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#643790 02/24/21 08:31 AM
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Everything Fades In The End

I haven't posted any new songs for a quite some time, because I've been stuck with this song. Originally I wrote the chorus already over two years ago. The lyrics of the chorus were partly based on words of a terminal care worker about dying. But I had only some vague ideas for the verses and because I felt the chorus was one of the best things I have written, I couldn't touch it until I have something equally good... but nothing happened.. Then at the start of this year I decided to finish it by force, just to get back to songwriting and then go on with other songs. But it wasn't that easy, lyrics just didn't pour out. Maybe my brain is just too old or I'm trying too much to reach perfection by overthinking each word for many days...

I was hoping to write verses with simple chord progression and simple lyrics, but I just couldn't, not my style wink Finally I got finished something I was partly satisfied. Ideas are still not very clear, but at least I have a half-finished song I can work on later if the true inspiration finally strikes. But I can promise that the next song will be a lighter one smile

I used the style _FLYHIGH.STY (Fly High Ethereal Country Ballad) as the basis of the arrangement, it sounds really great, great combination of instruments and fits the mood of my vision perfectly. I added several other instruments, especially the solo guitarist is another fantastic RT.

RealDrums:NashvilleEven16^2-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat
366:Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065
1602:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 065
3159:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsBrentFX Ev16 060
3344:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HazyBallad ev16 070

Additional RTs:
3196:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopBalladBrent Ev 065
2953: Strings, Rhythm JazzBalladPads Sw060 (Held)
3064: Vocal Oohs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085
2540: Pedal Steel, Background ModernCountryDream 16ths

Vocals by me

Mixed in Cakewalk by BandLab


A flower beautiful
shadows others at its base
they all reach for the light
time of noble right
to feel precious for a day
in the shimmering of grace.
The fragile stem of hope
can't stand the weight of gloom
many numb the ache and
many let it break
everyone gets pruned
the most exposed are those who bloom.

Everything fades in the end
peacefully withers
finally to ease from all
the worldly torment
it's a solemn moment
when the total silence falls.

Noisy shivery
is the first dawn of the cry
few are bubbly birds
most are hardly heard
accept the role of lullabies
the final feeble sigh.
The fetters of the flesh
won't give a cheerful choice
escapist's serenade
shake shackles in the shade
any jingle with some joy
has the reaper's vintage voice.

Everything fades...

The light of the lantern doesn't glow
no ashes in the blow
no sorrow in the snow
just infinity is present
the absence has no end
passed the school of life
promoted to relent.

Everything fades...

Suffering shapes a hardy shriveled plant
prepares to face the time engulfing barren stream of sand
rewards the struggle with a void to strand.

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Nice minor-tinged verse, really nice harmony on the chorus. The arrangement works well, including the guitar solo at the end. Nice match between the lyrics and the melody.

Good write as well! I'm glad you got it to a point where you can release it - it's a good song. As you said, now it's just a matter of refinement. Or you can just leave it "As Is" and move on. wink

Small nit: There's a voice at 4:23 that's probably not supposed to be there.

You said you'd written the chorus two years. This reminds me very much of a lyric I'd written 20 years ago that I could never work out in a way I was happy with. Maybe - like you - I can revisit it and come up with something that works!

Good work! laugh

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Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
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Hi Janne,

I'm glad you are back in the forum with your new song. A very nice and -in a way- reflective song.

"just infinity is present
the absence has no end"

So nicely said, but also a bit desperate...
I'd rather think we're the ones that fade away, but hopefully we'll leave something tangible behind (?)
But I agree that the chorus is the strongest part in your song, not for the lyrics, but for the melody and performance.
Very good!
Your struggle with this song was (a tiny bit) comparable with my lyrics about 'Emily', although it took me a much shorter time to complete the song.


Hans Berkhout
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Janne glad to hear from you. This is an excellent song. Super vocal loved the chord progressions. Well done..

Scott Collingwood
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It's always fun to hear about what goes into a new song. The writing on this one was very poetic and had rich imagery. Thanks for sharing!

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Good to see you with a new song, Janne!

Good writing and I loved the changes and groove.


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Originally Posted By: dcuny
Nice minor-tinged verse, really nice harmony on the chorus. The arrangement works well, including the guitar solo at the end. Nice match between the lyrics and the melody.

Good write as well! I'm glad you got it to a point where you can release it - it's a good song. As you said, now it's just a matter of refinement. Or you can just leave it "As Is" and move on. wink

Small nit: There's a voice at 4:23 that's probably not supposed to be there.

You said you'd written the chorus two years. This reminds me very much of a lyric I'd written 20 years ago that I could never work out in a way I was happy with. Maybe - like you - I can revisit it and come up with something that works!

