Ever wonder exactly what is in the Xtra Styles PAK or bonus installer? Ever wonder if so and so included a style or instrument? The answers can be found in the installer themself by reinstalling or you can have the answers anytime by creating a text file during the installation and then saving the text file in the same place you save the installer.

Each installer includes a text box that tells what is inside the installer and may also provide other descriptive information. As an example I've included the descriptive text included with the 2022 Band-in-a-Box for Windows build 923.

So my trick is to create a text file that includes the descriptive text from an installer and save the descriptive text file with each PG Music installer.

Band-in-a-Box 2022 (Build 923) Update

This will update Band-in-a-Box to version 2022 (build 923) from any previous Band-in-a-Box 2022 build.

You must have Band-in-a-Box Version 2022 already installed in order for this update to work, and you must install it to your existing Band-in-a-Box folder. This is usually C:\bb if you have Band-in-a-Box installed on your computer hard drive, or X:\bb if you are running the program directly from a PG Music hard drive (replace X with your USB drive letter).

This patch includes some RealTracks and Drums updates. Make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders or these files won't be updated.

Your currently installed bbw.exe and bbw64.exe build will be backed up to the bb\Data\Backup\Builds folder. If you need to run the previous build for some reason, you can copy the files back into the main bb folder and run them from there.

You need to have Band-in-a-Box closed prior to installing this update.


Summary of Changes for build 923 (April 27, 2022)

Fixed: Track “is empty” error message when trying to freeze a MIDI track.
Fixed: "Allow Lead-in Bars" setting would be switched on after rendering song.
Fixed: [ST2] button in Melodist Editor did not work.
Fixed: Possible crash when opening the Track Settings dialog.
Fixed: Possible crash when opening the MicroChords dialog.
Fixed: Melody > Edit Melody Track > Record Melody from bar#... ignored the selected bar number and chorus.
Fixed: Melody track might be silent after recording.


Summary of Changes for build 922 (April 5, 2022)

Fixed: MIDI input was not working from external MIDI controllers.

DAW Plugin 4.5.33

Fixed: MicroChords are incorrect in Nashville Notation
Fixed: Cannot enter 'Fadd2' chord
Fixed: Plugin crashes in FL Studio
Fixed: Generating style track from track context menu not working
Fixed: Generating 'Selected Region' shows wrong region in track description
Fixed: Generating 'All Pages (Ungenerated Tracks Only)' not working
Fixed: Cannot enter chord on second beat
Fixed: Sync offset cannot be edited


Summary of Changes for build 921 (March 30, 2022)

Fixed: RealDrums MIDI would not export if the track contained MultiDrums.
Fixed: Drum stem tracks were not regenerating until song was reloaded.
Fixed: Thru track was playing on the wrong MIDI channel.
Fixed: Audible Metronome uses Piano Sound.
Fixed: Guitar Window would decrease in width after leaving the Guitar Settings dialog.
Fixed: "Phrygian position" option missing from Guitar Settings dialog.
Fixed: Selecting a MIDI Soloist would always choose _DEPTHS.STY.
Fixed: Entering "SS14" into chord sheet did not open the Audio Chord Wizard.
Fixed: Hints did not show in the Reverb settings dialog.
Fixed: Recorded audio would play out of sync if recorded into a song with tempo changes.


Summary of Changes for build 920 (March 9, 2022)

Fixed: Chords might not display properly after using the Melodist.
Fixed: Pedal Bass might not display properly on the chord sheet.
Fixed: Thru harmony played on the wrong MIDI channel.
Fixed: Issues with replacing a RealDrums stem parent with RealTracks.
Fixed: Equalize Tempos feature should enable Conform to Playback Tempo setting.
Fixed: The volume control in the Track Settings dialog always set the volume to 20.
Fixed: Track > Edit MIDI > Timeshift Track (ticks)... did not work.
Fixed: Access violation in Piano Roll if dragging mouse to the left of the controller area.
Fixed: Changing song key did not transpose MIDI on higher tracks (Utility range).
Fixed: Tabla RealDrums did not automatically tune to the song key.
Fixed: RealDrums Picker: "Show RealDrums that are N/A" did not work.
Fixed: RealDrums stems were unassigned if the parent was the Drums track.
Fixed: "Save Song as ABC Notation File" menu item was missing.
Fixed: The MicroChords dialog would not close when clicking on the X button.

