Liquid Love

****** Song Summary *************
Title: Liquid Love
File:Liquid Love.SGU
Key=F#m, Tempo 132, Length (m:s)=1:49
No intro. 56 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 56. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
Soloist track has 158 notes, Soloist harmony is < no harmony >(0)
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _JPLMBOG.STY (Medium Bossa Pollwinners 1)

RealTracks in style: 2284:Bass, Acoustic, BossaRon Ev 140
RealTracks in style: ~2288:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaKenny Ev 140
RealTracks in song: ~467:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140
RealDrums in style:BossaLewis^02-a:Brushes HiHat , b:SideStick HiHat