
I would like to get thoses improvements in BIAB if you please :

- In "Chord Settings" it could be good to be able to have the soloist track in the "All Except" settings in the "rest type" box menu.

- I would like to have the shortcut "Cmd H" to hide BIAB like all the Macintosh applications (please...), I do that very often and it's a little bit painful to get the "melody/Harmony" menu each time instead of having BIAB hidden like all the other apps...

- I would like to be able to get the real tracks in an irregular time signature (i.e. 7/8)
For now I use the standard 4/4 and I export the real tracks in logic where I cut the half of the last beat of each bar and then I glue all the bars to get my song in 7/8...
It works in jazz fusion (even if sometimes it's a little bit strange), so I think it could done without specific real tracks (but maybe we could have some surprises...)

Thanks a lot,