Hi to all at PG!
I think that the number of realtracks has reached a point where a filtered search option on the Realtracks assignment screen would be really useful.

Something which let you search for a realtrack by any combination of the categories in the column headings would be useful (e.g. 'instrument', 'type' (rhythm/background/soloist), 'genre', 'feel', 'artist'). Ideally the program would present a list of the unique values in each column and allow the user to tick one or more value from each category for inclusion. (e.g. just show me 'electric' and 'slide' guitar instruments of a type 'soloist' from a genre of 'blues')

For 'tempo' it would be useful to have some additional options. For instance a checkbox to limit the results to only those that were in a comfortable audio stretch range of the song tempo would be useful. Alternatively a slider could let the user decise how comfortably the song tempo needed to be within the stretch range of the audio (so you elect to only select sounds that had an original range very close or exactly on the song tempo at one end of the slider versus 'no tempo filtering at all' at the other end of the slider.

The apple loops filter in Garageband is a slick implementation of such a filtering screen but, given the columner nature of the existing BIAB screen, something closer to the Microsoft Excel filter might also work quite well.

It is important to be able to see easily what categories have active filters switched on and a quick option to turn all filters off would be essential.

Many thanks

Keep up the great work!

Regards, Aubrey

If I hadn't seen such riches I could live with being poor.