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#260275 08/22/14 05:33 PM
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Hello everyone,

Our new song:

World of her own

A rough edged song about the 'flashing' nightlife from a young man's point of view.
Approach mechanisms of men versus filter mechanisms of women.
Wanting and needing, but at the same time trying to keep your self-esteem.

Play it loud!

As always, comments are welcome.

used real tracks:
388 bass electric metal ev 120
1804 synthpad pop-uplift ev 120
391 guitar electric rhythm metal ev 120
1167 guitar electric soloist rock ballad Brent ev 065
646 guitar electric rhythm pop rock brit edgy ev 120
1267 synthpad pop shining a-b ev 120
real drums:
C Rock 16-a^5 (third-party real drum)
Rockhard even8^1

Lyrics are in the video

R & AM

Last edited by R & AM; 08/22/14 05:36 PM.

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

RnAM #260283 08/22/14 07:16 PM
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Hi Rob and Anne-Marie,

I commend you on such a visually vivid and professionally sounding production. I found this a very enjoyable listening experience.


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RnAM #260285 08/22/14 07:40 PM
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May be my favorite of yours so far (which is saying a lot since they're all top notch)!! Great arrangement, great vocal. Really dig that kind of 80's edge (Bowie, or Frankie goes to Hollyood). Excellent work, AGAIN!! Take care. Greg

RnAM #260291 08/22/14 08:24 PM
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I agree this was another very professional write,recording and production. It would be interesting sometime to hear about your equipment and recording process. You and Anne- Marie achieve impressive quality in your productions. Audio and video.

The only glitch I ran into with this song is that as a simple man who lives on a farm and whose only familiarity with flashing lights come from either a police car racing up behind me or immediately after a getting a whack up side my head and not knowing of the flashing lights of city night life, the lyrics completely blew by me. This is due to my lack of sophistication and nothing of your ability to turn a wonderful phrase. The good part is that I was able to focus on the production and talent. The song was quite enjoyable.


BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.
RnAM #260295 08/22/14 08:45 PM
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Great job, nice mix and performance; thanks for sharing!

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Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.
Noel96 #260318 08/23/14 04:28 AM
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Hi Noel,

thank you! This is quite different from what we usually record. We were glad that we could freely use Ssoosays pictures for this.


We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

RnAM #260321 08/23/14 05:28 AM
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Rob and Anne Marie,

There was a strange high frequency on the words dream with me.
But otherwise it was a good song with a strong vocal.

Your use of the word "flashing" confused me a bit but then I understood. Maybe because in the local night club 2-3 weeks ago there were a few lads flashing/ exposing their "bits and pieces" at women which caused an unholy fight and many arrests.

Good song


RnAM #260324 08/23/14 05:45 AM
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1) great production!

2) good use of visuals, and interesting that you were able to find enough similar artwork to build a theme with it

3) I REALLY liked the point-counterpoints of view... two minds seeing the same situation quite differently

4) Listening through your songs I am impressed by your use of chords... all very interesting progressions , developed and resolved naturally. None of your chord progressions sound contrived, yet they avoid clichés (not an easy mark to hit song after song)

5) As Charlie observed, some of the terminology you used to develop the male's point of view did not resonate with me. I could tell you were carefully choosing your words to communicate a specific observation... but it must be a point of view or way of thinking that never crossed my mind.

regarding ALL of your songs: you are clearly a gifted song writer! Every song is crystal clear and sonically interesting... you can definitely sing and craft clever lyrics... your use of instrumentation is also interesting and well-done... you know how to add hooks and use them to provide a signature feel to the song

all in all, I am very impressed!

RnAM #260341 08/23/14 06:48 AM
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sweet rock groove!

well produced and written

much enjoyed!

RnAM #260355 08/23/14 08:05 AM
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Very nice job great production . Very well written and i like how you put the video together top notch.

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Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
1) great production!

2) good use of visuals, and interesting that you were able to find enough similar artwork to build a theme with it

3) I REALLY liked the point-counterpoints of view... two minds seeing the same situation quite differently

4) Listening through your songs I am impressed by your use of chords... all very interesting progressions , developed and resolved naturally. None of your chord progressions sound contrived, yet they avoid clichés (not an easy mark to hit song after song)

5) As Charlie observed, some of the terminology you used to develop the male's point of view did not resonate with me. I could tell you were carefully choosing your words to communicate a specific observation... but it must be a point of view or way of thinking that never crossed my mind.

regarding ALL of your songs: you are clearly a gifted song writer! Every song is crystal clear and sonically interesting... you can definitely sing and craft clever lyrics... your use of instrumentation is also interesting and well-done... you know how to add hooks and use them to provide a signature feel to the song

all in all, I am very impressed!

