37. How do I control my MIDI sounds using the Tracks Window?

There are 6 things in RealBand that determine what MIDI sound you hear. These are all found in the Tracks Window. On the left hand side of each track is the Track number. Right-click on the MIDI icon beside the track number field to set the track parameters.

  1. Channel - This is where you assign 1 of 16 MIDI channels. Each track should have a unique channel number.
  2. Port - If you have more than one port, you can select it here. You use this if you are sending different tracks to different MIDI synths.
  3. Program - This is where you choose the program\patch number\Instrument. You can also use the Patch Select dialog.
  4. Bank - If your synth has patches on higher banks, you use this to access them. This is also called MSB or Controller 0. If you have a patch map for your synth, you can also use the Patch Select dialog to choose patches on higher banks.
  5. LSB - Some synths also need this number to access higher bank info. This is also called BankLSB or Controller 32.

Last edited by Alyssa - PG Music; 09/11/18 07:10 AM.

Alyssa - PG Music