Good work! laugh

Thanks Dave for your generous feedback smile I'm glad to hear that the elements of the song worked for you and that I can move on laugh

I couldn't find the voice you mentioned, maybe it is too high for my hearing. Or probably it is just my bad accent.

I recommend you to try to work with the 20 year old lyric, couple of intensive days of thinking may wake up your inspiration. If not, then you can forget it for another 20 years smile Well, in my case the problem was that I couldn't connect with the feeling I had two years ago (also my original vision was mixed with the words of another person affected the lost feeling).


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Vaer hilset Janne
I very much enjoyed listening to your song.
I would agree with your self assessment of overthinking the verse. IMO it needs less words and less melody which would provide the Ying and Yang to make that wonderful chorus really stand out. To quote Enzo Ferrari "you pay for the engine, the rest you get for free". Of course Enzo was talking cars but even such music giants as John Lennon followed this philosophy. Methinks that I am not suggesting anything that you don't know already.
Med venlig hilsen.

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Interesting and creative lyrics, all wrapped in a haunting melody.

Well done.

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Good to hear from you!
I see what you said about choruses. They are indeed special.
Perhaps you overthinked verses a little? I mean, do not get me wrong. Personally I think your lyrics are one of your best.
Especially things like:

"escapist's serenade
shake shackles in the shade"

"everyone gets pruned
the most exposed are those who bloom."

Only once I had a tune that I could not finish for a year+. I tried many variants of lyrics and style approaches. I finally forced finished it, so I think I know in part how you feel now:)
Leave options open, perhaps one day it will come to you in different form and you decide to re-do it. Still, solid music composition and vocals. Thank you for sharing.


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Oh, you are so right, Janne. That chorus is terrific. You did a great job matching it to fine verses. The lyrics are quite special. So well done. Sometimes when things cook this long, they don't taste as well, but you managed to bring out the best flavor.

Enjoy whatever happens!

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Originally Posted By: Birchwood
Hi Janne,

I'm glad you are back in the forum with your new song. A very nice and -in a way- reflective song.

"just infinity is present
the absence has no end"

So nicely said, but also a bit desperate...
I'd rather think we're the ones that fade away, but hopefully we'll leave something tangible behind (?)
But I agree that the chorus is the strongest part in your song, not for the lyrics, but for the melody and performance.
Very good!
Your struggle with this song was (a tiny bit) comparable with my lyrics about 'Emily', although it took me a much shorter time to complete the song.


Thanks Hans for your kind words smile And thanks for quoting that part, it contains the cruelest emotion of the song - I think most of us have had that feeling many times - that you'll (or someone dear) be non-existing to the end of time and beyond. It may not be true, but as a feeling it is desperate, as you said.

I tried to avoid mentioning that we (animals or living things) leave something behind, because that is also something that is going to fade away, in the end.

Life is a struggle, but struggling with our songs is more like a challenge and usually quite rewarding when finally finished.


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Terrific melody and arrangement Jann,
Well done grappling with such a sensitive topic.

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A thoughtful, dark-tinged write I can relate to.Even in places where there`s some tension and complication in the verse prosody they give pause to consider- as the subject deserves!
The chorus is,as others have said, strongly melodic and memorable.
Your songs always have a sophistication that identifies the "jannesan"style; very enjoyable and interesting music.


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Janne, I would not change a thing. I like it as is. Nice vocal, chord progression, instrumentation, and mix.

This is really a good song.

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It's a very elaborate song.
The chord progression is great.
The melodies after the B part are especially wonderful.
I think your characteristics are very clear in this tune.
It can only be said that it is a great work you drew with tremendous efforts.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi

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“Everything fades in the end
peacefully withers
finally to ease from all
the worldly torment
it's a solemn moment
when the total silence falls.”

You have, indeed, written a beautiful chorus and we can both relate to that “solemn moment” with regard to our loved ones’ passing. I (Janice) thought of the moody feel of Steely Dan and agree with you that the RT’s fit the lyric and melody perfectly. Bud also has had some of those lyric ideas that just couldn’t seem to find their way to a completed song.

"the fragile stem of hope
can't stand the weight of gloom
many numb the ache and
many let it break
everyone gets pruned
the most exposed are those who bloom."

This also is a standout for us. You are a poet, Janne.

We're glad you finished this!


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Hi Janne
A poignant write with some highly poetic lines and yes, the chorus is lovely. Well done. I can certainly relate to the struggle to complete a lyric when inspiration just won't come. That can be very frustrating. It's good that you persevered with this one.

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You've done an wonderful job and indeed the chorus is exceptional.

Nice production and overall sound, melodic and engaging. Superb instrumental choices especially the guitars.



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Originally Posted By: Scott C
Janne glad to hear from you. This is an excellent song. Super vocal loved the chord progressions. Well done..

Thanks Scott, nice to be back, I appreciate your kind comment smile


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