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A nice time indeed, Hans. A memorable chorus and like others I enjoyed the bluesy feel and the harmonica.

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Hi Bud and Janice, TuneMonger, Peter and Dave,

I received some very nice compliments from all of you.
It takes some time to answer them on time, I also have to listen to your songs too and comment on them. And what I heard from you is very good. BiaB makes us greater musicians then we already are! (Hey staff, how does this sound???)

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Janice immediately said it reminded her of the Traveling Wilburys ... a good thing.
Three stars here -- the vocals (love the fx), the write and the harp.
Tell that harp guy to hang around ... some of the best we heard from BiaB.
Welcome back.
Great re-entry to the forum!

B&J: I wondered why I am no longer compared with John Lennon? Now I have to do it with the Traveling Wilburys. I don't know them, but it sounds like an amateur group from a very small town somewhere in Florida where a lot of old people live. Am I mistaken?
And let me tell you, the harp guy had a burn out. He doing well now and playing more modest or dull.
Also, why only three stars? Was I away too long from the forum to get punnished that hard?
Ok, I'll be serious now; thanks a lot for your nice compliments. Still i don't know who the Wilburies are, but they must be great artists, that's for sure! And that harp guy is RT685. You have to re-render it many times to get the right sound. That's why he nearly didn't make it to the final version of the song. But his vibe was in my head too.

I will do my best to stay in the forum.
I was away, hoping to be asked to come back. But that didn't happen, so I had to do it myself. No, that's cynical Dutch humour so skip it. I'm glad to be back. My next song will come soon!

Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
Cool tune with good vocal and great harmonica. Which harmonica RT did you use? Good work!

Tunemonger, like you, many mentioned that burnout harp player. It's Realtrack 685, but you have to re render it some times before the right sounds is there, I think.
And thanks for your compliments. would you rate me with 3 stars as well? (joke)

Originally Posted By: PeterF
Nice work. A good mix, strong vocal - nice chorus and a good choice of RT's.
Most enjoyable.

Hi Peter, I just complimented your song and I hope I can come too to whatever. So thanks for your compliments on my song. Let me warn you, my next song is a sad one. i wonder what you think of that...

Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Man! I typed out a complete review and was about to press submit and it vanished frown
This is great, Hans, love the harmonica. I always like your vocal, and I really like the FX you used on them, very effective.
Good song, well mixed. Enjoyed!

Hi Dave, you make me curious about thet 'complete' review. Was it much more that what you wrote here? Why didn't you type it again then. You can't leave me in riddles! But anyway, I am very fond of your compliments. Yes, I realy am! I didn't expect these kind of reactions. I was a bit down, thinking my voice is getting too old. But a friend asured me it isn't. Sometimes an older voice can be interesting and she tought mine was. Well, I keep faith in that. Thanks!

I'm very pleased with your reactions despite some of my 'cheesy' remarks (is cheesy a good word? In Dutch we say mealy, but I think that is certainly not a good translation),

Hans Berkhout
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Good to hear you singing again. Great song and vocal. Awesome mix.

Thoroughly enjoyed!


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Thanks for coming back!

This is a lot of fun. Very well mixed man. Totally pro.


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Welcome back!

That was rather unexpectedly fun.


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Hi Birchwood,

Nice use of the harmonica which is really pleasant. The rhythm of the arrangement is excellent. Your voice lends itself well to it. Well done.

Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash

Kindly regards
alias JaniJackFlash
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Hi VideoTrack, Marty, Ghostgum, Floyd, 'Caaron' and Stefan,

Thank you all for your nice compliments and sorry for me being late responding to you. I was busy with a complicated song for almost a month. It's a Rocky waltz, but you'll hear it soon.
About your reactions. I was fond of your comments. The most comments were for that burned out harp player. to tell you a secret, he drinks rum like water...

Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
This certainly is a great delivery, from every angle.
Lots of drive, lots of fun, top harmonica work throughout.
Everything has been slotted together really well. You made a sad song become a fun song in so many ways.

VideoTrack, that is some nice comment, you gave me. Thanks! This wasn't realy a sad song after all, just meant to be funny.

Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
Hi, Hans. Not sure if my previous comment was removed or I didn't hit Submit button properly, but I'm back to annoy you with more accolades. I particularly like how you swing through the chorus, and the harmonica is a nice touch. Excellent vocal, and really cool dynamic moments.

Marty, you faced the same problem as Dave. Was this occuring only when you try to write a post to me? Maybe the BiaB staff did it to tease me..., or you?
But whatever, you succeeded writing me. Was your previous comment nicer? I think thats hardly possible. A nice post you wrote, thanks.

Originally Posted By: Ghostgum
Overall effect is very pleasing. Catchy song, great harmonies and interesting vocal fx. Shots and held chords perfectly placed. Love it.

Ghostgum, thanks for your nice comment. You mentioned the fx; for me it was the first time doing it. But also fun doing it, realy!

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
You hit a home-run here. Everything about this is good.
A truly interesting write - with some nice humorous touches.
Excellent backing tracks. Good arrangement and a good mix.
Your best vocals ever. Love the effects.
Nice way to return to the forum.

