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Re: SEE SEE RIDER PeterF 2 minutes ago Forum: User Showcase
Bob Excellent version of the song, really well done and that talk box guitar was an inspired choice. Peter
Replies 18 Views 292 Read More
Re: In the Beginning BlueAttitude 24 minutes ago Forum: User Showcase
Originally Posted by MarioD
Chris, Marty, and Dave this is absolutely brilliant An outstanding song in every possible aspect Outstanding everything, vocal, bass, guitar, backing tracks, lyrics, mix etc IMHO this is your best to date.
We spent many hours over many weeks working on this one, Mario, so very happy you liked it! smile
Replies 12 Views 166 Read More
Re: BPM wrong after open MIDI file? Andrew - PG Music 31 minutes ago Forum: Band-in-a-Box for Windows
Go it, thanks - we'll take a look at it...
Replies 26 Views 636 Read More
Rock stars stories about how their aging - some were covered in a recent post pghboemike Yesterday at 11:36 PM Forum: My Favorite Things Jump to new postsJump to new posts
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Re: Midnight Murmurs (feat. PeterF on guitars) PeterF Yesterday at 10:34 PM Forum: User Showcase
Originally Posted by rayc
Yes, there's some Parisienne Walkways about the guitar...very Moorish & moreish. Then again that goes for the entire song and vocal performance. Top shelf P B & J ...though not a fan of the sandwich.
Thanks Ray (I don't think I've ever tried one of the sandwich's). Peter
Replies 23 Views 425 Read More
Re: RealBand: monitoring audio verysaxy Yesterday at 09:40 PM Forum: Forum des Utilisateurs Français de Band-in-a-Box Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Merci pour votre réponse, mais cela ne résoud pas le problème. Avac BIAB il est possible d'opter pour mono (D ou G) vers stéréo. Ainsi une guitare connectée à gauche, par exemple, est entendue au centre. Cette fonction ne semble pas exister sur Real Band. Dommage
Replies 2 Views 52 Read More
Re: DISCUSSION >> ODD TIME SIGNATURES. rharv Yesterday at 09:37 PM Forum: Off-Topic Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Not up to doing video at this point .. would be a ton of work trying to capture all the things involved. With no net gain for me, and my time is better spent elsewhere for now. But for Giggles, the Chord Cells in the above 7/4 song look like below image For the Bars with 3 chords, the chords were on 1, 5 and 7 of the bar .. and the Chord Sheet seems to imply that .. /Edit -Now that I've examined the Chord sheet closer, what exactly is an F5 chord? //OK, Googled it; it's F no 3rd .. ///F5 seems kind of confusing
Replies 6 Views 160 Read More
Re: Sometimes I Wonder Al-David Yesterday at 09:10 PM Forum: User Showcase
Originally Posted by BabuMusic
Hi, Alan. November 2021!?! Ha, maybe you should've named it Sometimes I Wander. Man, this is a fine gem to be sitting on so long. Man, that guitar is outstanding. Love the composition and the way you mix it. Superb sounds.
HI Marty! HA! (your "wander" comment). I have one I'm working on from time to time that I started in 1978. Let's see - I'm closing in on 78 years old - I might want to give that one a higher priority if I expect to finish it! Thank you very much for such kind and supportive comments. I was happy with the lead guitar - it pretty much did its own thing. I used the multirif function only twice. As far as the composition, chords come to me pretty easily, most of the time. I always look forward to your comments. Thanks a bunch! Alan
Replies 19 Views 286 Read More
Re: Audiophile and Ultrapak please post a sample of compressed files Matt Finley Yesterday at 09:10 PM Forum: Recording, Mixing, Performance and Production Jump to new postsJump to new posts
I don't mix for the normal person on the street and I don't know any audio engineer who would. As long as there are people who do know the difference, I will mix for them. As to that chart, I've commented on it before. Listing BIAB 'Standard' at a bit rate of 128 is, I believe, misleading. Yes, some of the WMA files are 128, some actually lower, but WMA compression of 128 sounds better than an MP3 of 128. In some rudimentary tests I did years ago when I wrote that article about the differences between the regular (standard) and audiophile versions, I thought the WMA files sounded closer to a quality comparable to 198. Perhaps others could comment.
Replies 12 Views 217 Read More
Re: I'll Leave It To You Al-David Yesterday at 08:55 PM Forum: User Showcase
