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Foro para el usuario de Band-in-a-Box en Español
Joined: Mar 2021
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar 2021
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Hola, tengo el BIAB 2019 y en muchos realtracks, en la stylepicker me aparecen muchos instrumentos con N/A, sólo estan todas las Realdrums.
Me podríais ayudar para saber que he hecho mal?
Foro para el usuario de Band-in-a-Box en Español
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,055
Productor Musical
Productor Musical
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,055 |
Hola jadsera, bienvenido al foro. ¿podrías por favor indicarnos cual pack posees de Band-in-a-Box 2019? por ejemplo: PRO, PLUS PACK, AUDIOPHILE entre otros. En todo caso y en primer lugar puedes tomar en cuenta las siguientes recomendaciones: Configurar ubicación de los RealTracks y RealDrums.En el caso de que Band-in-a-Box no reconozca todos los RealTRacks, Real Drums y demás componentes y añadidos, deberá indicarle al programa en que disco duro están ubicadas las carpetas de dicho contenido por medio de las Preferencias de RealTracks como se indica en el gráfico al final, con ejemplo para los RealTracks. El mismo procedimiento deberá seguirse para los RealDrums desde su propia ventana de configuracion. Igualmente es importante realizar una reconstrucción (Rebuild) en la ventana del selector de estilos. Al hacer clic en la pestaña "Rebuild" aparecerán dos opciones, Seleccionaremos "FAST" . Este proceso se sugiere la primera vez que abrimos el selector de estilos, pero a veces es pasado por alto y deberá realizarse para construir una lista de todos los estilos disponibles en tu disco o cuando se agreguen nuevos RealTracks y sus estilos. Igualmente puedes usar la pestaña "Category" para desplegar una lista de todos los estilos encontrados por categorías especificas. En el siguiente gráfico se observa la ventana de "Cuales Addons poseo" (What add-ons do I have) a la cual se accede por medio del menu "Help". En dicha ventana son indicados todos los addon-ons, RealTracks, RealDrums, discos de estilos y solistas disponibles en tu pack, y en la división inferior de la ventana los items no encontrados por no estar disponibles e instalados. Esperamos que esta información e indicaciones le sean de utilidad. Cualquier otra pregunta o problema que se presente por favor no dudes en transmitirla aquí. Carlos E. Arellano PG Music, RealTrack Artist
Foro para el usuario de Band-in-a-Box en Español
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,055
Productor Musical
Productor Musical
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,055 |
Estimado usuario, Le indicamos a continuación algunos datos y procedimientos para conocer y seguir con la finalidad de solucionar los problemas de acceso y visualización de los RealTracks, RealDrums, estilos y otros complementos añadidos. - El acceso a los RealTracks depende en primera instancia del pack adquirido, no se podrá disponer de estilos RealTracks no incluidos por ejemplo en las versiones introductorias PRO o MegaPack, los cuales traen una cantidad limitada de los mismos, pero obviamente al adquirir uno de los packs más completos de Band-in-a-Box como el UltraPlusPAK y EverythingPAK más el complemento PlusPAK, entonces el usuario dispondrá de todos los RealTracks existentes hasta el momento de la salida de la versión del año correspondiente. Adicionalmente usted puede verificar los RealTracks, RealDrums y complementos que posea entrando en el menú de Ayuda y clic en "Que agregados tengo" - Debe asegurarse de que la