Your best, I think. Much enjoyed!!

Wow Floyd, what nice words! But you are also raising the bar for me with your so nice comment. 'Best vocals ever'(!)
But it gave me a mixed feeling about my former songs too... were they that bad?
No, don't tell me about them. You tell me I'm improving my skills. I hope I can keep doing so, Floyd. If so, I'll be a little closer to you...? Maybe? Tell me when you hear my next song, ok?

Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Based on hearing it and loving it, my vote is that the harmonica was a hit! All the way around a song that has a bouncy groove. Very very cool!
Keep these coming! smile

Caaron, thanks man. As I wrote to some of our colleagues that mad harp player almost didn't make it to the final version of the song. We had to do a lot of rendering to make him listen to me. Even than I had him out of the song, but his harp stayed in my head, so there he came back again. And quite successful I noticed. Thanks!

Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hi Hans,
that's indeed pretty different than your other songs... I LOVE IT!
That harmonica blew me away right from the start - great rocking music, oerfect choice of backing tracks, really good lyrics and well sung. Fantastic choice of solo parts - brilliant!
Take care,

Stefan, I know you prefer this type of songs more than the sad ones I make. So, to disappoint you my next song will be 'kind of' sad.
But I like what you wrote here, thanks for that! It is possible there will be a funny song again with a crazy musician involved.

So thanks everyone and stay safe,

Hans Berkhout
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Hey Hans....

This is a good write.

A style and vox performance all it's own and an upbeat, enjoyable vibe.
Well produced....and others have echoed my thoughts.

Have a great day....

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Hi Al, Ray and Ezekiel,

Thanks for commenting on 'Nice Time' and all your nice compliments.
They brightens up my day(s). They realy do!

Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hey Hans ...
Welcome back! I, too, was absent for about three weeks. But, like you, I'm back.
This is a great song to reintroduce yourself. Loved everything about it. I think this is your very best vocal ... at least of the ones I've heard. Great way to put a little humor. And the harmonica was simply great! Congrats on a truly terrific song! Best to you ...


PS: Like several others have commented, I left comments on 5 or 6 songs 2 days ago and half of them disappeared. Hope this one stays.

Alan, great to hear from you again. And yes, this post stayed. Quite annoying if your comments disappear. And that made me curious what you wrote the first time...
But this post is very nice, 'best vocal ever', wow! As i said to some others; this will raise the bar for me in future songs. Don't kill me if I (sometimes) don't reach that new level. Just tell me.
I think it has something to do with a new mike I bought, an amp and I did a mixing course. Now I understand EQing (joke).

Originally Posted By: rayc
each new song has your vocal performance taking giant steps forward.
Still a few too many effects but the strong voice carries the day.
It's a fun/sad story.

I notices as the song progressed that the 1st two lines of each verse and chorus had a REALLY strong melody that grabbed my attention.
Good mix - though the 2nd solo seemed to end abruptly - and a good choice of players.
Well done!

Ray, you mentioned it as well, my giant leap on the vocals. I'm truly happy with your observation.I really got a bit stressed with these EQ issues on my vocals some time ago. But it can happen again, Ray. Voices get older as well...

About that abrupt ending of the solo. It didn't. It started one bar earlier in the 2nd chorus and continues one bar in the bridge. But there other instruments fought for their space while the harp went low. I listened today to all starts and enings of the harp, because you have sharp ears, but I didn't notice an abrupt ending. Tell me where exactly and we will continue this discussion.

Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
Welcome back, Hans!
Love that harmonica.
Your vocal is strong and sounding good!
The chorus really stands out.
Good song and production!

Ezekiel, Thanks for your nice words. I was working on a difficult song and that took me a difficult one. To distract myself from it, I tried something else and that turned out to become this song. So it's excistence was a bit a coincidence ;-)

I hope you all have a nice day,

Hans Berkhout
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"B&J: I wondered why I am no longer compared with John Lennon? Now I have to do it with the Traveling Wilburys. I don't know them, but it sounds like an amateur group from a very small town somewhere in Florida where a lot of old people live. Am I mistaken?
And let me tell you, the harp guy had a burn out. He doing well now and playing more modest or dull.
Also, why only three stars? Was I away too long from the forum to get punnished that hard?
Ok, I'll be serious now; thanks a lot for your nice compliments. Still i don't know who the Wilburies are, but they must be great artists, that's for sure! And that harp guy is RT685. You have to re-render it many times to get the right sound. That's why he nearly didn't make it to the final version of the song. But his vibe was in my head too.

I will do my best to stay in the forum.
I was away, hoping to be asked to come back. But that didn't happen, so I had to do it myself. No, that's cynical Dutch humour so skip it. I'm glad to be back. My next song will come soon!"

Hey George Harrison was a member of the Travelling Wilburys -- is that close enough? smile Janice said she meant the vibe of the song was like them not your vocal which in itself was excellent. Three stars? Hey man that's not a rating! We'd give you five if that was the case. We meant that 1) your vocal, 2) the write and 3) the harp were each a star in their own in shining, notable, etc.