HI Floyd, As has been mentioned numerous times previously, your piano work has become exceptional for your music. It's another real nice tool to put into your musical toolbox. And your toolbox already has some pretty nice tools in it. The lyric touches so many possible possibilities and/or interpretations. And you let each listener decide for him/herself how it fits into their mindset. My thoughts about this one have already been touched upon by a previous commenter, and I think you probably know which one it is. Okay, the song, per se: As always, it's a perfect example of a superb project brought to fruition. One aspect of your songs that always jumps out at me after a full listen is the prosody. You meld lyric and vocal nuance so enviably good to the musical bed. There's never a blemish between the written lyric and musical soundscape. Always a perfect fit. It's so good to hear another one from you! best to you and yours, Alan
Replies 20 Views 557 Read More
Re: Odd scrolling behavior selecting styles [PG: cannot duplicate] mrgeeze Yesterday at 08:38 PM Forum: Band-in-a-Box for Macintosh Jump to new postsJump to new posts
I played around with it a bit more. It seems like a combination of actions. Here’s my current observation. Suppose I am scrolling down a styles list of a few hundred. More than one screen so that I need the ability to scroll. All works fine. Then I double click on a style to hear it. Give biab time to build the parts. I can double click any other style on the ones on the visible “page” but cannot scroll at all. Maybe that’s the desired behavior? If I hit the ok button after a delay I can set focus on another style and can again scroll. When “frozen” I can also try to drag the up down scroll bar in the list box (or whatever it’s called) of styles. That shifts the entire list horizontal position a bit but frees up the scrolling As i mentioned, the hardware (mouse keyboard) are fine everywhere else. It’s not the end of the world, it’s just not the behaviour I’m expecting. It seems a non-desired thing. .
Replies 4 Views 80 Read More
Re: Loose & Lovely DonnyGee Yesterday at 07:50 PM Forum: User Showcase
Hey Hey, very nice slow shuffle, it had my foot tapping. Nice way to modulate keys. Nice use of BIAB to back you up. Remember, it is the fantasy partners that make the best material.
Replies 18 Views 330 Read More
Re: Satiricom floyd jane Yesterday at 07:15 PM Forum: User Showcase
That's quite a ride. And quite the mix of instruments. Interesting use of horns. Nice guitar outro.
Replies 26 Views 596 Read More
rock harpsichords pretty please. justanoldmuso Yesterday at 07:15 PM Forum: Styles and RealTracks Wishlist Jump to new postsJump to new posts
would love such as rhythm rt for rock songs at various tempos. love the harpisichord. example... a harpsichord starts a rock song by itself rocking along for a few bars ...then BAM... whole power rock trio or more slams in. call the rt slammin harpsichord also chinese gong/samples rd would be nice. happiness. om
Replies 0 Views 19 Read More
Three requests- High String Guitar, Pizzicato… darthurb2 Yesterday at 02:55 PM Forum: Styles and RealTracks Wishlist Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Hi, I would love a Real Track of a High String Guitar. For years a staple of country productions and used to great effect by The Eagles. It’s difficult to point out with an example, as it affords percussive texture without getting in the way. Just equalizing the existing acoustic guitars is a poor substitute. Pizzicato strings is a great effect to be able to use to boost a section without getting in the way. High Strings - Again it’s a wonderful way to add depth and shine without muddying the mix.
Replies 0 Views 24 Read More
Re: Get Lost Guitarhacker Yesterday at 02:52 PM Forum: User Showcase
Originally Posted by Al-David
Herb, So, what's not to like about this? I would say, "Not a thing." Every track contributes as I suspect you intended it to. This has a contemporary sound that would probably do well on both the country and pop charts. Your music is always well worth the time to listen. This one put a smile on my face. I've done a lot of traveling in my time (42 countries and all but 2 states) - i can empathize with the desire to go anywhere with some you care for - and to keep gpoing wherever. Nicely done in all respects. Alan
Thanks Alan. I've had the philosophy for a long time to add nothing to the music that isn't necessary. (see my signature below) Less is more in many cases. Thanks for listening.
Replies 15 Views 202 Read More
Re: More Pop/Rock Ballad Realtrack Sax Solos Please darthurb2 Yesterday at 02:33 PM Forum: Styles and RealTracks Wishlist Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Ditto X 10!!!!
Replies 1 Views 92 Read More
Re: Jesus Was There David Snyder Yesterday at 12:49 PM Forum: User Showcase
