An update is available for Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019

Download the Band-in-a-Box 2019 Build 611 update (280 MB)

This is a cumulative update patch, which works from any 2019 build. It includes a DAW VST Plugin update to 1.9.19.

Summary of changes for build 611 (Jan 7, 2019)

  • Added: The CoyoteWT DXi synthesizer is now available for 64 bit. This will be used as the default synth in Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: The VSTSynthFont64 could not save an arrangement file (always returned error message "Invalid arrangement file name:").
  • Fixed: The Band-in-a-Box icon was not displayed in the title bar or task bar.
  • Fixed: VST plugins would not load if using jBridge.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.9.19 fixes:

  • Fixed: Problem generating RealDrums
  • Added: Delete key will delete highlighted area in chord sheet.
  • Updated: Windows tools for UI scaling on hi-res monitors.
  • Changed: Tip for valid folders now appears only if Preference dialog is open
  • Changed: Typing "," in chord sheet now shows it in generic font
  • Fixed: Problem with BBW pickers not opening on first click
  • Fixed: Shot, Hold, Rest not loading properly from saved song
  • Fixed: Shot, Hold, Rest not working properly after "/"
  • Added: Attempting to generate an empty track table from options menu will call the corresponding BBW picker
  • Added: Second entry to Generate Menu for generating Multi-Riffs of a selected region
  • Added: Option in the Preferences dialog to set the folder for Saved Tracks. *Note that the folder itself must be called "SavedTracks" (ie: C:\bb\BBPlugin\SavedTracks\)
  • Added: Option in the Preferences dialog to turn on bar highlighting during playback from the DAW. By default, this setting is turned off.
  • Added: 32-Bit versions of the Standalone and VST2 plugins.

Summary of changes for build 610 (Dec 28, 2018)

  • Fixed: Some VST plugins were silent (eg. SampleTank 3).
  • Fixed: Some ASIO drivers might not work. Note that the bug can cause the driver to remain open after using Band-in-a-Box, so this bug fix might require you to restart your computer.
  • Fixed: The drop station would not allow M4A export (highlights red) if QuickTime is not installed. This should only be necessary for Windows Vista or XP.
  • Fixed: The Find File dialog was not displaying folders, and not loading the song chosen.
  • Fixed: If there is a RealTrack on the Drums track, Band-in-a-Box might crash when rendering a region of bars.
  • Fixed: Opening a song file from Windows Explorer would not work if Band-in-a-Box was already open.
  • Fixed: (for the VST DAW Plugin) Generating multi-riffs would sometimes generate an error. (tips: make sure to first select a multi-riff before generating. Also, highlight a region of the chordsheet first to generate just that section as a multi-riff)
  • Added: (for the VST DAW Plugin) Shots, holds, rests, push chords now read in from BB files.

Summary of changes for build 609 (Dec 24, 2018)

  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might fail to connect to some VST plugins (eg. SampleTank 2), if not running as administrator.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might fail to connect to some ASIO drivers if not running as administrator.
  • Fixed: Multi-channel VST plugins (eg. SampleTank) would only output on channels 1&2.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.8.14 fixes:

  • Added: Icon for the Standalone plugin.
  • Changed: Disabled input channels for the Standalone plugin.
  • Added: Options menu for the Standalone plugin.
  • Changed: Valid folder warning is now a tip.
  • Fixed: Problem selecting special tracks in v1.7.11.
  • Removed: Space bar controlling playback in the plugin.
  • Changed: Tool tips now appear in status message area.

Summary of changes for build 608 (Dec 21, 2018)

  • Fixed: Soloing a track will cause lots of distortion on some computers (only applies to the 64 bit version). Also, the count-in will be played in the wrong tempo, sound distorted, and cause Band-in-a-Box to be visually out of sync.
  • Fixed: File > Open/Save might not do anything if version 2019 was installed over a previous version of Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: Recording audio more than once in a song would fail with various errors such as "File not found".
  • Fixed: Audio output would be silent in the 64 bit version, if using ASIO with a sample rate other than 44.1 kHz.
  • Fixed: Right-clicking on a track radio might cause an access violation.
  • Added: Drum notation can be saved to MusicXML. Band-in-a-Box or RealBand MusicXML files can be loaded to drum notation.
  • Fixed: If drum notation contained micro-pegs, then the drum names would not display in the key signature for NON-editable mode.
  • Fixed: Song Picker Rebuild might stop on corrupted file with 0 byte size.
  • Fixed: Xtra Set Numbers were wrong on systems set to date formats using hyphens instead of slashes.

