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Here's something I thought I try... used a Demo and enhance it a bit. A smooth Jazz singer, Yvonne J wrote the lyrics and performed the vocals. I'm really getting mixed reviews about this one ... not that it's disliked, the reviews are on the mix: some say, the vocals are too dry, others say, they should have some reverb on them. Well, fact is, there is reverb on the VOX. At any rate, the instrumentation is all BIAB ... Yvonne is the only "life performer" on this recording. I'd really like your opinion, because I think we have a good one going for the genre. Any other helpful input would also be greatly appreciated  Thanks in advance! Yvonne J & Mike Kohlgraf - You Are The one=SJAZZBL Style Demo Smooth Jazz Ev16 Ballad style with RealTracks, featuring: <Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothBallad Ev16 065> <Bass, Electric, SmoothBallad Ev16 065> <SmoothJazzBallad^3-XSHH,XStRide> RealDrums ****** Song Summary ************* Title: Smooth Jazz Ev16 RealTracks Demo File:You Are The One.SGU Key=Bm , Tempo 65, Length (m:s)=3:19 4 bar intro, 46 bar chorus, from bar 5 to bar 50. Repeat x1 chorus No Melody No Soloist track. Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0, Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes, Style is =SJAZZBL.STY (Smooth Jazz Ballad (65 RT)) Style MIDI Instruments are : Synth Strings 1 (51), RealTracks in style: 908:Bass, Electric, SmoothBallad Ev16 065 RealTracks in style: 910:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothBallad Ev16 065 RealTracks in style: ~364:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065 RealTracks in song: 1061:Sax, Soprano, Soloist SmoothJazzBallad Ev16 065 (Bluesy) RealDrums in Song: SmoothJazzBallad^3-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Sidestick, Ride *******************
Cheers, Mike My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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Hi Mike,
I agree that you do have a good one going for the genre. Hey if you're gonna do smooth jazz it needs to be, well, smooth....and this composition is. I really like the vocalist, the lyric and the RT selection. Nice and laid back but holds the attention. Although, as you said, there is reverb on the vocal it seems a bit dry to me. I think a little more would help the vocal sit down and spread out into the mix a bit. I would lower the gain on the vocal just try a little more reverb.....but then my ears are old --- real old!
Small nit aside, this is a really cool tune featuring a fine singer. Thanks for throwing it out here. Really enjoyed it.
Last edited by Janice & Bud; 01/15/14 03:54 PM.
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Hi, Mike !:))
My old ears only hear a very good mix allthrough with a very good vocal sung extremely well to a wonderful tune !:)
Cheers Dani
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Mike Really enjoyed listening. Smooothhh, great use of the Sax in the fills. Beautiful vocal. You've done yourselves proud.
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Hi Mike,
don't be confused. Reception of music is very subjective and you will always find someone who has nits. For me this is a beautiful song. Very tasteful vocals and sax. And there IS reverb. Congrats to Yvonne. While I type I'm having my third listen.
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Beautiful song. Excellent singing. Sax is really nice...
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Very pretty song. And a beautiful presentation. Love the instrumentation. And Yvonne can SING!!!!
I don't think to "problem" (the perceived problem) is the vocal at all. I think it is the drums - causing the perception. You know how you "see" where the instruments are in a mix (I do anyway - I assume everyone does). It sounds like your vocalist (Yvonne) is BEHIND the drums. I could be wrong about this, but at least give this a try... Add some reverb to the drum track (to put it farther back) and bump up the vocal volume just a hair and REMOVE a little of the vocal reverb (to bring her forward). But mostly, key on the drums going back..
VERY cool song!!!
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Wow, I want to thank everyone for the positive responses: Janice, Dani, VideoTrack, Günter, Scott and Floyd Jane! Thank you very much!!!
Floyd Jane hit the nail on the head... in my mix, the drums are the primary performer and not the singer. It's been there all along for me to hear, but I didn't take my usual time to be critical of my mix. Floyd, you have very good perception of mixing, apparently!!! I will have to fix this soon, because it's going to be playing again on UK radio this Sunday.
Fantastic input!!!
Anything else I missed, possibly???
I really DO value your input. It helps me grow... and it helps me to remind myself to be more diligent with my releases!
Thanks, all!
Cheers, Mike My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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This is the first time we've listened to you. We've been here for about three weeks and still getting around to hearing folks. We do a lot of R&B and Lounge Jazz. As he always does, Floyd keyed in n the biggest "issue" (there aren't many!). As we were listening, Di commented, "What a great singer and that song is simply gorgeous. But, I'm hearing the drum more than anything else, don't you think so?"
I tend to agree. Using the BIAB settings, I would set the reverb on the drums somewhere between 55 and 60. If you typically don't put much reverb on the drums, that might sound like a lot. But it really isn't. It softens them and they fill more room (spread across the audio horizon, if you will) and fall back in the mix without losing their impact and crsipness. This is particularly true if you have a lot of rim shots, which you do.
Floyd suggested dropping the reverb on her voice a bit. I rarely disagree with him, but in this case I'd try what he suggested and then evaluate the effect. I love the warm and lift the reverb gives her voice. Floyd is so danged smart about mixing and mastering, I get nervous if I see things a little differently than he does. Then again, it just might be the difference in our ears. His are good and mine used to be good!
Regardless, this is one heck of a song! We've listened twice and will probably do so a few more times. We loved this track...one of our faves so far. And your girl can sing!!!!!!
Good luck with this...it deserves a big audience. Best to you...