Really sweet sounds my friend. Those synth vocals are becoming very familiar.
Replies 9 Views 135 Read More
Re: BADBYE (New Mix) mkg50 (Mike G) Yesterday at 12:40 PM Forum: User Showcase
Originally Posted by dcuny
Hi, Mike. Pleasant melody, good varied arrangement. I would have preferred a touch (more) reverb on the Irish flute, but that's just a nit. Nice listen all the way through! smile
Thanks for listening David. I appreciate your comment about reverb. I always second-guess myself when it comes to reverb - have I used too much or too little? My usual MO is to err on the side of caution. Cheers, Mike
Originally Posted by Guitarhacker
That was nice. The lyrics are sad. It was easy to follow along with the melody.
Thanks Herb. Glad you enjoyed it. Mike
Replies 23 Views 626 Read More
Re: Bring It On Home To Me BabuMusic Yesterday at 12:30 PM Forum: User Showcase
Oh, you can't go wrong with Sam Cooke --well, at least you can't go wrong with one of his songs. I asked my wife if we could move to New Zealand. What a terrific take on this beauty. I've played this in so many bands. It was actually one I could play and sing at the same time. hehe I liked ending it with a fast walk to the end --like Bring it on home, boys! Your vocal is peerfect and the production is fabulous. You always pick the best bandmates. That piano is sensational. What a great feell you have going on here. Sam himself would be tapping his toes to this one. So well done, Nigel. Do you take requests? hehe
Replies 8 Views 149 Read More
Re: New bluessong by Jonathan&Rband… Guitarhacker Yesterday at 12:17 PM Forum: User Showcase
Cool song. That's a great piano part. I was in a band that had a house gig for two and a half years with a piano player who had that style of playing. Great job on the song
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Re: Having troubles with microchords Matt Finley Yesterday at 11:20 AM Forum: Beginners Forum Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Yes, apparently Herb’s answer seems to be correct based on other reports. I’ve only used microchords a few times on jazz songs, but when I needed them, they worked. I admit I don’t fully understand all the possible combinations and I got lucky.
Replies 3 Views 91 Read More
Re: Rosie the Riveter Bass Thumper Yesterday at 11:10 AM Forum: User Showcase
Originally Posted by BabuMusic
Spendid, Steve. Man, I like the beat Rosie gives us. They likely worked more in a cacophany of chaos, but this is the kind of music that likely played in their heads. They worked with an attitude of saving the lives of their countrymen rather than taking lives of the enemy. Same work, but a better effect on the soul.
Hey Marty, You're right, a cacophany of chaos is probably what they lived in. OSHA wasn't created until the 70's so I'm sure management paid little attention to the droning noise levels. In high school I worked in a factory where the repetitive pounding and humming of the machines was quite noticeable and I remember trying to make my pounding compatible to form a crude ryhthm. Maybe that contributed to my interest in music. Anyway, glad you enjoyed this.
Replies 15 Views 423 Read More
Re: Lady Love BlueAttitude Yesterday at 10:20 AM Forum: User Showcase
Nice changes and selection of instruments. Good arrangement and production, enjoyed the video too!
Replies 23 Views 419 Read More
Re: Have You Ever Been In Love? musician17 Yesterday at 09:04 AM Forum: User Showcase
Bob: wow ... what a compliment, especially coming from someone like you. Thanks - and thanks for listening smile floyd: thanks smile Glad you liked it smile Alan: thank you for taking the time to listen. "Butter-smooth" ... I'll take that smile Take care of yourself. Ray: thanks so much. I'll keep singing, from time to time, but you've nailed it ... the synth voice gives me a much, much wider range, not to mention better quality of vocal tone (which I'm grateful you were far too kind to mention smile ), so ... I'll probably alternate between the two ... maybe I'll write a duet, one day, with my vocals and Eleanor Forte's? smile Janice, Bud: "nothing left to add or take away" ... thank goodness smile That's a great compliment! As for "effort", I wrote, arraged, mixed it, etc., in one evening, in four hours - but they were very intensive (work-wise) four hours smile Thanks again for being so kind as to listen and comment smile
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Band-in-a-Box® 2024 includes built-in specific support for the Reaper® DAW API, allowing direct transfer of Band-in-a-Box® files to/from Reaper tracks, including tiny lossless files of instructions which play audio instantly from disk.