DAW Plugin 4.5.10

Fixed: Generate icon should not blink when tracks are empty
Fixed: Drum and Piano tracks are swapped when dragged individually
Fixed: Plugin should only reset DAW dirty bit when song is dirty or unsaved
Fixed: Visual count-in did not show when moving playback position to start
Fixed: Riff numbering is incorrect when selecting "MultiRiff from this RealTrack" in Track menu
Fixed: Generate Icon not blinking correctly
Fixed: Right-click on solo & mute buttons should work as in Band-in-a-Box
Fixed: BBPluginDebug.txt should always be written
Fixed: Order of Style Tracks in custom menu was incorrect
Fixed: Order of Style tracks when dragging incorrect
Added: Visual indicator for count-in
Fixed: Plugin should close BBApp when multiple instances are running
Fixed: Creating BBInput file caused crash in some cases
Fixed: Mute buttons should work as in BIAB
Fixed: Solo buttons should work as in BIAB
Fixed: Setting global chord display not working correctly
Fixed: Visual transpose not working
Fixed: Plugin is stuck with "Shutting Down Band-in-a-Box Engine" message
Fixed: Confirmation dialog not showing on correct plugin instance when multiple instances are running
Fixed: Input restrictions for song settings (Tempo, Start Bar, Total Bars, Choruses)
Fixed: Confirmation dialog should take keyboard focus when opened
Fixed: Could not set AUDIO track settings
Fixed: Chord display not being saved when plugin window is closed
Added: MIDI Soloist option for style page tracks
Added: Preference option to disable/enable spacebar playback in standalone
Added: Preference option to disable/enable "always on top" in standalone
Added: Action logging for the plugin. *Note that in order for this to work, there must exist a file called "C:\Users\Public\Ticket\BBPluginDebug.txt"


Fixed: Several missing bt1 files for Drums and RealTracks.
Fixed: Some missing RealDrums Demos Audio
Fixed: A few missnamed Direct Input shots files, e.g. SH6811_DI.wma should be SH6811.wma
Fixed: Nashville2Beat^, ReggaeClassic, PopWaltz, Shaker128-16ths - displayed with wrong groove info in RD Picker.
Fixed: Typo in MalletsSw16Slow DrumGrooveName
Fixed: RT2328 assigned wrong holds
Fixed: Bass, Electric, NorthernRock Sw16 075 has been altered to now no longer play 7th chords on the I or IV chord.
Fixed: 2158:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkyGroove60s Ev 100 has been altered to now no longer play b7 notes on a major chord.

