75. When I generate repeats/codas/1st-2nd endings, why do the repeated bars have the wrong chords in them, or no chords at all?
First of all, you should understand that you can either view your song in "Fake sheet" mode or "Linear mode". This setting is found on the main Band-in-a-Box® screen underneath the song title window. If 'FakeSh' is checked (fake sheet mode), Band-in-a-Box® will visually hide all of the repeated bars. This makes your song more compact, and more pleasant to read and print out. If 'FakeSh' is unchecked (linear mode), Band-in-a-Box® will show every bar in your song in linear form, including all repeated bars. In other words, if you play your song while looking at it in linear mode, the cursor will move from top to bottom without jumping around at all. The bars that would be hidden in fake sheet mode are shown in light grey in linear mode.
When you use the 'Repeats\codas\1st-2nd endings' command, you need to tell Band-in-a-Box® if you want it to generate new bars for the repeat, or if you want it to use bars that are already in your song. In the 'Edit Repeats and Endings' dialog, if "generate (insert) new bars" is checked, Band-in-a-Box® will create as many new bars as are needed for the repeat, and will automatically insert the chords in those bars for you. If "generate (insert) new bars" is unchecked, Band-in-a-Box® won't create any new bars; it will use the bars in your song immediately following the section that you have told it to repeat.
For example, say you typed in the chords C - F - G - C in bars 1 through 4, and you want to tell Band-in-a-Box® to repeat this section so that it plays twice. You could do one of the following:
First Method
- Go to Edit | Repeats/codas/1st-2nd endings.
- Enter the following data...
-Repeat begins at bar: 1
-# bars in single repeat: 4
-Repeat: 2 X
- Put a checkmark beside "Generate (insert) new bars".
- Press [OK-Make Repeat].
If you view your song in linear mode, you will see that Band-in-a-Box® has generated four bars for you (bars 5 to 8) with the chords C - F - G - C.
Second Method
- Before making the repeat, type the chords C - F - G - C in bars 5 through 8.
- Go to Edit | Repeats/codas/1st-2nd endings.
- Enter the following data...
-Repeat begins at bar: 1
-# bars in single repeat: 4
-Repeat: 2 X
- Make sure there is no checkmark beside "Generate (insert) new bars".
- Press [OK-Make Repeat].
The final result is the same as the first method, but this time no new bars were created.
Notice that if you were to use the first method, but you left "Generate (insert) new bars" unchecked, bars 5-8 would be empty (no chord symbols). You would see this if you viewed your song in linear mode.
Note: Both the first or second method will work well for Repeats and 1st/2nd endings. for 1st/2nd/3rd endings, 1st/2nd/3rd/4th endings, and D.s/D.C al coda/fine, the second method should be used - in other words, type out your whole song in linear form first.
There is information about Band-in-a-Box® song structure in this FAQ topic, and there is a complete tutorial on entering repeats here.