Most of the styles from Bonus 2018 and BonusPak 2018 will not be loaded into the song when I select them in the stylepicker,
e.g. _surge, _peppy, _thick, _rouse, _carousl, _appels, _2lives
nearly all were not loaded.
It seems that the style _angels is the only one which will be loaded,
with the styles from the realtrack packages I have no problems they all will be loaded.

I selected the style _caxias in the stylepicker and the style was loaded.
Then I selected the style _surge in the stylepicker and pressed OK, but it wasn't loaded, nothing happens, no error message, nothing at all, the style _caxia is still shown and was not replaced by the style _surge.

Why is that the case?
Is there a difference between these styles or the packages or is it just a bug?