56. How do I copy a section of one song file into a second song?

If you want to copy part of a MIDI track from one song to another, you could simply use Edit | Copy and Paste:

  1. In the source file, select the part of the track that you want to copy. You can highlight the part using the Bars Window, or use the commands under the Block menu.
  2. Select Edit | Copy and choose what you want to copy in the dialog that pops up.
  3. Open the destination file, and position your cursor where you want the paste to begin.
  4. Select Edit | Paste. Use Edit | 1-Track Paste if you need to select your destination track.

To copy part of an audio track from one song to another, use the 'Save/Load Scrap' commands. You can also use this for MIDI tracks.

  1. In the source file, select the part of the track that you want to copy. You can highlight the part using the Bars Window, or use the commands under the Block menu.
  2. Select Edit | Copy. This loads the selected area into the scrap buffer.
  3. Select File | Save Scrap, and type in the file name of your choice.
  4. Open the destination song file, and select File | Load Scrap. Choose the file that you saved. This loads it into the scrap buffer.
  5. Position your cursor where you want the paste to begin and select Edit | Paste, or 1-Track Paste if you need to choose the desination track. Note: PowerTracks Pro Audio 9 and higher use 1-Track Paste automatically, so you would only need to select 1-Track Paste specifically if you wanted all of the data to be pasted into a single track.

Alyssa - PG Music