We're excited to say that all Band-in-a-Box® 2019 64-bit for Mac UltraPAK and UltraPAK+ orders ship on a USB 3.0 hard drive!

What does this mean? Faster hard drive transfer rates will enhance the program operations (faster time to generate tracks, reduced audio artifacts) and offer faster transfer speeds (typically up to 3x faster)!

Order your Hard Drive Upgrade during our special (ends Oct 31st!) and SAVE!

Band-in-a-Box® UltraPAK $469
Upgrade from Version 2018: $279 $149
Upgrade from Version 2017 or earlier or crossgrade: $299 $169

Band-in-a-Box® UltraPAK+ $569
Upgrade from Version 2018: $379 $179
Upgrade from Version 2017 or earlier or crossgrade: $399 $199

Note: The difference between the UltraPAK and the UltraPAK+ is that the Songs & Lessons PAK is included in the UltraPAK+ package.

Last edited by Callie - PG Music; 10/23/19 06:58 AM. Reason: Special Extended!

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PG Music Inc.