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Das sind die Änderungen für 2016.0.0.158 (seit 2016.0.0.157):
Fixed: The main window's zoom button was not behaving properly.
Fixed: Double-clicking on the main window's title bar was not triggering a proper resize.
Fixed: If pasting multiple lines of text into a layer, the last line would be skipped.
Fixed: Keyboard input stops working when opening the Plugins window.
Fixed: Cut/Copy/Paste was not working by hot-keys in editable text layers.
Fixed: Cut/Copy/Paste was not working by hot-keys in note-based lyric editing.
Fixed: Choosing to open previous or next song would not ask to save the current song when necessary.
Fixed: The Control-/= hot keys for setting relative tempo did not work during playback.
Fixed: When choosing to exclude plugins, the first item in the list would be missing from the plugin_list_Exclude.txt file.
Fixed: The Copy From... To... dialog was not updating the bar numbers according to the selected region on the chord sheet.
Fixed: Previewing a chord on the chord sheet (shift+return) was not entering the chord first, so the last chord was previewed instead.
Fixed: Some hot keys were not working if in the notation window (eg. command+3 to mute bass, control+T to change screen mode, etc.).
Fixed: When opening an XML file, the current song would be erased if the user clicked Cancel in the file open dialog.

E. Leobacher
Band-in-a-Box German Forum Moderator and Translator