
Unless you have way somewhat more than a 500 dollar walmart computer, (like add a zero) one would have to be a masochist to even think of using RealBand as a "DAW". Ha.

I have no idea why you say that. I have a $399 eMachines (7 years old now) that will run RB with 20 audio and 50 VST FX at a time, while recording 8 more. That 'recording 8 more' part required another $200 for the soundcard, so I guess it was $600 total.
Because YOU don't get it set up and working well does not make the rest of us masochists.

It's reliable enough here that I use it to multitrack bands live sometimes. If it didn't work (or if I was even worried about it) I'd be using something else for paying gigs.

Maybe it depends on your definition of DAW. (?)

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome