Hi all
This song is based around the great depression.
Amazing what some had to do to survive.
Hope you like it all comments welcome.
Needed you too long Needed you too long
Wont you stop staring at that sweet gal of mine.
We been together since nineteen thirty nine.
She,s always standing bye me she's never gone.
Honey I've needed you too long.
Sleeping under bridges hiding in old barns.
We'd steal some chicken eggs from someones farm
We're always getting bye don't do no wrong.
Honey I've needed you too long.
your just the sweetest breath of air.
When your here I never have a care
We'll walk beside the highway try and hitch a ride.
We'll ride an old dodge truck be warm inside.
You'll whistle you are my sunshine I'll sing the song.
Honey I've needed you too long.
Down bye railway tracks in the freezing rain.
You slipped while we were running fell neath the train.
I held you tightly to me your hair so blonde
Honey I've needed you too long.
itle: Untitled Song
Key=C , Tempo 165, Length (m:s)=2:25
No intro. 32 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 32. Repeat x3 choruses
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _DIXALLS.STY (Dixieland AllBGSoloAtOnce[165RS])
RealTracks in style: ~1616:Tuba, DixielandFast Sw 165 ('A' only)
RealTracks in style: ~1615:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm DixielandFast Sw 165
RealTracks in style: ~1614:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm DixielandFast Sw 165
RealTracks in style: ~1613:Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm DixielandFastA-B Sw 165
RealTracks in style: ~1634:Multi[Chorus] ClarinetBGSol DixieFastSw165, TromboneBGSol DixieFastSw165, TrumpetBGSol DixieFast Sw165,
RealDrums in style: Dixieland^3-a:Ride & Cross-stick, b:Ride & Boisterous Backbeat
Band in a Box Real Band mixed in Reaper and Audacity.
Vocals and harmonies my self.