Hello Eric,

Not sure if it's been mentioned that in order to access non-GM patches, you CAN make a patch map, but you don't NEED to. You could simply look up the patch in the synth's instrument list and find out the three numbers associated with it, Program#, BankMSB(cc0), and BankLSB(cc32). Then you select the track of interest in BB, and enter those numbers in the Bank boxes, and the instrument pull-down menu. The instrument pull-down lists the GM patch names, but you can ignore those. Note - your synth may not use both BankMSB and LSB (for example, perhaps LSB is always 0).

A patch map (+ button) makes it easier because you don't need to constantly look in your manual to find out where a patch is. It doesn't have to be totally complete. It will work with only one patch listed in it. It is just a text file with the file extension .pat and a list of patches available on your synth.

PG Music Inc.