Hi Robb,Music is for all types of people.Yours is very folksy and there are those who love this style of music I do.For some its an acquired taste for others they will never like it that goes for all kinds of music.I love Sinatra but a good friend of mine thinks he is overrated and even argues that he cant sing.Kate Bush when she came on the scene had a lot of people scratching their heads but she proved a lot of them wrong and her music has stood the test of time.Keep writing what you feel... if it gives you pleasure then Im sure there are others who after listening to your music might enjoy it too.Cheers Frankie

AMD Athlon 7550 dual core
processor 2.51 ghz
1 87 gb ram
windows 7 Ultimate
yamaha rev 500 effects
tacam DP-24 DAW
Samson Resolv NF monitors
Yamaha PSR-620 Keyboard
Fender semi accoustic guitar