This is a script made by request in the Reaper forum.
Watch Video:
Updated: Change: on next number of Bars or Beats.

If you are using ReaTrak, Download> ReaTrak goto region player GUI.lua.mp4
remove .mp4 and put it in the Scripts\ReaTrak folder then load it in the Action window.

If you are NOT using ReaTrak, Download> Goto region player GUI.lua.mp4
remove .mp4 and Load the script into Reaper
and here you will need to install Lokasenna GUI or via ReaPack
then load and run Library/Set Lokasenna_GUI v2 library path.lua

You can save to midi file also to get the part markers Options "Include Part Marker text markers" that can be converted to Region in Reaper "SWS: Convert markers to regions" then simply name and color regions with Region: SetName.
It will enable sooth seek to play seamlessly from region to region (song section to song section).
Mode: will change at next beat, or after X Bar/s (set in Bars: drop down)
Region: will "GoTo" that region when in play mode, or it will name and color the region "SetName".
Shift+R to insert a region in time selection.

You can modify it how you like, by renaming or adding buttons, just click Edit in Action window then ctrl+s to save n run.
This is GUI size 400x480
Code: = "GoTo Region Player"
GUI.x, GUI.y, GUI.w, GUI.h = 0, 0, 400, 480
GUI.anchor, GUI.corner = "mouse", "C"

This is a button
GUI.New("btn_verse_1a",     "Button",          1, 34, 110, 74, 24, "Verse 1A", btn_verse_1a)
GUI.elms.btn_verse_1a.col_txt = "white"
GUI.elms.btn_verse_1a.col_fill = "verse"

1 is the tab, 34 pos in, 70 pos down, length, height, "name"
the color names are at the top of the script
text or button color
GUI.colors["btn_txt1"] = {255, 255, 255, 255} --white
GUI.colors["intro"] = {159, 22, 232, 255}
region color:
intro_color = 31987359

"Intro", btn_intro_a) is the function >
function btn_intro_a()
  if region_opt == "SetName" then
    set_name = "Intro A"
  if region_opt == "GoTo" then
    reg_name = "Intro A"

If you can't work it out and want any mods let me know.

You can use Ripple Editing mode in Reaper when you find the right arrangement, you can have different styles going from one style section to a different style section, different solo sections....
See Kenny Ripple Editing:

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
ReaTrak goto region player GUI.lua.mp4 (30.09 KB, 28 downloads)
Goto region player GUI.lua.mp4 (30.09 KB, 27 downloads)
Last edited by Pipeline; 10/11/20 11:26 PM.