Setting up Reaper so that bar numbers align with BIAB & Realband

I notice that there seem to be a number of people using Reaper on these forums these days. Just in case this might be of value to some those people, below explains how to set-up Reaper so that its bar numbers parallel a song's bar numbers in BIAB/RB.

1. Click on the “Project Settings” button that I've labelled #1 on the image below. (Alt+Enter is the shortcut.)

2. Select the “Project Settings” tab.

3. Set the song's BIAB/RB tempo in “Project BPM” (#2) and its “Time Signature” (#3).

4. Set the “Project Start Measure” to (-1) (#4 below) since BIAB/RB have a two bar count-in.

5. Now any audio generated by BIAB/RB, and imported into Reaper, will align in Reaper. The bar numbers in Reaper will reflect those in BIAB/RB.

Audiophile BIAB 2024