carpeta que contenga sus RealTracks y RealDrums sea localizable por Band-in-a-Box. En el caso de que dichas carpetas estén localizadas en el directorio raíz del programa, no habrá necesidad de indicarlo ya que Band-in-a-Box lo hará automáticamente. Pero en el caso de que los RealTracks se encuentren ubicados en otro lugar, sea un disco o media de almacenamiento interno o externo (como por ejemplo el disco USB suministrado en los paquetes completos) se deberá indicar al programa manualmente de dicha ubicación. Para ello deberá entrar en el menú del dialogo "Configuraciones de RealTracks" e indicarlo en "Carpeta Personalizada" luego de marcar la casilla "usar ubicación de carpeta personalizada" . Deberá hacerse lo mismo para los RealDrums, entrando en "Preferencias de RealDrums". - Si todo lo anterior no logra solucionar el problema de ubicación de los RealTracks y RealDrums, el siguiente paso sería acceder a la ventana del "Selector de Estilos" hacer clic en "Reconstruir" y usar la segunda opción para una reconstrucción completa de estilos. - Por último solo quedaría la opción de reinstalar manualmente los RealTracks por medio de sus respectivos instaladores. Hay que acotar que los RealTRacks y RealDrums no funcionarán sino se instalan correctamente o se utiliza el disco original donde ya vienen previamente instalados y siguiendo las instrucciones que se reciben con su pack y versión. CONSEJO: Para conocer y saber con cuales estilos, RealTracks, RealDrums y complementos se cuenta en su instalación, debe acceder a la AYUDA/Que agregados tengo? Espero que esto le ayude a lograr solventar el problema, por favor chequee y verifique cada paso con cuidado y si todavía se presenta algún inconveniente no dude en hacerlo saber para poder asistirle en la búsqueda de una solución. Selector de Estilos. En la casilla "RECONSTRUIR" se seleccionará primero la rápida "Reconstruir solamente estilos de PG Music" y luego se debe realizar la reconstrucción tipo "LENTO - reconstruir estilos de 3ros de PG Music" para una referencia visual consulte el siguiente gráfico. También puedes encontrar orientación en esta publicación en respuesta a una pregunta relacionada que hiciste anteriormente: ANTIGUOS ESTILOS Carlos E. Arellano PG Music RealTrack Artist
Last edited by CarlosEArellano; 03/30/21 08:09 AM.
Foro para el usuario de Band-in-a-Box en Español
Joined: Mar 2021
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar 2021
Posts: 3 |
Hola Carlos,
Cuando miro los addons que tengo instalados me salen todos estos:
RealTracks sets in C:\bb\RealTracks\ : 1- RealTracks 1, 2- Country Ballad, 3- Swingin' Country, 4- Modern Country, 5- Rockin' Guitar, 6- All Metal!, 7- Jazz Bass & Rock Sax, 8- Country Folk, 9- Country Electric Guitar, 10- All Blues (Shuffle), 11- All Bluegrass (Rhythm), 12- All Bluegrass (Solos), 13- Older Jazz Swing Soloists, 14- Mainstream Swing - Jazz Rhythm Section, 15- Mainstream Swing - Jazz Soloists, 16- Bossa - Rhythm Section, 17- Bossa - Soloists, 18- Jazz Ballad - Rhythm Section, 19- Jazz Ballad - Soloists, 20- Dual Rock Guitars, 21- Clean Strat Rock, 22- Funk & Pop Bass, 23- Pop Acoustic Guitar, 24- Pop Swing 8ths Guitar, 25- Pop Swing 8ths Bass 1, 26- Pop Swing 8ths Bass 2, 27- "Dreamy" Pop Guitar, 28- Jazz Waltz, 29- Freddie and Wes - Jazz Guitar Comping, 30- Blues (Slow Swing), 31- Blues (Slow Even 8ths), 32- Blues (Fast Even 8ths), 33- Bluegrass (Medium Tempo), 34- Country Train Beat, 35- Chet and Travis Pickin', 36- Swingin' Country 2, 37- Swingin' Country 3, 38- Classic Country - Pedal Steel n' More, 39- Slow Country, 40- American Pop-Rock, 41- Rockin' Hard, 42- Boogie 