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A co-write with Brett Jones. This one almost got there. It was put on hold by Clay Walker (or his "people", really) the day it was demoed. They kept the hold (for the "Hypnotize The Moon" album) for 3 months (A "hold" is a verbal agreement, basically saying "we're considering recording this, so do not let anyone else have it". Quite often holds don't last more than a week or two, while they make up their minds). The producer (James Stroud) didn't like it, so they finally dropped it. It was immediately put on hold by Jeff Carson. They had it on hold for 11 months. That entire time, they insisted they were going to record it (for the "Butterfly Kisses" album). And... they did record it. Unfortunately, when the record was released, it had been dropped. No cigar. Lyrics on the web page. TWO LEFT FEET (there is a Volume Control on the page. You might want to turn it down before hitting the Play button. It's quite loud on my computer...) This might be the least amount of BIAB tracks I've ever used... 3513 Bass, Americana16thsSteve Ev16 075 I created a drum kit by loading samples into Impact - the Studio One drum synth. I then programmed the drum track I played the piano parts. I programmed the main acoustic guitar using Ample Sound Martin Lite (free). Emulating the way I play. There are 2 (very subtle) acoustic guitar tracks from NI Picked Acoustic (patterns) There are 2 electric guitar tracks (also, subtle) from NI Electric Vintage (patterns) There is a 3rd e. guitar track (all the fills) using the Melody Instrument portion of NI Electric Vintage that I played/programmed. Comments of any sort. Thanks for listening. fj
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Very lovely song Floyd.
Perfectly professional.
They were really stupid not to release this one.
It would have played forever
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Beautiful love song with soft yet expressive vocals and wonderful lyrics. And, as expected  , great arrangement and mix. I think (from the producer's point of view) that the reason (or at least one of the reasons) why this song was dropped twice might be that the melody contradicts the lyrics. Especially in the second half of the chorus, the melody suggests that someone is losing someone close to them, while the lyrics say the opposite. It's not 'happy' enough. I don't think it's a bad choice per se, but it might not work in the context of the rest of the album. But who knows what's going on (or not) in a producer's head 
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Hi Floyd,
Another quality song from you.
Good first line to the chorus.
Best Regards Nigel
Nigel Spiers Christchurch, New Zealand info@nzacoustics.com
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Hi Floyd The song is really good The song structure and melody are nice Your singing supports this also excellent However, I would have let it crash even more from 2:24 ;-) A slightly distorted rhythm guitar and a really rich drum sound with some reverb. I come there really rave, Floyd However, an absolutely great song Many greetings Andi ;-)
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Hey B.D.,
I very rarely contradict anything that is said on a song forum thread but this time I feel I have to.
I don't agree with what you just said. This was a different era and the music was meticulously crafted to that era. In my opinion it would have played at every country wedding during that time.
Today, where the lyrics are oooh baby, oooh baby, oooh baby, give it to me baby, give it to me baby, oooh baby, you might be right, but not in the context of the era he submitted it in.
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Hey B.D.,
I very rarely contradict anything that is said on a song forum thread but this time I feel I have to.
I don't agree with what you just said. This was a different era and the music was meticulously crafted to that era. In my opinion it would have played at every country wedding during that time. Today ... you might be right, but not in the context of the era he submitted it in .... (I think there's no problem discussing different opinions, especially when it comes to the music posted here.) I guess you're right, I'm either (again) too young or don't know the genre well enough, probably both. There's not a lot of country music where I grew up. the lyrics are oooh baby, oooh baby, oooh baby, give it to me baby, give it to me baby, oooh baby Too bad there's no ROFL smiley here.... hey, you should team up with Max Martin
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Excellent song Floyd. It really frustrates me when I hear something like this that should have made it, but didn't. Yes the production was a little loud in my speakers ( it distorted in a couple of spots), but the balance and arrangements were very good I thought. You've got more experience in pitching songs than I, but I really do think this is a good song and still worthy of pitching. It might (should) be picked up.
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I deliberately avoided looking at the other comments, once this one started, so as not to be influenced by them, of course.
Full stop / period.
Congratulations, both Floyd Jane and Brett Jones. Whoever wrote the lyrics is a genius, and whoever wrote the music is a master.
