Look through these
they can be made into Biab UserTracks Instruments or Drums.
Download the wav versions
convert the 48khz 24bit wav to 44.1khz 16bit (I think 24bit will work on BBMac)
The files longer than 255 bar limit in BB can be split up
open the .csv in Reaper region import OR in Notepad

Name is the chord
Start Bar.Beat
End Bar.Beat
Length Bar.Beat

Subtract 2 bars for count-in offset in BB
so 3.1.00 will be 1.1.00
anywhere_color = E4 1A 27
any_ending_color = 42 F4 D1
count_in_color = FF 80 C0
intro_post_fill_color = 77 11 AE
intro_color = 9F 16 E8
intro_fill_color = B7 80 ED
verse_post_fill_color = 11 27 AE
verse_color = 37 76 EB
verse_fill_color = 71 BE F1
verse_ending_color = 9E FE B6
bridge_post_fill_color = CE 69 14
bridge_color = EA 85 30
bridge_fill_color = EF A4 64
pre_chorus_post_fill_color = CE B3 14
pre_chorus_color = EA D0 30
pre_chorus_fill_color = F4 E7 97
chorus_post_fill_color = 0B 74 27
chorus_color = 11 AE 3B
chorus_fill_color = 50 ED 7B
chorus_ending_color = 9E F5 B6
drum_riff_color = 73 17 11
hold_color = 7F 7F 7F
shot_color = BF BF BF
rest_color = 00 00 00

When you import the wav into BB make sure you set >
Audio > Set Audio Master (Base) Tempo... to the track tempo.

There are also shots and holds (slow & fast) you can use if PG put them in Biab UT.

*If you want a midi file for them with chord markers let me know.
The wav files should have cue marker chord names in them.

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
Reaper-Chord-RegionsCSV.png (89.11 KB, 78 downloads)