'n Texas Rock, 43- Rockin' Down South, 44- Blues Guitar and Organ, 45- Driving British Rock, 46- Medium Pop - Harmonica, Organ and Bass, 47- Slow and Fast Pop - Harmonica & Organ, 48- Medium Modern Rock, 49- Spirited Acoustic Guitar, 50- More Bossa!, 51- Slow Bossas and more, 52- Fast Samba, 53- Slow Jazz Ballad - Rhythm Section, 54- Slow Jazz Ballad - Soloists & Solo Piano Accompaniment, 55- Fast BeBop Jazz, 56- Jazz, Old and New, 57- Jazz Swing, Laid Back, 58- Jazz and Pop Waltzes, 59- Crossover, 60- Country Rock, 61- Ballads and More, 62- Western Swing and Bluegrass, 63- Country Waltz 1, 64- Country Waltz 2, 65- Alt-Country, 66- Modern Nashville Pop, 67- Rockin' in 3/4 Time, 68- R 'n B Rock, 69- Rockin' in the North, Rockin' in the South, 70- Piano Pop, 71- Folk-Rock, 72- Smooth Jazz - Swing 16ths Hip Hop, 73- Smooth Jazz - Ballad and Pop, 74- Ballroom Latin, 75- More Bossa, 76- More Jazz Waltz, 77- Ballad, Stride & More, 78- Memphis Swing, 79- Medium Country Boogie, 80- Fast Country Boogie, 81- More Country Swing, 82- More Country Waltz, 83- LA Hard Rock, 84- Lite Pop, 85- Rockin' Bass, 86- Blues Rock, 87- Electric for all Occasions, 88- 12-String Electric, 89- Northern Rock Ballad, 90- Jazz Organ, 91- Smooth Jazz - Sax Soloing, 92- Smooth Jazz - Trumpet Soloing, 93- Smooth Jazz - Rhythm Guitar & Electric Piano Soloing, 94- Jazz Guitar Soloing and More, 95- Jazz Rhythm Guitar: Bossa and Swing, 96- Modern Bluegrass Waltz, 97- Unplugged Country Swing, 98- Unplugged, 12-String & Fiddle, 99- More Country Waltz: Pedal Steel, Bass & Fiddle, 100- More Western Swing: Pedal Steel & Electric Guitar, 101- Folk and Country Swing, 102- Uptempo Reggae, 103- Slow Groovin' Reggae, 104- Celtic Jigs & Reels, 105- Brent Mason Rock Soloing, 106- Calypso Pop, 107- Medium Pop Waltz, 108- More Rockin' Bass, 109- Gypsy Jazz - Fast Swing, 110- Gypsy Jazz - Ballad, 111- Jazz Vibes - Comping, 112- Jazz Vibes - Soloing, 113- Smooth Jazz - Cool Guitar and Electric Piano, 114- Smooth Jazz - Poppy Guitar and Electric Piano, 115- Mike LeDonne's Swingin' Jazz Piano, 116- Praise & Worship - Shining 8ths, 117- Praise & Worship - Uplifting 16ths, 118- Brent Mason Country Soloing, 119- TexMex 2-Beat, 120- TexMex Country, 121- More Country Banjo, Fiddle & Steel, 122- 70s Soul, 123- Celtic Hornpipes & Slipjigs, 124- More Pop-Rock Bass, 125- Crossover Pop, 126- Fast Pop Waltz, 127- Groovin' Jazz Funk, 128- Gypsy Jazz Latin, 129- Gypsy Jazz Waltz, 130- Mike LeDonne - More Swingin' Piano & Organ, 131- More Swingin' Jazz Guitar, 132- Paul Franklin - Pedal Steel Country Soloing, 133- More Brent Mason Country Soloing, 134- Praise & Worship Power, 135- Praise & Worship Believe, 136- More Swingin' Country: Bass, Guitar, Fiddle & Piano, 137- John Jarvis Rockin' Piano, 138- '60s Soul, 139- Folkie 16ths, 140- Texas Blues-Rock Shuffle, 141- Pop 16ths Ballads, 142- Pop 16ths Medium, 143- Dixieland - Fast Rhythm Section, 144- Dixieland - Fast Soloists, 145- Jazz-Funk Breezy, 146- Jazz Fusion Soloing, 147- Mike LeDonne Bossa, 148- Solo Accompaniment Jazz Guitar, 149- Pedal Steel Country with Paul Franklin, 150- Fancy Fingerpicking, 151- Praise & Worship - Promise, 152- Country Drivin' 8ths, 153- Bluegrass Waltz & More, 154- Brent Mason Classic Country, 156- Texas Blues-Rock: Straight-8ths, 157- Texas Blues-Rock: Rock 'n' Roll, 158- Modern Dance Pop, 159- Folk-Pop Ballads, 160- Jazz-Funk Movin', 161- Mike LeDonne Jazz Waltz Organ, 162- Dixieland - Medium Rhythm Section, 163- Son Montuno, 164- Bolero, 165- John Jarvis Country Piano, 166- Praise & Worship - Modern Groove, 167- Country Boogie and More, 168- Western Swing