We demonstrate the new Reaper features in the Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin 6.0 in our video, Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin Version 6 for Mac®: New Features for Reaper

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - Update Today!

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Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Video - Over 50 New Features and Enhancements!

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Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Video - DAW Plugin Version 6 New Features

The new Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin Version 6 for Mac® adds over 20 new features!

We show them off in our video: Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin Version 6 for Mac®: New Features

The Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Free Bonus PAK!

Along with the 50+ new features added with Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac®, we've also released an awesome collection of new Add-ons! On top of the 222 new RealTracks (+50 bonus RealTracks), we've also released new MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 3, Playable RealDrums Set 2, and two new sets of "RealDrums Stems."

Order Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac during our special (which ends July 31st) and you'll receive a Free Bonus PAK that includes a lot of these new Add-ons:
- MIDI Styles Set 88: "Look Ma! More MIDI 11: SynthMaster"
- Instrumental Studies Set 20: New Orleans Piano
- MIDI SuperTracks Set 40: More SynthMaster
- MIDI SuperTracks Set 43: Rock & Pop Keys
- Artist Performance Set 15: Songs with Vocals volume 5
- Playable RealTracks Set 3
- Playable RealDrums Set 2
- SynthMaster Sounds and Styles, with audio demos
- RealCombos 2024 Booster PAK:
*For Pro customers, this includes 35 new RealTracks and 58 new RealStyles.
*For MegaPAK customers, this includes 25 new RealTracks and 45 new RealStyles.
*For UltraPAK customers, this includes 28 new RealStyles.

- RealDrums Stems Set 6: More Pop, Rock & Country

Want even more new Add-ons? Boost your Free Bonus PAK to a 2024 49-PAK for just $49 and add even more new Add-ons to your collection:
- 50 Bonus Unreleased RealTracks & RealDrums
- MIDI Styles Set 89: "Look Ma! More MIDI 12: Funk, Jazz & Blues Keys"
- Instrumental Studies Set 21: '80s Hard Rock Guitar
- MIDI SuperTracks Set 41: Jazz Comping & Soloing Piano
- MIDI SuperTracks Set 42: Soul & New Orleans Keys
- Artist Performance Set 16: Songs with Vocals volume 6
- RealDrums Stems Set 5: Jazz, Latin, Funk & World

Listen to Demos of the Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK:

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Video - Boot Camp: Working with the Newest Features!

Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Mac includes over 50 new features!

Watch our Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Boot Camp: Working with the Newest Features video, and follow along as we demonstrate how to create a new song from scratch using some of the major new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac®, like the Chord Progression Builder, the new MultiPicker Library Window, and the new Tracks Window!

Watch: Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Boot Camp: Working with the Newest Features

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Videos: One-Stop Shopping!

With the release of Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac®, we're adding new videos to our YouTube channel. We'll also post them here when they are published so that you can easily find all of our Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® videos in one place!

The Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac videos released as-of June 28, 2024 are:

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - Everything you need to know in under 8 minutes!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - The New Tracks Window Explained

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - RealCombos Booster PAK Styles Demo

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - 49-PAK Overview

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - 222 New RealTracks Overview

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