Exactly. But stated more eloquently by Pat than I was able to.

BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.
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Hi Greg

thank you! I'm glad you like the song.
Definitely 80s influences here, it's my main reference for pop music, since I grew up between the 70s and 80s.
let's hope our next song will again be your favorite smile


We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

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Hi Charlie,

Ha ha, no flashing nightlife in your town I take it? whistle
Thanks for your comments. You're probably right, the 'flashing' word should be something else, like vivid or trendy or something (I'm Dutch grin ).

The lyrics then. Yes, maybe some more explanation.
These were written about 9 years ago. They are about a young man who is talking to a beautiful woman in a trendy and noisy bar. The woman is clearly aware of her beauty and also of the fact that there's 10 other guys just waiting to make a pass at her. She's secretly flirting with one or two of them, but at the same time wants to maintain the conversation with the young man because she is 'kind of' interested
Now suddenly the young man, who was listening with much interest to her stories about the fact that she so eagerly wanted by men in general, takes off and is nowhere to be found. This leaves her in a powerless situation (at least for a short moment).

Although I have been in very nice relationships for most of my adult life (and therefore shouldn't complain), there always were those 'in between' periods when you are single and trying to meet women. The thing that constantly bugged me, was that it's always the guys 'role' to initiate contact with women. Although there have been some exceptions, it's usually the way it works here in Holland. If you don't do it, 10 other guys will. At the end of the evening it's back to your place, by yourself....
If you are kind of shy (which I was back then), you become painfully aware that you are simply 'offering ' yourself. With a reasonable chance of rejection.
Since most bars here are stuffed with guys, and relatively few women, you can picture the ''power" that's being thrown into a woman's lap (whether they asked for this or not). I've seen lots of guys around me ''throwing'' themselves in front of women (with usually no success). I definitely admired their guts but I've never been able to do this. It felt terribly wrong to me. Almost like begging.
This concept has frustrated me for years and years, often ruining the chance to a nice night 'on the town' for me.
It wasn't until I read Joshua Pellicer's book 'The Tao of Badass' that things finally fell in place for me. It's a great book that gives you all the insights in women you need, including every social situation involved. More important, it also taught me a lot about myself. Not long after the purchase of the book I got into a very satisfying relationship which I'm still in today.

Quit a story ey?

I'll get back to you on your question about our equipment later this week.


Last edited by R & AM; 08/23/14 12:55 PM.

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

RnAM #260383 08/23/14 02:09 PM
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Rob and Anne-Marie...

What a great rock song! Stunning production! (and video!)

A terrific combination of instruments for a sound that is both modern and grounded in the past. Impressive.

Awesome drums.. Excellent solos... the "air" that you put in the middle before the first solo was very well done. And the harmonies/interlude prior to that was spectacular.

Love the effect that you've added to the vocal. Makes it sit perfectly in the mix and in the music. A really good combination of guitars surrounding it all.

It was difficult to take in the lyric (would like to see them posted as a whole) but it didn't much matter - the whole package was STUNNING. Beautiful. Pro sound all the way.



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Thank you Robert, much appreciated!

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

gibson #260386 08/23/14 02:24 PM
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Hi Alyn,

Oops, another meaning of the word `flashing`, didn´t realize that blush Always nice to learn new meanings of a word, again, I´m Dutch whistle
The two female samples in the song are E-Jay samples.
They sound quite clear by themselves and I thought it best they should stay that way. The words said are meant to be quite present in the mix.


We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

RnAM #260404 08/23/14 07:15 PM
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Very pro sound. And as good as you are at your music, I must tell you that I'm always so impressed by your videos. I don't know how you do it all so quickly. You are certainly prolific. Kudos!


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Hi Pat,

Thank you so much for your positive comment!
Also appreciate you took the time to listen to some other tracks.
As for the lyrics: I already cleared up some of it in reply to Charlie's post.
Funny you noticed my counterpoints of view, I like to use them wherever I can (preferably when it is not too obvious).

Thanks again.

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

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Hi Lawrence,

Thank you for your nice comment.
By the way... we checked out your acoustic version of Too Close to the Moon.
You might want to give one of the "unplugged" styles a try.
I just finished a song with one of these styles. They also include a mandolin which gives quite a nice effect on the chorusses.


We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

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Hi Rob and Anne-Marie
Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
May be my favorite of yours so far (which is saying a lot since they're all top notch)!! Great arrangement, great vocal. Really dig that kind of 80's edge (Bowie, or Frankie goes to Hollyood). Excellent work, AGAIN!!

+1 from me.


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