110. How do I get a simple metronome or click track in Band-in-a-Box®?

Go to Opt. | Preferences | Count-in/Met. to open the 'Count-in and Metronome Options' dialog. The three settings for the audible metronome are 'None', 'During Record', or 'During Record and Play'. The option for a metronome during playback (Record and Play) is useful if the drums are muted, or for students learning to count beats. If you want to record melodies without any accompaniment, you can use one of the blank styles: BLANK.STY (even 4/4), BLANK34.STY (even 3/4), BLANKSW.STY (swing 4/4), or BLANK3SW.STY (swing 3/4).

Alternatively, download this "click-track" style. This style has a rim shot on each beat with beat one accented, and no guitar, bass, strings, or piano. You should place this style in your bb folder, and it can be accessed by pressing F9 (Load User Style).

Alyssa - PG Music