Soloists, 169- Killer Country Soloing, 170- Texas Blues-Rock: Slow Groovin' 12:8, 171- Medium Folk-Pop 8ths, 172- EuroDance, 173- Celtic Bouzouki and Guitar, 174- Pop Mandolin, Piano, and Guitar, 175- Texas Blues-Rock: Smokin' Blues Sax, 176- R&B Horns, 177- Guajira & Guaracha, 178- Dixieland - Medium Soloists, 179- Guitar - Jazz and More!, 182- More Pedal Steel Country with Paul Franklin, 183- Country Soloists: Sax and More!, 184- More John Jarvis Country Piano, 185- More Killer Country Soloing, 187- More Fancy Fingerpicking with Brent Mason, 188- Slow Background Pop Horn Section, 189- Blues Baritone Sax with Gary Smulyan, 190- New Orleans Boogie!, 191- Funky Electric Piano & More, 192- Dance: GirlPop, 90s & more!, 193- Dance: Disco & More, 194- Jazz Pollwinners 1 - Great Saxes: Phil Woods & Gary Smulyan, 195- Jazz Pollwinners 2 - Pat Martino Guitar, 196- Jazz Pollwinners 3 - Killer JazzSwing Rhythm Sections, 197- Jazz Pollwinners 4 - Killer Bossa Rhythm Sections, 198- Jazz Electric Piano, 199- JazzPop Piano, 200- New Orleans - Swingin' Pop, 201- Brent Mason Nylon & Electric, 202- Folk & Country Bouzouki, 203- Country Waltz, 204- Country Shuffle, 205- Country Award Winners - Mandolin (Andy), Piano (John) & Resonator Guitar (Rob), 206- Pop String Quartet, 207- Funky Horns, 208- Rockabilly Set 1 - Fifties Rock and Roll!, 209- Rockin' Blues Baritone Sax with Gary Smulyan, 210- Motown Uptempo R & B, 211- Motown Vintage Keys and More!, 212- World Synths, 213- Country Piano and Strings, 214- Jazz Pollwinners 5 - Killer JazzWaltz Piano, Bass & Drums, 215- Jazz Pollwinners 6 - Sax & Guitar Soloing, Ballads & Bossas, 216- Jazz Pollwinners 7 - Swingin' Sax & Guitar Soloing, 217- Jazz Pollwinners 8 - Jazz Waltz Sax Solos, 218- Rockabilly Set 2 - Jive!, 219- Funky Folk & More!, 220- Flute and Saxes with Jack Stafford, 221- Rockabilly Set 3 - BoomChicka!, 222- Rockabilly Set 4 - Slow Swing, 223- New Orleans Mardi Gras 16ths, 224- New Orleans Shuffle, 225- Banjo and Guitar - Hip Folk, 226- Requested Drums, 227- Brent Mason - Baritone Guitar and More!, 228- Modern Pop with Zane Carney, 229- Great Pop Drums and Percussion, 230- Surf Rock!, 231- Retro Synths and Modern R 'n' B, 232- Pop String Quartets, 233- New Age Piano and more, 234- Acoustic Bass, Back To Basics, 235- Punk!, 236- Crooner Big Band Horns!, 237- Jon Herington Jazz-Rock Guitar, 238- Danny Gottlieb Jazz Drums, 239- Great Funk Bass with Alex Al, 240- Straight Ahead Funk!, 241- Swingin' Funk!, 242- Praise Break!, 243- Blues Baritone and Resonator Guitars, 244- Jazz Background Horns with Jack Stafford, 245- Brent Mason - Country Blues Rock and More, 246- Country Bent-Note Piano with John Jarvis, 247- Country Brushes and Percussion, 248- Oberkrainer! Folk Music From the Alps, 249- Old Time Folk, 250- Rockabilly Swing, 251- Traditional Celtic Percussion, 252- Modern Country Pedal Steel, 253- Country Fingerpicking with Joe Robinson, 254- 12-key Hi-Q Guitar, PedSteel, Piano, 255- Amazing Modern Pedal Steel, 256- Brent Mason Nylon Guitar, 257- A Taste of Peru, 258- Latin America, 259- Old Time and Celtic, 260- Celtic Harp, 261- Sounds of Hawaii, 262- Great Country Drums with Shannon Forrest, 263- Songwriter's Guitar and Cello Toolkit, 264- Crooner Bossa Big Band!, 265- Crooner Ballad Big Band!, 266- Jazz & Funk Potpourri, 267- More Blues: Blues with Brent and Mike, 268- Gypsy: Accordion, Piano and Guitar, 269- Smooth Soul with Brent and Mike, 270- Modern Pop Waltz with Zane Carney, 271- House and More, 272- Rap and Hip Hop, 273- Hard Rock Shuffle, 274- Hard Rock Straight Ahead, 275- Retro 60s Drums, 276- Pop Percussion, 277- Pop