John I really appreciate your replies on this issue I am having and helping me better understand the RB system.

I just need clarification on this:
You stated earlier "In the audio prefs have the box checked to use a DXi/VSTi then choose the Forte. It'll be the default playback for all tracks.It'll still say "Out: GS Wave SW Synth, Port 1.".

In the PREFERENCES / AUDIO area, I could not find a box to check; however in the PREFERENCES / 6-MIDI / MIDI DEVICES / MIDI Driver Setup window, I have checked Reroute MIDI Playback to default Dxi/VSTi Synth and Default DXi/VSTi Synth is set to ForteDXi Plugin Is this what you were referring to in the earlier post above?

I wonder if changing all of my instruments in each track to Forte is the reason why my CPU usage is always around 80% and sometime peaks at 100% when I use RB and BIAB. I will have to experiment with this further and listen to the sounds generated to see if I can get the CPU usage down below 50%. What happens when the CPU peaks at 100% is the instrument sounds begin to pop and crackle. This occurs also when rendering. I have to keep an eye out on that CPU usage.

Just for FYI purposes; I am using a DELL Dimension PC, WINDOWS XP Home Edition with SP3, 1G RAM (where I see you use 2G RAM), CPU 2.5GHz.

Again, thank you for your replies and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ! !
