problem of musicians being replaced by electronic media.

Do I plan on continuing to use BIAB? You betcha. If I ever start gigging again, will I use BIAB instead of live musicians? In some cases, yes. Preferably, no. Why? Because I prefer a more "improvisational" approach. If someones on a roll and they want to take 2 breaks instead of one, ... let 'er rip. If they want add an extra bar or two at the end of a solo, that's good too.

But if I'm simply trying to make a buck playing covers or songs in a "fixed" format, I'd skip the other musicians and use BIAB.

Of course that would knock other musicians out of potential work, hence the topic at hand.