and Rock Drums with Shannon Forrest, 278- Shiny Vocal Ooos & Ahhs!, 279- Americana: Slow Groovin' 12-8 & 16ths, 280- Americana: Gritty Blues & Rockabilly Swing, 281- More 12-key Hi-Q-Tab Brent Guitar, 12-key Eddy Pedal Steel..., 282- Country Songwriter: Guitar & Keys, 283- Jelly-Roll Country Hamonica, 284- "Canadiana" Old Time Guitar, Banjo and Stompin', 285- Celtic Piano & Harp, 286- Pop & Rock Guitars with Brent and Joe, 287- Pop Songwriter: Acoustic Guitar, 288- Southern Pop Drums with Land Richards, 289- Fretless Bass, Pop Keys & Punk Drums, 290- More Pop Percussion Singles, 291- Modern Dancehall, 292- Klezmer!, 293- A Taste of Europe: France, Italy & Sweden, 294- Big Band "Crooner" Soloist!, 295- Jazz Potpourri with 12-key Guitar, SoulJazz Piano..., 296- Modern Jazz Bass & Drums, 297- More Smooth Jazz & Fusion, 298- Mariachi!, 299- Rootsy Blues Guitar & Piano, 300- Smokin' Fast Jazz Bass, 301- Modern Funk with Bob Lanzetti, Mark Lettieri..., 302- A Taste of Brazil with Alex Acuna..., 303- Blues Harp with LD Miller, 304- BluesShuffle Horn Section, 305- Funky Acoustic Guitar with Colin Linden..., 306- Tango and More!, 307- World Guitar, Percussion, and more..., 308- Djembe and more with with Keita Ogawa, 309- More Blues with Sol Philcox, 310- Acoustic and Electric Guitar Pop Soloists..., 311- "Cinematic" Electric Guitar with Darin Favorite, 312- A Taste of Europe 2, 313- More Klezmer!, 314- Pop Acoustic Bass & Accordion, 315- Rock & Grunge Acoustic Guitar, 316- More Southern Pop Drums with Land Richards, 317- Guitar and Piano for Songwriters, with Brent Mason..., 318- Campfire 12-String and 6-String Guitar, 319- Amazing Modern Pedal Steel 2 with Eddy Dunlap, 320- Chicken Pickin' with Johnny Hiland!, 321- Americana Fiddle & Mandolin with Andy Leftwich, 322- Americana Folk 6:8, with Brent Mason..., 323- Americana Folk 8ths & 16ths, with Brent Mason..., 324- Americana Keys and Resonator Guitar with Mike Rojas..., 325- Celtic Cello with Natalie Haas, 326- Celtic Nylon and 12-String Guitar with Quinn Bachand, 327- Celtic Fiddle, Banjo, Guitar, and Mandolin Soloists..., 328- Gospel Low Vocal Mmms
Foro para el usuario de Band-in-a-Box en Español
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,055
Productor Musical
Productor Musical
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,055 |
Hola Jadzera,
Aparentemente enviaste un mensaje con un exceso de datos continuos el cual puede ser eliminado por el bot de admin del foro.
Te recomendamos no enviar los resultados que obtienes en la sección "Cuales Addons poseo" (What add-ons do I have) por el método de "copiar y pegar". Por favor usa una captura de imagen para contar con mas claridad visual.
Por favor sigue igualmente los otros procedimientos que te he indicado en las respuestas anteriores. En caso de no entenderlos o de que los RealTracks continúen sin aparecer, por favor escribe aquí de nuevo para buscar otra solución.
Saludos, Carlos
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New! XPro Styles PAK 7 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Mac!
We've just released XPro Styles PAK 7 with 100 brand new RealStyles, plus 50 RealTracks and RealDrums that are sure to delight!
With XPro Styles PAK 7 you can expect 25 rock & pop, 25 jazz, and 25 country styles, as well as 25 of this year's wildcard genre: Celtic!
Here's a small sampling of what XPro Styles PAK 7 has to offer: energetic rock jigs, New Orleans funk, lilting jazz waltzes, fast Celtic punk, uptempo train beats, gritty grunge, intense jazz rock, groovy EDM, soulful R&B, soft singer-songwriter pop, country blues rock, and many more!