Improved: Simple variation added to the following:
RT3962:Guitar, Electric, Soloist FusionSlow16thsMike Ev16 080
RT3961:Guitar, Electric, Soloist FusionCoolSw16Mike Sw16 075
RT3949:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionBalladBrent Ev16 080
RT3980:Bass, Acoustic, JumpBluesAB Sw 165
RT3977:Bass, Electric, JumpBluesAB Sw 165
RT3983:Bass, Electric, RumbaBlues Ev 120
RT3984:Bass, Acoustic, RumbaBlues Ev 120
RT3985:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesPat 120
RT3986:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesPat 120
RT3987:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesFastPat 150
RT3988:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150
RT3989:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JumpBluesPat Ev 165
RT3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
RT3991:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RumbaBluesKevin Ev 120
RT3992:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JumpBluesKevin Sw 165
RT3993:Organ, Soloist BluesFunkyEvenCharles Ev 120
RT3994:Organ, Soloist BluesSlow128Charles Sw 060
RT3995:Organ, Soloist BluesShuffleCharles Sw 130
RT3996:Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128LHcomp Sw 060
RT3997:Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleLHcomp Sw 130
RT3998:Horn Section, Rhythm BluesShuffleChris Sw 130
RT3999:Sax, Alto, Background BluesShuffleChris Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
RT4000:Sax, Tenor, Background BluesShuffleChrisHi Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
RT4001:Sax, Tenor, Background BluesShuffleChrisLo Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
RT4002:Sax, Baritone, Background BluesShuffleChris Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
RT3938:Guitar, Electric, Background AltRockSlowLowSingle Ev 085
RT3988:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150
RT4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
RT3898:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkSoulful60sPulseSingle Ev16 105
RT3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
RT3776:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkDanceSingleRiff Ev16 110
RT4004:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkySingle Ev16 130
RT4005:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkyOctaves Ev16 130
RT4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
RT4007:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 95
RT4008:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteAlt Ev16 95
RT4009:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteLoAlt Ev16 95
RT4012:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 65
RT4011:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopRotaryHeld 65
RT4013:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedLoArp Ev16 65
RT4015:Vocal, Rhythm Doo-WopSlow128 Sw 065
RT4016:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128TenorHiDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
RT4017:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128TenorMedDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
RT4018:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128BaritoneDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
RT4019:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128BassDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
RT4052:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighRiff Ev 120
RT4053:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightTremoloHeld Ev 120
RT4054:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightPowerRiff Ev 120
RT4055:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighHeld Ev 120
RT4056:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernCountryStraightGrittyBrent Ev 120
RT4020: Bass, Electric, ModernCountry16ths Ev16 075
RT4028:Bass, Electric, ModernCountry8ths Ev 120
RT4029:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyLow1 Sw16 090
RT4030:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyLow2 Sw16 090
RT4031:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyHigh Sw16 090
RT4032:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyHeldTrem Sw16 090
RT4033:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryFunkyBrent Sw16 090
RT4034:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyPhaser Ev 160
RT4035:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyMuted Ev 160
RT4036:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm OutlawHeldPlusTrem Ev 160
RT4039:Bass, Electric, CajunZydecoAB Ev 190
RT4042:Bass, Acoustic, CajunZydeco Ev 190
RT4043:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryCajun Ev 190
RT4088:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Zydeco Ev 190
RT4097:Accordion, Rhythm ZydecoJeff Ev 190
RT4098:Accordion, Soloist ZydecoJeff Ev 190
RT4058:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryWaltzJohnny Sw 110
RT4059:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountrySwingBalladJohnny Sw 85
RT4057:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryShuffleJohnny Sw 120

Improved: The following have more accurate transcriptions:
RT3945:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionFunky16thsBrent Ev16 110
RT3941:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockFastChuggingHi Ev 150
RT3939:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockSlowHiArpPhaser Ev 070
RT3936:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockPop8sGrittyPower Ev 130
RT4057:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryShuffleJohnny Sw 120
RT3937:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockPop8sPowerHeld Ev 130
RT3938:Guitar, Electric, Background AltRockSlowLowSingle Ev 085
RT3988:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150
RT4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
RT3898:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkSoulful60sPulseSingle Ev16 105
RT3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
RT3776:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkDanceSingleRiff Ev16 110

Improved: Better Riff selection and chord transitions for the following:
RT3996:Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128LHcomp Sw 060
RT4009:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteLoAlt Ev16 95
RT4013:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedLoArp Ev16 65
RT4012:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 65
RT4010:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 95
RT4053:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightTremoloHeld Ev 120
RT4015:Vocal, Rhythm Doo-WopSlow128 Sw 065
RT4052:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighRiff Ev 120
RT4037:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm OutlawStrummingTwang Ev 160
RT4054:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightPowerRiff Ev 120
RT4097:Accordion, Rhythm ZydecoJeff Ev 190
RT4043:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryCajun Ev 190
RT4101:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakMute Ev 170
RT4102:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakPartialMute Ev 170
RT4103:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakdown Ev 170
RT4109:Bass, Sub Synth CityLightsStranger 65
RT4110:Synth, PinkRoomChamberHit 65
RT4111:Bass, Synth RedDoorPurePro 65
RT4112:Synth, Rhythm CurtainCallLaserVoxDistorted 65
RT4071:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MemphisSlowBluesPat Ev 085
RT4049:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleGrittyLicksBrent Sw 110
RT4050:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleLowSingleMute Sw 110

