What is left of my retirement? Did my oncologist tell you before me? Oh dear.

You are entitled to your opinion, I see you do not think I'm entitled to mine.

We all hope that someday you see the light and the little button that says Shift or Caps.

Now you've upset me so badly I'm going to call someone to help me upstairs..

I suspect the staff at pgmusic are in tears over the fact you dislike the program so much.

Rather than suffer the angst you can play with Garageband, I heard it's the best. Really up to date. Does everything. Lady Gaga is using it I bet. And Justin Be-bear. Can't beat it. I should visit the forum there, probably full of "listen to the new #1 hit I just made with Garageband..."

I'm just too old to change.

PS. The type of poster who's first post is a rant, slam, and whine gets treated like a person who comes to your door and yells, "Hey I'm a professional property designer and when are you going to get your house up to date and looking like some thing from this century?"

I'd slam the door in the SOx's face. So I did.

Ease into it. Show us you actually are a person, not a 12 year old on your Mom's little old Mac with the disk drive on dial up. Read some, figure out what is being done, make some music.

John Conley
Musica est vita