Spent ages working on a new improved version of this, it's from my FAWM, but didn't like it as much as the quick demo which is here. Oh well. Photo is cousin Wally.
https://soundcloud.com/tuigorge/fawm-no8-ratbag-rapUses BLUGRSF style which is
Bass RT 427
Banjo RT 426
Guitar RT 431
Fiddle RT 428
Added RD Blues Rock
You stop at the lights, hear boomf, boomf, booomf, coming from somewhere,look around. Kid in his car, hat on backwards, gives you a sharktooth smile, maybe the finger, rumbles off down the road. That's where the song starts.
RatBag RapHeading for my local country gig.
Shaken by some rapper's ratty rig
Boomin sound is all around
Seems to come up thru the ground
It's enough to make a grown man cry
shake a fist at an empty sky
My rattling brain moves slowly on again
I'm set up soon ready to perform
Band starts up again plays Wheels
Singers sing same old deal
My mind keeps wandering it's insane
Ratbag Rap's lodged in my brain
Ratbag Rap and it's got me beat
Keep hearin it in my sleep
Why oh why's it picked on me
RatBag Rap please let me be
Up to the mike to sing my nervous song
Sweet melody that all goes wrong
Sweat breks out then I'm shakin
Anyone can see I aint faking
Voice goes flat pull down my hat
I start rappin do the Ratbag Rap
Hit my stride try to do my thing
Just keep talkin cause I sure cant sing.
Then the people clap politely
Shakin their heads mumblin quietly.
I just keep playin simple country bass
every now and then theres a smile on my face.
Ratbag Rap and it's got me beat
Keep hearin it in my sleep
Why oh why's it picked on me
RatBag Rap please let me be
The president he comes my way
Says thanks so much for comin in today
We appreciate your playing sure is nice
Heard your song once don't need it twice.
Please hit the road and don't come back
We've had enough of that Ratbag Rap.
Ratbag Rap and it's got me beat
Keep hearin it in my sleep
Why oh why's it picked on me
RatBag Rap please let me be
The people cant swaller it the band cant foller it
That RatBag RatBag RatBag Rap
Any and all comments welcome.