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Hi everyone, Here is a song about what can happen in a relation, when we change. That's also the link to the song on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-296497130/when-we-change No, this wasn't an event that happened to me (lately), but I liked to make an acoustic ballad that you can play with friends around a campfire. Looks great, I think... It was a song made in 2017, but I stripped it all, sang it again and did something with the arrangements of the instruments. The style is Cocoa, the key C and tempo 125 Bas: 2478 Acoustic Guitar 1: 522, ac. fingerpick Guitar 2: 2933, ac. fp guitar 3: 2719, Nylon, fp A shaker instead of drums Synth: 1267 The lyrics: When we change (c) HWBerkhout 2017 / 2019 How ended that sweet night, when everything looked alright? It's so unreal, nothing more we now feel I saw you changing the way you do I never realized I changed too It surely wasn't me Who dared to see But what did you feel, when tears became real: Chorus I don't wanna know this, I cannot hear I don't listen to what I fear I don't wanna hear this, It's hurting me All is history But if you wanna change, why not talk to me? You only manned your guns Did you even care, am I on your mind? It's always you who runs So ended that sweet night, when everything seemed alright It feels so unfair nothing more we now share You could not change me the way you need I could not feel our hearts only bleed Chorus Bridge Oh, I know the tone when you say something twice Now it makes me fear we had thrown our dice Chorus, soft: But, I hadn't noticed, you did not tell What broke our spell I have never heard it, you would not say you never wished to stay Refrein: harmony but I don't wanna know that It's all a lie You never told me why I'm sure you gonna tell friends, cry it out loud You always had your doubts And I don't wanna hear that, but now see You never belonged to me... I hope you can appreciate it, Hans
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Nice song Hans. I can see this being played at a campfire with a couple of acoustic guitars.
I liked the story that your lyrics tell as well.
You picked a really nice synth sound but it appeared to be a little heavy to the right side. Pan a little bit more left and it may sound better.
Good work overall, keep it up, thanks for sharing this!
 Steve BIAB/RB 2022, Pro Tools 2020, Korg N5, JBL LSR 4328 Powered Monitors, AKG/Shure Mics. PC: Win11 PRO, 4 TB M2 SSD, 2 TB HD, 128 GB Memory
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Excellent choice of style, Hans. This works really well.
The guitar fills work just perfectly.
Really well done.
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Excellent and somewhat different from you.
The mellow side.
We like the write, the vocal, the arrangement...everything.
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Good story performed well, enjoyable folky arrangement. Nice chording like combined from styles of different cultures. Interesting melody surprises even after several listenings. I feel it would be rhythmically challenging to sing this at a campfire, but I guess that's not a problem for a talented artist like you  Janne
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Poignant lyrics. Well written. I hadn't heard the Cocoa style before. It works nicely with the mood of your song.
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This song definitely has a sadder tone to it, but sometimes change is for the best.
Thanks for sharing!
Cheers, Ember
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Nice one. The smack is a little loud in places. There's a very different reverb or room sound on the vocal compared to the backing - no biggy. Is the vocal a little left leaning - that's my bad ear and it seems to be, a bit, over there- or is it me?
Cheers rayc "What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe
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Hello Steve, VideoTrack, Janice and bud, Janne, Ezekiel, Ember and Ray, Thanks for all your comments on the song. I appreciate that a lot, as you know. Steve, when you mentioned the panning of the synth, I Immediately changed it. You were right about that. At first I had it panned in the middle, later changed it more to the right and than you came telling me it had to be more to the middle. So, I listened to you!  VideoTrack, thanks for your nice compliments. I haven't found out your real name yet, but one day I get it! Janice and Bud, thanks for all you wrote. Indeed, this song is a bit different from what you have heard earlier from me. Sometimes I like doing something different, I was thinking to sing a balad only with one guitar, but that was a bridge too far even for me. But you know? I also made a waltz with tempochanges in it (didn't dare bringing that one to the BB-forum though...) Janne, if you skip the synth and the shaker and you have friends that can play well, and you have rehearsed the song at least 20 times, and you have drank some more booze, it won't be that difficult playing it near a campfire, if the listeners also drank a little. But indeed, I doubt if it still sounds the same as the original. Even with talented people  Ezekiel, when I found that Cocoa-style I hesitated for a while. Immediately I had those images of cocoaleaves (to chew on) or other drugs-related things. So i wanted to skip it. But then I heard the nice rythm and acoustic instruments in it. that helped me finding this melody. And Ember, I agree. Change is probably very good for us, although it takes time to get used to that. In the mean time you feel sad, because you think you lost something/one. That is how these songs arise, I think. and thanks for your judging. Ray, I didn't do anyuthing with that smack. It's the one one the guitar slamming it all the time! I only included a shaker, but that wasn't smacking at all. and I'm amazed how good you can hear things, like the different reverbs. You told me you have tinitus, but that isn't bothering you at all! You are right about the reverbs. I tried it, because one reverb (a Tsar) was nicer for the vocals than the other reverb (forgot the name of that one). Was it distracting? But thanks for your findings, and compliments. Hans
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Very nice, Hans, I like the vocal melody. And I've said it before, I'm a fan of your vocals.