If I was still together with a certain special someone, I'd want to play it to her - and I can't think of a higher compliment than this one. Yes, the lyrics are universal enough for many (if not most) of us to be able to relate to them ... but they come across so effortlessly and sound so sincere, wrapped in these wonderful melodies ... hats off. Wish I wrote this song myself, haha - IF I'd had the skills to ;-) Congratulations :-)
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These oh-so-close stories are fascinating, I'm sorry none of them have a happy ending but you were in the game and that's more than any of us can say. The piano really stood out for me on this one, but the whole thing was wonderful (of course) on every level. Loved the story, certainly related to it. Great song!
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I think it was right for that period, Floyd and you only missed it by a whisker. It's a nice write, particularly "i always thought i had two left feet until i danced with you".
From such near misses, empires are made.
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as always brilliant.
a classic song. loved the astaire reference. great lyrics.
merry xmas
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There loss is our gain  This is the perfect wedding song AS usual everything is done to perfection An outstanding song
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The rim click is so gentle in the beginning of the 1st verse that I thought you'd left a metronome on. it makes sense soon enough but had me wondering...no one else seems to be bothered so 0,0001 grams of NaCl. Holds end up being a constraint of business it seems. There should be a weekly fee. LOVELY song and a very lovely vocal performance. The band is unobtrusive, picks up around the dance and falls back in a terrific demonstration or restraint & dynamics. The narrative is a very sweet variation of "a match made in...". I enjoyed this most thoroughly.
Cheers rayc "What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe
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I don't know what they used for the Butterfly Kisses album, but I'm quite sure I would not have agreed with them.......I've heard very few albums in my life where this song would not have made is stronger!!!!!! It is SO difficult to write a sentimental song that finds the balance. Very easy to overdo it, be trite, or fall into any one of a million traps, but this avoids all of them and completely shines!!!! Brings a tear to my eyes!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! Take care. Greg
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Excellent write, soulfully sung. An arrangement that stays out of the way of the vocal, so subtle I barely noticed the build. The language is natural, but has nice inner rhymes that hold it together. And the story has real heart and emotion. Nice playing on everything. Beautiful piano. Expressively sung, from a quiet introspection to a plaintive cry. I see how "Two Left Feet" is a more interesting title, but "Till I Danced With You" seems the more natural title. So good! Really, really nice! 
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FJ, I am not too familiar with country, just know music of a dozen of big shots and forumers here, but I do have a pretty good feel if the song is done well or a passthrough. After I read the backstory and listened to Two Left Feet, I headed to youtube and listened to Jeff Carson song (from 97 album). I honestly don't know why they passed on yours. In my view of just a listener, it would have been a very good fit. While Jeff's tune was recorded very professionally, but I liked drive on yours better.
In any case, excellent lyrics/storyline. Ace vocals. Nice piano lines. Neat work on NI stuff (take a look at "Mint" if you don't have it yet) . Great mix and listens well. Thank you for sharing.
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Lovely song - excellent piano parts.
All the guitars sounded good with wonderful vocal harmonies.
Excellent song writing.
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floyd, I am pleased to hear how far you’ve progressed on piano. You played beautifully on this. A great write that was missed by Nashville. It would have been a good fit for Carson. The mix of course was fantastic. The vocals among your best! We opened for Jeff in the late 90’s and coincidentally our guitar player was named Clay Walker. Ha! This no doubt a beautiful ballad and I hesitate to even mention this but it crossed my mind on the first and subsequent listens. Although Fred Astaire is a cultural touchstone for us and older generations, I wonder if the younger generations are even aware of him. I wonder if that came into play in their decision. Although on the other hand Marilyn Monroe and other icons are still frequently used in lyrics. Just sayin…. This personal observation should not detract from the fact that this is a wonderfully written, performed and produced piece of art, Best to ya, Tom
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The title is quite intriguing. What is he gonna write about that? Then you, in typical Floyd Jane fashion, make it such a perfect hook. Sucha good write, so well performed and mixed. My thoughts on the producer who likely owed someone a favor and passed on this beauty is he missed a golden opportunity to snag an up-coming brilliant song writer and performer. If he was any good at spotting talent, he would have said, "Never mind the song, bring in the singer who wrote this and let's cut an album." So glad he didn't actually because I likely would've missed all this magic you make.
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