So far I have been using BiaB 2022 in standalone mode and everything has been working out fine. I now wanted to transition into using the DAW Plugin in Ableton Live 10 but I can't get it to work.
The VST3 loads up fine but when I try to select a style, nothing happens. When I try to generate tracks, it pops up the style picker and lets me select a style. When I select a style, the picker closes but nothing happens. The style isn't loaded and nothing is generated. I also noticed, that the plugin will hang (spinning beach-ball) when I try to open the preferences. I get the same behavior when I try to run the Standalone Plugin App. (No style can be loaded, preferences hang). Using the AU plugin leads to the same behavior. Plugin Version is shown as 4.8.7 I have BIAB installed on an external disk. (Ableton is installed on the same disk). BIAB, StandaloneApp and Ableton have full disk access in security settings. System is a 2018 MacMini, 3,2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM
Any ideas what I could try to get this up and running? Let me know if you need more info...
I tried the VST3 in Element. It loads the plugin but then it already fails bringing up the style-picker. Attempting to open preferences will also cause the plugin to hang (spinning beach-ball) and I have to force-quit Element.
I have ProTools (Intro) installed here as well and the AAX plugin has the same behavior as the VST3 in Ableton. It hangs when I click preferences. Picking a style has no effect. Trying to generate will first bring up the style picker and when I pick a style there, the style isn't loaded and nothing is generated.
Try dragging a track from the main Biab app onto a track in the Plugin and see if it takes it without hanging up. Try right click on the chord sheet of main app > Copy then right click on Plugin chord sheet > Paste
Thanks Andrew. I installed the patch and as you suspected, it doesn't help since I don't get that far. Unfortunately I can't say whether the plugin worked before I upgraded to MacOS Ventura since I was using the standalone application before and only now wanted to switch to the plugin.
I'll try to reinstall the full software and see if that changes anything. I suspect that my problem might not be specific to Ventura since I don't even get to the point where the problem occurs that the patch addresses. So something else must be broken in my case...
The re-install did not help, so it seems like there is a more fundamental issue where something on my system is incompatible with the plugin in some way. Any ideas what to try or look for (is there logging that could be enabled?) would be greatly appreciated...
I have updated the BIAB installation to build 611 which comes with DAW plugin v4.8.15 MacOS Ventura 13.2.1 BIAB install on a secondary HDD (not on the system volume) BAIB DAW plugin standalone or VST/AU in Ableton gives the same behavior: - Selecting a Style, RealTrack or RealDrums has no effect. The picker opens up but selecting an item and pressing the OK button just closes the picker but nothing gets loaded. - Entering chords - Opening the preferences will send the Plugin into a hang. Curser becomes a spinning beachball and the app must be force-quitted. - Plugin log shows nothing out of the ordinary...
Is there a modal dialog (message box asking you a question) appearing, but hidden behind the main window. I would do a reboot to make sure there are no instances running (or check activity monitor) and then run the plugin again. This time, when it seems to hang, move the window out of the way or command tab between applications and see if there is something hidden that is waiting for input.
That's a great idea. unfortunately there was no hidden dialog. Even with a clean re-boot. I took a sample of the hanging process so one could see what it was trying to do:!Ahn19Qp_SaKQrwgJVnYs3KXTPrSX?e=59Pt6g Maybe that can be passed on to the team...
Same problem here. I'm using a M1 Mac mini. DAW plugin doesn't change styles in either standalone or in Logic Pro X. BIAB works fine. I made sure the plugin was running under Rosetta. I have the latest update, but no different. Also, in BB 2022 Mac, the dragging an instrument (e.g piano, bass, guitar etc) on to the rendering box (wav, mp3, aiff etc) doesn't work the way it used to. It used to light up (green as I remember) and allow you to drag from there into your DAW. Not so anymore. It's really not a deal breaker, as I can use save as an audio file and load the tracks into a folder; but it kind of defeats the purpose of having the DAW plugin at all. I'm kind of glad to see that I'm not the only one having these problems. Spent a couple of days trying to work it out. Anybody found a way to get these things going?
This version of the plugin does not require Rosetta to run so please test again without using Rosetta.
It sounds like the plugin does not have access to certain files and folders that it requires. To fix this, you can open "System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Privacy Tab". In the left pane select "Files and Folders" and then find Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin Make sure that "Removable Volumes" is checked. This should allow the Standalone app to work correctly.
Thanks for the new patch link. It still did not fix the problem of the DAW plugin not being able to load any styles for generating tracks. Clicking on Preferences still leads to a hang. I also verified that everything has full disk access (see attached screenshot)
I'm having the same problem with Cakewalk and the plugin. When I try to use it in Cakewalk I get a notice that says:"The following VST plug-in failed to load c:\program files\common files\VST3 Plugin.vst3 Band-in-a Box DAW VST3 Plugin" I've never had this happen before, but I admit I wasn't a big fan of the plug-in in years past. Any ideas to get this to work? Thanks.
Are you using the 2025 Plugin ? you can try the VST2 version. Another option is use Free Element VST load that then load or drag n drop the VST2/VST3 into it enabling the EXT button top left to let it sync.
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor in the Tracks window that shows the current location across all tracks, and more.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to make the most of this new tool.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows® now includes support for VST3 plugins, bringing even more creative possibilities to your music production. Join Simon as he guides you through the process in this easy-to-follow demonstration!
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!
In this video, Tobin provides a crash course on using the new BB Stem Splitter feature included in Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®. During this process he also uses the Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) and the new Equalize Tempo feature.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter
Check out the forum post for some optional Tips & Tricks!
Congrats to Misha (Rustyspoon)…downloaded/installed a full Audiophile 2025!
Breaking News!
We’re thrilled to announce that Rustyspoon has made PG history as the very first person to successfully complete the download and install of the full Band-in-a-Box 2025 Windows Audiophile Edition (with FLAC files)—a whopping 610GB of data!
A big shoutout to Rustyspoon for stepping up to be our test "elf!"
With the launch of Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows, we're adding new videos to our YouTube channel. We'll also share them here once they are published so you can easily find all the Band-in-a-Box® 2025 and new Add-on videos in one place!
Whether it's a summary of the new features, demonstrations of the 202 new RealTracks, new XPro Styles PAK 8, or Xtra Styles PAKs 18, information on the 2025 49-PAK, or detailed tutorials for other Band-in-a-Box® 2025 features, we have you covered!
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
Special Offers
Upgrade to Band-in-a-Box® 2025 with savings of up to 50% on most upgrade packages during our special—available until December 31, 2024! Visit our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
2025 Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK Add-ons
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some incredible Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2025 packages, but for even more Add-ons (including 20 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade to the 2025 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us directly—we’re here to help!
One of our representatives will be happy to help you over the phone. Our hours of operation are from
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One of our representatives will be happy to help you on our Live Chat or by email. Our hours of operation are from
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