
You know what being a solo act with backing tracks means? You carry ALL the gear in and out yourself.Sing ALL the songs yourself. Carry all the gear back yourself. Get ALL the money yourself. Have to take ALL the blame yourself. Take ALL the glory>
Love it!

I used to take a sound tech with me on quite a lot of gigs. Nowadays I can only afford to take him with me on larger venues where I can't possibly work the knobs myself. Just a matter of fewer bookings and having to keep the stove burning... Actually quite a few bars I used to play at have gone bankrupt the last two years. (come on...joke's on me: They went broke because......)

Being a solo act really means: packing the PA, driving to the gig (ranging from 30 minutes to 3 hours), setting up the PA, doing the 4 hour long show (at the same time being the sound engineer and keeping an eye on the equipment), packing up the PA, driving back home, unloading the PA again.'s the easy life
(No, not complaining; the moment I start to hate my job is the moment I will find another way of making a living)

As for TV. The higher the quality of the TV-sets is nowadays, the lower the quality of programs that are made. I mean, come on. Most programs nowadays make Dallas (the soap, not the city) look like Shakespeare
Then there are the really boring pauses between the commercials.... Watch a movie on TV? Better go to the cinema or rent the DVD (no, no blueray in my house yet: most music concerts are released on DVD, not on blueray) When I do watch TV, I tune in on Discovery, National Geographic, History.

But be fair. It isn't all bad news with the new technology. Thanks to PG-Music and Steinberg I have a complete sudio at my house at my disposal. I can create music and record it whenever I want. Thanks to internet radio stations like Jango (the one I use frequently) I get to know new music made by unknown artists. I can even leave a comment on their songs and get a response from them. And you know what? Maybe I will put up some music up there myself too.

Yes, times are changing. As they have done since the beginning of time. And will continue to do so, no matter what any of us does...