Summary of Changes for build 918 (Jan 21, 2022)

Fixed: Bar Settings: Volume changes not working for MIDI tracks.
Fixed: Higher Banks patches were not displaying for Thru track.
Fixed: Audio Edit window might zoom extensively in when starting a new song.
Fixed: MIDI channels were not applied to tracks when importing MIDI files.
Fixed: Track names from imported MIDI files were not applied to track descriptions in the mixer.
Fixed: Vocal Synth vocalist selection was incorrect.
Fixed: Track Settings Dialog: Setting "Editable Audio" did not work for MIDI tracks, or RealTracks that were not generated yet.
Fixed: Dropping an audio file onto Audio Edit did not work for lower track range (Bass, Piano, Drums, etc).
Fixed: Auto-Generate Track Labels was not working for MIDI tracks on higher tracks (Utillity range).
Fixed: Auto-Generate Track Labels should choose "Drums" for MIDI tracks that are using channel 10.

Fixed: StylePicker should only require rebuild after an update if the database is changed.
Updated: StylePicker misc. fixes. e.g. N/A appearing for some MultiDrum tracks in mixer.
Updated: Manuals and Help file

DAW Plugin 4.3.26

Fixed: Entering chords in MicroChord dialog is not always working
Fixed: Default button in Render Settings dialog should only reset check boxes
Fixed: Preferences settings being changed automatically by plugin
Fixed: Plugin now generates style with utility tracks together
Fixed: Font selection lost when first opening the plugin
Fixed: Piano and Drums track were being swapped
Fixed: Plugin scrolling to last page with tracks when window opens
Fixed: Plugin crashes when undoing added tracks with identical names
Fixed: Utility tracks store custom track data like style tracks
Fixed: Importing external wav/midi file not working
Fixed: Cannot generate RT on audio track
Fixed: '3' in slash chord does not work
Fixed: Setting custom track does not delete previous track data


Fixed: Incorrectly named CajunZydeco RealDrums
Fixed: In the RealTracks picker, in most cases there should be a single number in the "Holds" column, unless the RealTracks is an A-B RealTrack with different holds for A & B
Fixed: Incorrect shots/holds were assigned to several RealTracks
Fixed: RT 3583 missing information in RT Picker

The following RealTracks have been improved with better riff selection and phrasing.
RT3997:Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleLHcomp Sw 130
RT4003:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 130
RT4007:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 95
RT4011:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopRotaryHeld 65
RT4036:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm OutlawHeldPlusTrem Ev 160
RT4064:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerStrum1 Ev 170
RT4065:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerStrum2 Ev 170
RT4066:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiStrum Ev 170
RT4067:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiRiffs Ev 170
RT4099:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakMid Ev 170
RT4100:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakLow Ev 170


Summary of Changes for build 917 (Jan 14, 2022)

Fixed: GM2 and Higher Bank patches were not displayed on the Mixer for some tracks.
Fixed: MIDI batch created wrong song files in wrong directory if there is no slash at end of the folder name.
Fixed: "Insert Silence" and "Delete" in the Audio Edit window did not work on RealTracks.
Fixed: MIDI Track Picker: "From Track" names were showing patch names instead of source track names.
Fixed: "Edit MIDI" sub-menu was missing from the track context menu.
Fixed: The Event List Editor window would not work with any track other than Melody or Soloist.
Fixed: Using the MicroChords dialog did not cause the song to regenerate.
Added: "Display dB Setting for Individual Tracks" setting added to the Global Song Override dialog.