Summary of changes for build 607 (Dec 18, 2018)

  • Fixed: Track menu > Track Actions > Save track as WAV file... would choose "W" as the file extension.
  • Fixed: Audio import to middle of song would fail with "File Not Found" error.
  • Fixed: Importing or opening audio files (MP3, WMA, M4A) might fail in the 64 bit version.
  • Updated/Added: Dozens of new RealStyles and demos added. Various RealTracks and style fixes and improvements.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin update to 1.7.11 is included:

  • Fixed: Issue with AAX version not being recognized in Pro Tools.
  • Fixed: Plugin may not be found due to a system file missing on some computers.
  • Added: VST3 version of the Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin, installed to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3. Recommended for most DAWs, unless they only support VST2.
  • Added: Stand-alone version of the DAW Plugin. This is installed to bb\BBPlugins\Files\. This exe is useful if a DAW doesn't support drag and drop, for troubleshooting, and for people who want a very simple Band-in-a-Box program just with Chordsheet and file generation, with drag and drop to Explorer.
  • Added: FX versions of the VST2 and VST3 Plugins for programs that don't recognize VST instruments, such as Audition. Installed to bb\BBPlugins\Files\. If you need these files, copy them from here to your VST folder.
  • Added: Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin Folder Locations and Settings are saved between sessions. Settings are saved in C:\users\public\ticket]
  • Improved: Check for bb installs is more thorough, on external drives (UltraPAK, etc.)
  • Fixed: Better handling for manually inputting folder paths in Preferences.
  • Fixed: Some chords cannot be entered with shot, hold or rests.
  • Fixed: Bar Highlighting during plugin playback.
  • Fixed: Problem with resizing on startup.

Summary of changes for build 606 (Dec 13, 2018)

  • Fixed: There might be problems with some ASIO audio devices (eg. no sound, distortion, or crashes).
  • Fixed: Invalid VST plugin error message should not say 64 bit plugins cannot be used with 64 bit version.

Summary of changes for build 605 (Dec 10, 2018)

  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might not exit completely if using ASIO drivers. It may appear to be closed, but an instance of bbw.exe or bbw64.exe will still be active in the Task Manager.
  • Fixed: In the Notation Window Options dialog, the up/down buttons for Clef split did not work.
  • Updated: PDF and help file documentation updated.

Summary of changes for Build 604 (Dec 4 2018):

  • Fixed: Audio > Plugins menu items were not working. The plugin would run, but the effect was not applied to the audio track.
  • Fixed: Audio > Plugins menu items were not preserving meta data in user's audio track (.wav file).
  • Fixed: Launching the manual would open an older manual if it was present in the bb\Documentation folder.
  • Fixed: Pressing space bar in the notation window should not start playback if entering lyrics or section text.
  • Fixed: Choosing a Hi-Q patch did not load the Sforzando plugin (64 bit version only).
  • Fixed: The Lyric Document Window was not loading song text properly.
  • Fixed: Direct drag and drop to another application was not working.
  • Fixed: "Normalize Mix" had no effect when rendering (64 bit version only).
  • Fixed: Online RT and RD auditioning was not working.
  • Updated: Content updates: RealStyles updates, new Styles/Demos, Shots/Holds additions, misc. RT fixes.
  • Updated: Documentation.

Summary of changes for Build 603 (Dec 3 2018):

  • Fixed: Sometimes stopping playback would erase chord in the bar where playback started.
  • Added: Space bar should start from the current position in the notation window.
  • Fixed: The New Features menu items were directing to the wrong webpages.
  • Fixed: The filter wasn't working in StylePicker for the show 2019 styles in when accessed from the Category menu.
  • Fixed: The StyleMaker feature to add memos, examples was incorrectly adding carriage returns sometimes.
  • Fixed: Titles window filters for chord density and number of chords weren't working.
  • Fixed: Pressing backslash in notation to enter section text caused garbage UTF-8 character to appear.
  • Fixed: Higher fret numbers showed up as garbage.
  • Fixed: Loading in an XML file resulted in DTD prohibited error.
  • Updated: PDF documentation and help files.

Summary of changes for Build 602 (Dec 1 2018):
  • Fixed: Possible range check error at bootup.
  • Fixed: StylePicker would not clear the need to rebuild the styles list.

PG Music Inc.