
I'm just a music hobbyist using mostly Band in a Box and Sonar X1, with no other computer applications requiring extraordinary performance

Why is it you're upgrading? You mean to say the way you are working your computer isn't keeping up? Is it chocking? Or do you really just want something new?

If you're gonna request this-


I want to consider a new one and be sure it will handle my audio needs and serve me well for some years.

Then don't slap us with this-


Please do not tell me to just get "all the computer I can afford".

If you're gonna spend 800, then spend a little more on something like these-



Keep your other computing needs on other computers and keep your audio separate on these- although I do prefer to have my studio pc's online for software upgrades and registrations.

Either of those choices will last you for years, given what you've said about yourself. Myself, I'd go with the Studiocat built computer. I hear nothing but praise about the product. The Sweetwater Creation-station would serve you well too. For audio, what I wouldn't do is buy a consumer pc off the shelf. At least, I wouldn't if I was into audio and wanted things to work together and last for the long haul.

Your mileage may vary.

Good luck!