DAW Plugin 4.3.13

Fixed: Enabling Style Mix did not allow it to be generated
Fixed: Nashville notation display issues
Fixed: Trying to generate a single style tracks generated all style tracks
Fixed: Generating "All Ungenerated Tracks" will generate Style Mix even if it is disabled
Fixed: Chord Sheet resizes when adding/removing secondary chord display
Fixed: Setting tempo percentage change in bar settings dialog was not working correctly
Fixed: Playing midi progression while DAW plays showed error message when stopped
Fixed: Starting DAW playback should stop playback in the plugin if sync is on
Fixed: Highlighted cell is still shown after playback is stopped when "Highlight DAW Bars = Only During playback"
Fixed: Generating all but master (master disabled) does them one at a time
Fixed: micro chords should work exactly like in BIAB
Fixed: Cannot enter "(Blues)" chord
Fixed: Buzzing sound when playing tracks in plugin while DAW is running (Sync is off)
Added: Style Mix volume button now shows volumes for all tracks (Master volume button)


Fixed: _Tumba multidrums error

Improved: All 53 RealDrums that include stems now have embedded volume and pan settings for the stems that will make them sound similar to the original mix when loaded.

The following RealTracks have been improved with better riff selection and phrasing.

RT 4069:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ChicagoBluesPat Sw 140
RT 4061:Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashvilleShuffleGrittyBrent Sw 110
RT 4056:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernCountryStraightGrittyBrent Ev 120
RT 4070:Harmonica, Soloist ChicagoGrittyBluesPat Sw 140
RT 4062:Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 140
RT 4057:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryShuffleJohnny Sw 120
RT 3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
RT 4072:Guitar, Electric, Soloist MemphisSlowBluesPat Ev 085
RT 3986:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesPat 120
RT 4073:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockSlowGrittyPat Ev 110
RT 4074:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesRockGrittyShufflePat Sw 130
RT 4075:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockFastGrittyPat Ev 140
RT 3969:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesFastRockNRollPat Ev 165
RT 4035:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyMuted Ev 160
RT 4104:Vocal, Rhythm Doo-WopPop8ths Ev 085
RT 3992:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JumpBluesKevin Sw 165
RT 4038:Guitar, Electric, Soloist OutlawCountryBrent Ev 160
RT 4055:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighHeld Ev 120
RT 4068:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ChicagoBluesPat Sw 140
RT 3901:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockNRollSoul128 Sw 085
RT 4051:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleRiff Sw 110
RT 3987:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesFastPat 150
RT 4043:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryCajun Ev 190
RT 4048:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleGritHeldBrent Sw 110
RT 4014:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedHiArpTrem Ev16 65
RT 4034:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyPhaser Ev 160
RT 4004:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkySingle Ev16 130
RT 3918:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSlightSwing Sw16 120
RT 3991:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RumbaBluesKevin Ev 120
RT 4031:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyHigh Sw16 090
RT 4033:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryFunkyBrent Sw16 090
RT 4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
RT 3989:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JumpBluesPat Ev 165
RT 4005:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkyOctaves Ev16 130
RT 4008:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteAlt Ev16 95
RT 3998:Horn Section, Rhythm BluesShuffleChris Sw 130


Summary of Changes for build 916 (Jan 7, 2022)

Fixed: Harmony tracks might be out of sync with source RealTrack.
Fixed: Audio Edit window may be visually out of sync if using RealTracks on higher tracks (Utility range).
Fixed: Recording audio did not mute the region being recorded over (eg a punch-in).
Fixed: Piano track in MIDI Channel settings was restored to default if user set it to 8 or 9.
Fixed: "Select GM2 Patch..." track context menu item did not work for higher tracks (Utility range).
Fixed: Custom MIDI did not save in songs if on higher tracks (Utility range).
Fixed: Custom MIDI style tracks were not displayed in the automatic song memo.
Fixed: Playable RealTracks notes are deleted during song generation if on Melody or Soloist track.
Fixed: Main window is constrained to the dimensions of primary monitor if its resolution is smaller than the secondary monitor.
Added: "MIDI Channel" menu item added to Track Settings context menu.
Added: "MIDI Channel" setting added to Track Settings dialog.
Added: "Audio Transpose" setting added to Track Settings dialog.