Al & Di
PS: I lived in Germany 12 years (Einsiedlerhof, Pirmasens and Wurzburg).
BIAB 2024 Ultra Plus-all StylePaks*Win11*32GB DDR5*Rhyzen 9745x*AT 2035 Mic*Peavey Nashville 112 Amp*Ibanez ART120* Acoustic/Electric/Washburn D200S Acoustic*Stromberg Monterey Jazz Guitar Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops
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Thanks so much Al & Di! You have keen ears and I agree with what you say... I think, the biggest mistake I made was adding reverb here in there within BIAB, then when I brought the track into my DAW (I use Sonar PE), I messed more with the mix. Yvonne sent me a dry vocal track. I do believe, that's the main issue. I tried to apply EQ to her vocal track to an already EQ'd instrumental arrangement. It should have been the other way around. Or, as you say, I could have adjusted more accurately in BIAB and go from there. Anyway, you have given some MORE useful information to me!!!  Thanks for that, but most of all, thanks for liking our tune. Makes us happy!  I'll take all this info and will apply it. I'm sure, the result will be a great improvement  Thanks again! I am familiar with the areas in Germany where you lived. Super nice!!! Sprechen Sie noch Deutsch?  Anyway, appreciate the kind comments and you fantastic input!  Alles Gute und
Cheers, Mike My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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Oh, and Al - Di ... I lived in Nashville, TN for about 7 years... forgot to mention this 
Cheers, Mike My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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Hi Mike,
Love her voice and when I listened she sounded too far back. I wasn't as pinpoint as Floyd in realizing it was the drums but the mix to me was like a "v" with her near the back of it. I think Floyd is right on.
The only thing I would add is watch how you handle her voice paying attention to your choice of reverb and careful not to eq the umph out of it or make it brittle in spots with either or both. Listen to Anita Baker or Sade as reference tracks and notice how big fat and silky smooth their voices are mixed for this genre.
Good luck.
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Has it been remixed with the above suggestions, because that sounded good on my system??
You say it is being played on the UK radio on Sunday , Let us know what show and on what station and I will tune in.
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Nice job on the song... love the chord changes in it.
Now... about the issues you mentioned and some that others have pointed out.
DRUMS: the drums are fine if you can simply tame that one side stick.... it does stand out. Lower it's level or find a way to roll it's EQ off to smooth it down a bit. That side stick was really the only part of the drum kit I could hear easily on these cheap speakers.
Vocals: yeah I think there's a slight issue there. Again listening on cheap computer speakers.... the vocal has reverb. I think it's the wrong kind. Wrong room for the rest of the band. That makes her sound like she's not quite a part of the mix.
Something I often do, is to place a very light dark hall reverb and turn it up until I can hear it then back it off until It practically disappears form the track to the ear. Then I will place a similar reverb in my master bin, again very dark and low. The effect is that the singer has a touch of verb on their voice, and then it gets hit again with another light dose in the master but now, everything in the band is getting that same light master verb and there is a blending effect that happens PLUS, the singer's vox get a sight bump above that blending.... the result is a vox that sets nicely into the mix.
The vocal levels and EQ sound good. I'll listen to this on my lappy with cans in a minute....
Great song. Well written and performed. I can see a big name singing this.
You can find my music at: www.herbhartley.comAdd nothing that adds nothing to the music. You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both. The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
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Mike, I agree completely with floyd. The problem is the drums. I also agree that this is a beautifully written and arranged song. Good job. Small fixes and you're there. Look forward to hearing more of your work. Tom
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MikeK Nice sound.
I ran it in a session with a Optical compressor plug and it helped control the final mix.
Your able to push/pull the mix in the direction you are looking to correct.
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Ja, ich can noch Deutsch sprechen. Ich habe viel vergessen aber es bleibt gut genug. Wo im Deautschland wohnen Sie? Bis spater...(ich habe kein umlaut auf meinen schluessel)
BIAB 2024 Ultra Plus-all StylePaks*Win11*32GB DDR5*Rhyzen 9745x*AT 2035 Mic*Peavey Nashville 112 Amp*Ibanez ART120* Acoustic/Electric/Washburn D200S Acoustic*Stromberg Monterey Jazz Guitar Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops
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Hi Mike,
The only thing I would add is watch how you handle her voice paying attention to your choice of reverb and careful not to eq the umph out of it or make it brittle in spots with either or both. Listen to Anita Baker or Sade as reference tracks and notice how big fat and silky smooth their voices are mixed for this genre.
Good luck.
Hi Josie, thanks for listening. And you are tight on the money! I haven't had the chance to remix yet, But will do so soon. Working too much, you know  Appreciate your input!
Cheers, Mike My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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Has it been remixed with the above suggestions, because that sounded good on my system??
You say it is being played on the UK radio on Sunday , Let us know what show and on what station and I will tune in.
Alyn Hey Alyn, no I have yet to remix the song... you having said it sounded good on you system makes me wonder now, if I should... but, I will in due time. The show is on 6 to 9 pm our time @ http://www.starpointradio.com/ ... broadcasting all over. This particular DJ just moved to Florida here in the US and still broadcasts the show, which is being relayed to numerous radio stations. He will be on and he will be amazing.
Cheers, Mike My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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Hey Herb, Tommy and DA! Really appreciate the nice comments and the listen  I'll return the favor... will have some time when I'll be out for rehab from my surgery which will be on 1/29  Thanks, folks!
Cheers, Mike My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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