
As a counterpoint, I have noticed a renewed interest in jazz standards over the past few years, and I often find myself playing to audiences of 20-somethings who know the words and sing along to all the old Sinatra and Bennett performed classics.

Oh, I certainly get the people who want me to "bring the rawk", but oddly enough, they're more my age (40 and up).

The younger crowds, at least here in L.A., seem to want to hear stuff like "Witchcraft" and "The Way You Look Tonight". If I had a dollar for every time some "kid" in a fedora or a table full of young ladies yelled, "More Sinatra!"...

That's really interesting. It's seemed to me for a long time that there is a lot more interest in jazz in Europe than here in the country where it originated. Seems a little ironic to me that some of my favorite swing and gospel arrangements were done and even published in Europe.


Cornet Curmudgeon