Summary of Changes for build 915 (Dec 30, 2021)

Fixed: Access violation error when opening the RealDrums picker if using a small monitor.
Fixed: Possible "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window." error when opening the MicroChords dialog.
Fixed: The automatic song memo did not include descriptions for Utility tracks.
Fixed: RealDrums RealCharts were not saved in exported MIDI files.


Summary of Changes for build 914 (Dec 23, 2021)

Fixed: Possible crash in RealTracks Picker when clicking on buttons.
Fixed: Possible crash when picking a style if song is currently playing.
Fixed: Frozen state not saved in songs for some tracks.
Added: "Delete all notes in From/Thru range of selected area" menu item added to Notation window.


Summary of Changes for build 913 (Dec 20, 2021)

Fixed: Copy/Move tracks might fail for some songs.
Fixed: A generated MIDI Soloist would be incomplete during the first playback.
Fixed: Mute Melody in Middle Choruses setting in Soloist dialog did not work.
Fixed: The RealTracks name should be preserved if editing audio.
Fixed: Issues with using Playable RealTracks in the Notation Window.


Summary of Changes for build 912 (Dec 15, 2021)

Fixed: The MultiRiff window gets stuck behind the main window when starting playback if using the visual metronome.
Fixed: Possible crash if re-selecting drum stems.
Fixed: Possible crash if opening a song with Bar Based lyrics after using a previous song with Bar Based lyrics.
Fixed: RT4005 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkyOctaves Ev16 130 - DI version played double-time
Improved: RT4058 Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryWaltzJohnny Sw 110 (better riff selection)
Improved: RT3956 Bass, Synth WarmHugHeld 65 (better riff selection)
Improved: RT3957 Bass, Synth DramaPianoOctaves 65 (better riff selection)
Updated: StylePicker, documentation updates.


Summary of Changes for build 911 (Dec 13, 2021)

Playable RealTracks:
Added: Playable RealTracks now has a patch (sound) automatically installed for every RealTracks.

Multiriff dialog:
Added: Silence checkbox, and then precise regions of silence will be generated, for arranging purposes, or to clean up an awkward section
Added: [x] button added to easily clear an alternate realtracks
Improved: Precise ranges will be generated (unless "lead-in" or "Extra Beat" is selected and the generation is 2 bars or longer, or range isn't bar boundaries)
Improved: Snap-to-Bar button improved
Fixed: Playable RealTracks preserved when tracks are deleted by style changes, or disabling style, or using MultiRiff

Fixed: "Track exceeds track capacity" error message if Notation window is open when starting playback.
Fixed: Crash when using "Choose styles similar to current" menu item.
Fixed: Possible crash when loading songs that contain line-based lyrics.
Fixed: "From Track" resets to Bass sometimes in the MIDI Track Picker.
Fixed: Using "M" to access MicroChords dialog advances to the next chord cell.
Added: "Import MusicXML File" menu item added to File > Import.


Summary of Changes for build 909 (Dec 10, 2021)

Fixed: Drum stems displaying wrong name in Mixer after selecting a different RealDrums style.
Fixed: Playable RealTracks notes deleted from song when saving if on Melody or Soloist tracks.
Fixed: Issues with MIDI output.
Fixed: Mixer does not update after using Copy/Move tracks.
Fixed: Failure to import MP3 files.
Fixed: Some tracks were not freezable.
Added: Playable RealTracks editing features are now available in the Notation window.
Added: "Choose a different plugin..." menu item added to Playable RealTracks menu in Piano Roll.

