Ok, so I'm sure most if not all of us have used different features within the program to aid in completing a song beyond it just being the "Band behind you", whether it be suggestions of chords here & there, contribute a solo, intro or even a middle. But what about the whole thing, the entire song from start to finish?! Is that even feasible?? Well, today was my first time in doing precisely that; not just because I seem to have rather "misplaced my musical mojo" about 18 months ago or so, but also I was always aware of this as something the program was supposedly being able to do but I never really looked at as any sort of seriously viable thing, and quite frankly always suspected the demos of this had to have been 'fiddled' with by humans at some stage. But now the curiosity has finally got the better of me, so I give you: Band-in-a-Box, the artist - and it, to my astonishment, in return gave me this absolute beauty of a piece:
All I did was randomly pick the genre parameters (see screenshot) & sound sources where needed, and the program did the rest*, even the intro isn't mine
p.s. I was told this one might do well with lyrics so if any of you 'wordsmiths' out there see this one as a viable candidate, feel free to experiment.
* Note: The newer versions of the program now prefer to use RT styles for this task, but since there were elements of the midi style it would otherwise would've used in this case that I quite liked, I subtly 'merged' portions of it onto the other. And that's the only input I had in this little experiment.
Last edited by Icelander; 01/25/2202:42 PM. Reason: Afterthought
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
Well, that didn't take long, the song has barely been up an hour!
Much obliged, I'm sure, much obliged
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
This particular one is very impressive! Is this the "melodist" feature? I need to read in the manual more about this. Didn't realize it makes the entire song not just the melody.
Very cool. I've used that feature a lot many years ago to practice songs I didn't know because at the time I was in a house band kinda thing where travelling musicians would sit in and just play. BiaB made one for me recently that I changed very little called One Night Away.
Enough about me... Yeah, Icelander. it's a really cool feature. They even give the songs a title. It doesn't seem to write simple songs, but it is a fun feature. Thanks for sharing.
Way back in the early days of using BB, I did quite a few such experiments. I found that often BB didn't provide a "good" song structure when I used the Melodist function. It did however, quite often, provide something that I could easily edit into something resembling a slightly more structured song.
I found that this worked well for jazz styles and have a few songs on my page to prove it. On my music page..... numbers 43, 46, 48, 65, & 66 to mention a few.
They've all been generated using the Melodist and then edited to better suit what I was hearing. Some are totally BB while others have some live instruments in them. I was using a fair amount of BB trumpet and trombone in some of them.
It's a very cool thing to use when you want to create something and just need a little bit of help to get the juices flowing.
Regarding your song..... I liked it.
Last edited by Guitarhacker; 01/26/2204:50 AM.
You can find my music at: www.herbhartley.com Add nothing that adds nothing to the music. You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.
The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
I've occasionally used it when I couldn't think of anything, but then typically editing the heck out of it after that.
Yeah, that's what I was getting at with my sceptic remark on the existing demos, they seemed just a bit 'too good' to believe, you know. But I very intentionally resisted this here because that would've defied the point of the experiment... well, that and the fact that the result actually was pretty darn decent!
Last edited by Icelander; 01/26/2208:44 AM. Reason: Correcting mistakes
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
This particular one is very impressive! Is this the "melodist" feature? I need to read in the manual more about this. Didn't realize it makes the entire song not just the melody.
Yup... or rather, that's one of the things it can do. Whether or not one then likes the outcome, that's another question - which this example here is somewhat all about, really.
Last edited by Icelander; 01/26/2208:49 AM. Reason: Correcting mistakes
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
Very cool.====It doesn't seem to write simple songs===
Now, there's an understatement! I mean, even this seemingly simple piece here is deceptively complex - just take a look at the chords, you'l soon see there's actually a lot going on there:
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
Very nice Janne. Incredible piece of software. Well done
Erm... "Janne"?
Last edited by Icelander; 01/29/2206:44 AM. Reason: Afterthought
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
Thanks, though I'm not sure how much credit I can take there, if any. I mean, while I did indeed manually do the panning & volume and (obviously) pick sound sources for the melody/solo, that's the extent of my input, really. It's even rendered to audio "straight out of the box", bad pun intended, so this genuinely is as much the application at work as can be, I'd say.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor in the Tracks window that shows the current location across all tracks, and more.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to make the most of this new tool.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows® now includes support for VST3 plugins, bringing even more creative possibilities to your music production. Join Simon as he guides you through the process in this easy-to-follow demonstration!
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!
In this video, Tobin provides a crash course on using the new BB Stem Splitter feature included in Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®. During this process he also uses the Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) and the new Equalize Tempo feature.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter
Check out the forum post for some optional Tips & Tricks!
Congrats to Misha (Rustyspoon)…downloaded/installed a full Audiophile 2025!
Breaking News!
We’re thrilled to announce that Rustyspoon has made PG history as the very first person to successfully complete the download and install of the full Band-in-a-Box 2025 Windows Audiophile Edition (with FLAC files)—a whopping 610GB of data!
A big shoutout to Rustyspoon for stepping up to be our test "elf!"
With the launch of Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows, we're adding new videos to our YouTube channel. We'll also share them here once they are published so you can easily find all the Band-in-a-Box® 2025 and new Add-on videos in one place!
Whether it's a summary of the new features, demonstrations of the 202 new RealTracks, new XPro Styles PAK 8, or Xtra Styles PAKs 18, information on the 2025 49-PAK, or detailed tutorials for other Band-in-a-Box® 2025 features, we have you covered!
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
Special Offers
Upgrade to Band-in-a-Box® 2025 with savings of up to 50% on most upgrade packages during our special—available until December 31, 2024! Visit our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
2025 Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK Add-ons
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some incredible Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2025 packages, but for even more Add-ons (including 20 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade to the 2025 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us directly—we’re here to help!
One of our representatives will be happy to help you over the phone. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday, and 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST Saturday. We are closed Sunday. You can also send us your questions via email.
One of our representatives will be happy to help you on our Live Chat or by email. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday; 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST (GMT -8) Saturday; Closed Sunday.