Hello Forum friends,
The singers of the vocal group of which I am the musical director and also one of the singers, wanted to sing a 1983 song by the Dutch band Kadanz.
The song is called
In het Donker (In the Dark)
It is very topical nowadays, with two wars going on.
So I made the music with BIAB and as there are soprano's, mezzo soprano's and alto's in my group, I always start singing all vocal parts.
Then I sent each part to the singers for them to study their part.
So there's always my version of the song first.
And as I cannot post it on the User Showcase, I post it here.
Because it's such a pity as BIAB does such a wonderful job, when I have to make the music for these covers.
I've translated the lyrics, they're in the video.
Rob gave me some advice as far as the guitars are concerned.
Hope you enjoy.
1004:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicRockStrumming Ev16 065
689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085
3753:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MoodyArpRotaryBrent Ev16 075
663:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085
2267:Synth, BellPad, Rhythm 80sPopPads Ev 085
1687:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopPromiseGritty4s Ev16 100
MIDI SuperTrack 4368:Synth, Pad, SynthMasterLastInstant HighEthereal 75 (Kontakt)
1004:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicRockStrumming Ev16 065
Drums:RockSouthernEv^1-a:Snare, Open HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
If you would like to hear the original, you'll find it here:
In het Donker original song