This is a brand new song, it's a political song, my apologies to you who favor the president-elect.Most instruments are BB, except for a Telecaster overdub. The slide guitar is RB.
I originally expected this song to have synth and keyboards, but because of the subject matter I fell back on my roots, Southern rock with a bluegrass backbone. THE EDGE December 8, 2016
GGDD (2)
Em D What were you thinking,
C GAm now you've gone way to far
EmC It took so long, so many lives,
D to stand where we are
GEm But here we are together,
AmD it's too late to place the blame
EmC and now we need to save what's left,
D can you hear me call your name
GDG Hold my hand, we're stepping over the edge
GDG Hold my hand, we're stepping over the edge
GCD Hold my hand (repeat)
EmD Filled with suspicion
CGAm now you think they're coming for you
EmC gonna take your rifle, take your job,
D then they'll come for your children too
GEm how did you get so frightened
AmD who told you your life was so bad
EmC and why did you believe them
D now you're gonna lose everything you have
GDG chorus
GCD (4)
GD (2)
Em D I don't want to shock you,
C GAm you should know what's coming along
EmC This is not TV, it's easy to see,
D it's gonna come out wrong
GEm The guy in charge says trust me,
AmD he hasn't got a clue
EmC But if you and I stand back to back,
D we just might see it through
GDG chorus
GCD (4) G.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Over the Edge
File:Over the Edge2.SGU
Key=Em , Tempo 120, Length (m:s)=5:50
8 bar intro, 164 bar chorus, from bar 9 to bar 172. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _FOLKRKG.STY (Folk-Pop 12String w/ Electric Gu)
RealTracks in style: ~~684:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~~589:Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Rhythm)
RealTracks in style: ~896:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock Ev 100
RealTracks in style: 798:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyClean Ev 090 (A:quarters)
RealTracks in song: 1755:Mandolin, Rhythm Pop8ths Ev 110
RealTracks in song: ~1030:Guitar, 12-String Electric, Fingerpicking Ev 120
RealDrums in Song: RockSouthernEv^1-a:Snare, Open HiHat , b:Snare, Ride