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Hi Leon, Bob, David, Captain, Derochette and Chulaivet,

Sorry for my so late reply on your nice comments. It loked very unfreindly of me, but I am happy with them. And my excuse for being so late? No real excuses, only that I was working on a more complex song that was always in my head calling me to finish that job. I did that yesterday and it's on the forum too, Change of Times. I hope you are not angry with me...

And I noticed that harmonica or harp did it. Better than I had expected. Also for me.

Originally Posted By: Leon1
A nice time indeed, Hans. A memorable chorus and like others I enjoyed the bluesy feel and the harmonica.

Leon, thanks for listening and mentioning that harmony too.

Originally Posted By: rsdean
Good to hear you singing again. Great song and vocal. Awesome mix.
Thoroughly enjoyed!

Bob, thanks for your compliments. Actually I didn't stop singing, or making songs in the time I was away from the forum. There was some other stuff that made me paused with severall things including the forum. But I'm glad to be back and having your post!

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Thanks for coming back!
This is a lot of fun. Very well mixed man. Totally pro.

David, that are very kind words from you! Yes, I'm glad to be back, although I wasn't away that long, don't you agree?
Making this song was real fun. I was busy making another, more complicated, song and made this one in between. Just to set my mind on something completely different ;-)
Maybe I must do that more...

Originally Posted By: CaptainMoto
Welcome back!
That was rather unexpectedly fun.

Captain, Yes it was quite unexpected fun. Yesterday you heard the song I was working on (Change of Times), so you understand why I had to do a humoureaus song in between. Thanks for your comment on that song too!

Originally Posted By: Derochette
Hi Birchwood,
Nice use of the harmonica which is really pleasant. The rhythm of the arrangement is excellent. Your voice lends itself well to it. Well done.
Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash

Derochette, a very kind compliment! As I wrote before the harp was a surprise it worked out so well in the song. I had a guitarsolo standing by!

Originally Posted By: chulaivet1966
Hey Hans....
This is a good write.
A style and vox performance all it's own and an upbeat, enjoyable vibe.
Well produced....and others have echoed my thoughts.
Have a great day....

Chulaivett, very kind words you wrote. Thanks for them. I'm glad you liked it. I will continue making funny song, now and then, but I hope you can enjoy the sader songs too.

I hope you will all have a nice day today,

Hans Berkhout
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Hi Janice and Bud,

I had to laugh out loud (LOL) reading your reply on my silly comment.
I will quote you first and then my answer to it, ok?

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
"B&J: I wondered why I am no longer compared with John Lennon? Now I have to do it with the Traveling Wilburys. I don't know them, but it sounds like an amateur group from a very small town somewhere in Florida where a lot of old people live. Am I mistaken?
And let me tell you, the harp guy had a burn out. He doing well now and playing more modest or dull.
Also, why only three stars? Was I away too long from the forum to get punnished that hard?
Ok, I'll be serious now; thanks a lot for your nice compliments. Still i don't know who the Wilburies are, but they must be great artists, that's for sure! And that harp guy is RT685. You have to re-render it many times to get the right sound. That's why he nearly didn't make it to the final version of the song. But his vibe was in my head too.

I will do my best to stay in the forum.
I was away, hoping to be asked to come back. But that didn't happen, so I had to do it myself. No, that's cynical Dutch humour so skip it. I'm glad to be back. My next song will come soon!"

Hey George Harrison was a member of the Travelling Wilburys -- is that close enough? smile Janice said she meant the vibe of the song was like them not your vocal which in itself was excellent. Three stars? Hey man that's not a rating! We'd give you five if that was the case. We meant that 1) your vocal, 2) the write and 3) the harp were each a star in their own in shining, notable, etc.


When you mentioned George Harrison, somewhere in my head was a light went on telling me I knew that story and that band. But I forgot what music they made. But George isn't similair to John, so, no it isn't close enough. And remember it was Janice spoiling me as being a kind of JL in the vocals. I told everyone here that the most famous artists in the BiaB-forum did this. They all raised their eyebrows to the max hight (that means nothing overhere. They do that all the time).
But I absolutely accept your 3 and 5 stars explanation. It meant you gave me both! You are much too kind for me. But I had a nice moment after reading your post. Thanks a lot for that!


Last edited by Birchwood; 06/12/21 12:42 AM.

Hans Berkhout
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Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Janice immediately said it reminded her of the Traveling Wilburys ... a good thing.

Three stars here -- the vocals (love the fx), the write and the harp.

Tell that harp guy to hang around ... some of the best we heard from BiaB.

Welcome back.

Great re-entry to the forum!


I can relate to the Wilburys reference........the track has a fun, spontaneous feel that really fits that vibe!! Very engaging and easy to listen to!!! Nicely done Hans!! Take care. Greg

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Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson

I can relate to the Wilburys reference........the track has a fun, spontaneous feel that really fits that vibe!! Very engaging and easy to listen to!!! Nicely done Hans!! Take care. Greg

Hi Greg, me too.
I was only fooling a bit with Bud.
He is much too kind for me with his compliments and so are you. But thanks a lot!

Have a nice day,

Hans Berkhout
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