

It's always been this way. Seriously. Read Beethoven's biography.

I know several folks here in Denver and Colorado Springs that are absolutely proving all of the 'drying up' comments wrong.

Different skills for different times. The world is your stage now with the Internet / YouTube / Facebook / Twitter / Reverbnation. If you know how to work that and have real talent, you can be successful.

Of course it's possible Scott. The question is how likely is it no matter how good you are at working these things. The other question is who determines, before you go down that path, the definition of "real talent"? How many of Beethoven's peers who were equally talented but never caught that break died broke and miserable? If you have a teenage child who's preparing for college and they happen to really like music and are talented (but does it meet the definition of "real talent"), would you truly encourage them to spend $20,000 per year for a four year music degree at a big university rather than engineering, business and finance, health care, environmental geology, whatever? Pursuing their passion as a sideline while they're getting a real degree sure, but as a major? Was Tyler strictly a musician only or was he doing something real while trying to make it? Good for him by the way, he is good and it's a great story.
Stories like that are what kept me going for many years too.



I think we actually agree nearly 100%. Tyler gets paid via iTunes purchases. I'm sure there were many equally talented musicians as Beethoven in his day but they didn't get the commissioned gigs like he did with his benefactor(s).

I'll turn this whole thing around a little bit.

When was the last time anyone reading this thread paid out good money to go hear some live music? I paid a well-deserved $10 each for my wife and I to hear Acoustic Eidolon this past weekend. Talk about some talent - ridiculous out-of-the-ballpark talent.

Also, I agree with your previous post about the plethora of talent that is out there. It is mind-boggling. I'm like Bobcflatpicker, I've intentionally avoided situations to where music became my sole source of money.

I did play a gig on the 4th as part of a band to help a church raise funds for a microloan program to villagers in Tanzania. We raised only 300$, but I didn't know exactly what the benefit was for ahead of time. Could have worked harder on the promotion and raised more money.

Anyway - people are paying for recorded music in bucketloads these days. And we all get to be part of that whereas even 15 years ago, it was much more difficult to say that.

Oh - Tyler has a T-shirt design company as well.

Last edited by rockstar_not; 12/14/10 04:53 PM.