Fixed: Several "Playable RealTracks" were playing in the wrong octave.
Improved: RT3988 Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150 (Better riff selection)
Improved: RT3985 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesPat 120 (Better riff selection)
Improved: RT4098 Accordion, Soloist ZydecoJeff Ev 190 (Better riff selection)

DAW Plugin 4.1.7

Fixed: Changing language removes selected key
Fixed: Changing language should not change save state
Fixed: Changing language with custom tracks will remove them
Fixed: Re-word preferences settings to fit new design
Fixed: GENERATE button causes crash if clicked when plugin is empty
Fixed: Volume slider not working on midi tracks
Fixed: Localization bugs

Added: Option in preferences to set "Action for Generate Button"
Added: Option in preferences to "Send MIDI Data to Embedded Synth"
Added: Newly saved progression should replace older one with identical name


Summary of Changes for build 908 (Dec 8, 2021)

Fixed: Choosing a new style would delete Melody and/or Soloist track MIDI data.
Fixed: Issues with using P key in the chord sheet.
Fixed: MicroChords not showing on chord sheet if there is only 1 chord on sub-beat 1.
Fixed: List loses focus in RealDrums Picker when using arrow keys or resizing window.
Added: RealDrums Picker can be filtered by "stems".
Added: RealTracks Picker can be filtered by "playable".
Added: Two Ev16 blank utility styles


Summary of Changes for build 907 (Dec 7, 2021)

Fixed: Newer RealTracks do not appear correctly in RealTracks Picker for localized versions.
Added: Specific drum stems can be selected in the RealDrums Picker.
Added: Track settings: Confirmation added for adding drums to a non drums track.
Added: Track settings: Summary text now copyable, so you can paste it into a custom track description.
Added: Track settings: RePlay button added, and Play Button now always regenerates.
Added: Loading style demos from StylePicker now show full menus for Songs with Vocals, if more than one is available.
Added: Loading style demos from chord sheet now show full menus for song demos if more than one is available.
Added: MicroChords now have option to display the MicroChords as bar lyrics (and on BigLyrics Window). This is useful to view motif patterns like x,xx .


Summary of Changes for build 906 (Dec 6, 2021)

Fixed: Freeze all button asked user about non-freezable tracks.
Fixed: It was not possible to select RealDrums from the Track Settings dialog.
Fixed: Mixer should be open with all tracks when booting with factory settings.
Fixed: Choosing Drums for track type did not play MIDI events on channel 10.
Fixed: RealTracks Picker takes a very long to open or sort if sorted by Holds number.
Fixed: Re-enabling Playable RealTracks required clicking the button twice.
Fixed: Playable RealTracks mute region event was limited to 136 bars (4/4).
Fixed: Some Playable RealTracks gave an error when selected.
Fixed: Possible error when generating Drum Stems on some systems.
Updated: StylePicker 'songs with vocal demos' categories.


Summary of Changes for build 905 (Dec 1, 2021)

Fixed: Mislabeled drum stems.
Fixed: Playable RealTracks always chose Direct Input Sforzando preset.
Fixed: TomFloor and TomRack Drum Stem files misnamed.
Updated: Help docs


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PG Music's web site contains up-to date information and pricing on all of our products, as well as forums, frequently asked questions (FAQs), tutorials, video documentation, and much more. Explore our website at: https://www.pgmusic.com/

PG Music Inc.
29 Cadillac Ave
Victoria BC Canada
V8Z 1T3


1-800-268-6272 or 1-888-PGMUSIC (toll-free USA and Canada)
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----Technical Support----


Internet / Live Chat:

Copyright PG Music Inc.

Jim Fogle - 2025 BiaB (Build 1125e) RB (Build 4) - Ultra+ PAK
DAWs: Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) - Standalone: Zoom MRS-8
Laptop: i3 Win 10, 8GB ram 500GB HDD
Desktop: i7 Win 11, 12GB ram 256GB SSD, 4 TB HDD
Music at: https://fogle622.wix.com/fogle622-audio-home