Good song, enjoyed!
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A good write. A lot of emotion, conveyed well.
Sung well.
A nice arrangement. (the nylon guitar solos seem just a little louder than they need to be - a small thing).
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Hi Hans,
you keep surprising me... A soft and sad ballad wasnÄt exactly what I had expected as your next song....
But it's an amazingly good tune, great lyrics (though they're not lifting me up on this dull morning), an extremely good choice of style and sung very soulflully sung. Sounds very good to me, too.
So all in all: brilliant!
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Wow - this one really packs a punch. The lyrics are incredible, and it matches with the gentle delivery it makes for an outstanding listen. Definitely has some sad undertones, but that isn't a bad thing in my books. As Stefan said above me - there is some real genuine soul behind this one that shines right away. You should be really proud of this one. Thanks for sharing 
Cheers, Deryk
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Very nice writing... I really liked that line... "I don't wanna know this, I cannot hear I don't listen to what I fear" Pretty cool... And your vocals were outstanding on this tune... I really liked the way you vocally delvered the "soft chorus"... Good job as usual!
Jim †=☮&♥
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Like the opening, and the guitar play. Production wise, the “slap” (I think it’s the “shaker” percussion but it sounds a little like an acoustic “slap” style guitar track maybe?), seems just a tad harsh to me (though less so one the vocal kicks in). Perhaps dial that down a little? (Note--I just saw above that Ray made the same comment--not sure based on your response if you have the ability to soften the "slap" without diminished the guitar too much).
Sweet vocal that fits the mood of the song really well. And like the us eof the synth to give a little body and lift to the music in spots. Agree with Floyd that the nylon guitar solo—which is lovely—could come down just a bit. All in all, though, really nice song. Good stuff!
All the best,
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Hello Dave, Floyd, Stefan, Deryk, Jim and Deej,
At first, thanks for your listening, commenting and compliments. I was touched. Dave, I never thought you would become a fan of my voice. Even I have to get used to it (sometimes). So thanks for supporting my self-confidence ;-)
Floyd, you too thanks for what you wrote. And I listened to your remarks about that nylonstrings guitar. I thought by giving it 'an extra mike' it's sound comes more nice upfront. But that wasn't a good idea to you. I changed that now. thanks!
Stefan, you better not make such nice compliments. One day I might believe them and become arrogant. But thanks a lot!
Deryk, I much appreciate your compliments, especially about that genuine soul. That caresses me (is that the right term?). But, read what I wrote Stefan... ;-)
Jim, when writing it I was wondering if that line was proper English. And you picked it to tell me that was pretty cool. Thanks for that and of course your other remarks. Makes me feel much better than the person in the song...
Deej, thanks for listening so carefully. Like Ray you are right about that smack. But it was in that guitar realtrack (2933). I fired the player and hired his neighbour (RT 2932). I also took the extra mike from the nylonstrings to make it more 'natural'. Hope you like to read I really listen to advise!
Have a nice day, Hans
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Hans, nice work! I'm a sucker for a good sad song and this one hits the "Marc".  The production is excellent and I like the minimalist use of the shaker vs. drums. Bravo.
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That is some lovely work Hans! Great job on the vocals! Melodically and lyrically rich with a great backtrack! Thanks, Torrey
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Your lyrics were great but your vocal added so much to them that you took it over the top for me. It really sounds like you had some resent history that prompted this even though you said you didn't. That shows how much emotion you put into this.
Great song!
I went line dancing last night. Well it was a roadside sobriety test, same thing.
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Nicely done song about a painful subject!! Happens to us all at times. Well written, produced, and sung Hans!! Take care. Greg
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