Special Pricing! Until September 30, 2024, all the XPro Styles PAKs 1 - 7 are on sale for only $29 ea (Reg. $49 ea)! Supercharge your Band-in-a-Box 2024® with XPro Styles PAK 7! Order now!
Learn more and listen to demos of XPro Styles PAKs.
Watch the XPro Styles PAK 7 Overview & Styles Demos video.
XPro Styles PAKs require Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher and are compatible with ANY package, including the Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.
New! Xtra Styles PAK 18 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Mac!
Xtra Styles PAK 18 for Band-in-a-Box version 2024 is here with 200 brand new styles to take for a spin!
Along with 50 new styles each for the rock & pop, jazz, and country genres, we’ve put together a collection of styles using sounds from the SynthMaster plugin!
In this PAK you'll find: dubby reggae grooves, rootsy Americana, LA jazz pop, driving pop rock, mellow electronica, modern jazz fusion, spacey country ballads, Motown shuffles, energetic EDM, and plenty of synth heavy grooves! Xtra Style PAK 18 features these styles and many, many more!
Special Pricing! Until September 30, 2024, all the Xtra Styles PAKs 1 - 18 are on sale for only $29 ea (Reg. $49 ea)! Expand your Band-in-a-Box 2024® library with Xtra Styles PAK 18! Order now!
Learn more and listen to demos of the Xtra Styles PAK 18 here.
Watch the Xtra Styles PAK 18 Overview & Styles Demos video.
Note: The Xtra Styles require the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition of Band-in-a-Box®. (Xtra Styles PAK 18 requires the 2024 UltraPAK/UltraPAK+/Audiophile Edition. They will not work with the Pro or MegaPAK version because they need the RealTracks from the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition.
New! Xtra Styles PAK 18 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Windows!
Xtra Styles PAK 18 for Band-in-a-Box version 2024 is here with 200 brand new styles to take for a spin!
Along with 50 new styles each for the rock & pop, jazz, and country genres, we’ve put together a collection of styles using sounds from the SynthMaster plugin!
In this PAK you'll find: dubby reggae grooves, rootsy Americana, LA jazz pop, driving pop rock, mellow electronica, modern jazz fusion, spacey country ballads, Motown shuffles, energetic EDM, and plenty of synth heavy grooves! Xtra Style PAK 18 features these styles and many, many more!
Special Pricing! Until September 30, 2024, all the Xtra Styles PAKs 1 - 18 are on sale for only $29 ea (Reg. $49 ea)! Expand your Band-in-a-Box 2024® library with Xtra Styles PAK 18! Order now!
Learn more and listen to demos of the Xtra Styles PAK 18 here.
Watch the Xtra Styles PAK 18 Overview & Styles Demos video.
Note: The Xtra Styles require the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition of Band-in-a-Box®. (Xtra Styles PAK 18 requires the 2024 UltraPAK/UltraPAK+/Audiophile Edition. They will not work with the Pro or MegaPAK version because they need the RealTracks from the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition.
New! XPro Styles PAK 7 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Windows!
We've just released XPro Styles PAK 7 with 100 brand new RealStyles, plus 50 RealTracks and RealDrums that are sure to delight!
With XPro Styles PAK 7 you can expect 25 rock & pop, 25 jazz, and 25 country styles, as well as 25 of this year's wildcard genre: Celtic!
Here's a small sampling of what XPro Styles PAK 7 has to offer: energetic rock jigs, New Orleans funk, lilting jazz waltzes, fast Celtic punk, uptempo train beats, gritty grunge, intense jazz rock, groovy EDM, soulful R&B, soft singer-songwriter pop, country blues rock, and many more!
Special Pricing! Until September 30, 2024, all the XPro Styles PAKs 1 - 7 are on sale for only $29 ea (Reg. $49 ea)! Supercharge your Band-in-a-Box 2024® with XPro Styles PAK 7! Order now!
Learn more and listen to demos of XPro Styles PAKs.
Watch the XPro Styles PAK 7 Overview & Styles Demos video.
XPro Styles PAKs require Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher and are compatible with ANY package, including the Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.
Video - Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin Version 6 for Mac®: New Features for Reaper
Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - Update Today!
Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® Video - Over 50 New Features and Enhancements!
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