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Got my 2024 BIAB installed yesterday and couldn't wait to get started. I was greeted by all kinds of demons. Here is one of them:

When I open my songs, there is nothing showing but the bass clef, stave-like lines above that (empty), and the chords. No notes. When I do as one of the AI devices told me and click on the melody instrument in the mixer, all the notes reappear and the extraneous detritus disappears.

However, when I saved it and opened it again the problem was still there.

I made another query to AI and it said, "Save it using SAVE AS, but that didn't yield any results either."

When I sent all this info to PG's chat person, they said they would send a form for me to fill out for their techs to use to try and decipher the problem and that they would be in touch in 0 - 2 days. I am impatient.

Somebody, somebody, please help!

Jerry Krouse

Last edited by Andrew - PG Music; 02/02/24 01:32 PM.
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When I open my songs, there is nothing showing but the bass clef, stave-like lines above that (empty), and the chords. No notes. When I do as one of the AI devices told me and click on the melody instrument in the mixer, all the notes reappear and the extraneous detritus disappears.
Do you mean when you open the Notation Window? If so, could it be that you have the Bass Track selected?
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Also, in addition to what Audio track said, have you generated the song? Nothing will show until then.

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Audio Track and Lee N,

It turns out that the BASS TRACK was selected. You didn't tell me how to change it! When I clicked on it, I got a drop down menu with a lot of instruments. I clicked on electric piano (since the song used an electronic piano) and the notes appeared. However, after I saved it and reopened it, it was the same as before. How do I make it stick?

Audio, the screen capture you show above was exactly what I saw when I first used the new BIAB 2024. After some fiddling around, the notes and numbers went away just leaving empty staves and chord symbols. I don't even know what I did or how that happened.

And Lee N, it was a finished song. This program is too smart for me by a lot.

Awaiting your further help with great hope!


Jerry Krouse

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I just got this off chatpg and it worked:

To make the change from BASS to electric piano permanent in Band-in-a-Box 2024, you can follow these steps:

Open the song in Band-in-a-Box.
Click on the black bar above the music sheet where BASS is highlighted.
Change the track type from BASS to electric piano.
Once the notes appear, go to the File menu and select "Save As" to save the song with the updated track type.
Choose a filename and location to save the song.
Close Band-in-a-Box.
Open the saved song file to check if the change from BASS to electric piano is now permanent.
If the change does not remain permanent after following these steps, it is possible that there may be a technical issue with the software. In that case, it would be best to consult the Band-in-a-Box support team for further assistance.

Thanks. If this doesn't hold for good, then I'll be back.

You guys re great!


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It turns out that the BASS TRACK was selected. You didn't tell me how to change it! When I clicked on it, I got a drop down menu with a lot of instruments.
Sorry, I showed the mouse cursor over the box, meaning click here to select some other instrument. I should have perhaps made it a bit clearer.

Anyway, glad you got it sorted.

Please consider to open your original post and mark it as 'Resolved' (there's a button you can press for that). This can assist other in the future.

BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
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When I open my songs, there is nothing showing but the bass clef, stave-like lines above that (empty), and the chords. No notes. When I do as one of the AI devices told me and click on the melody instrument in the mixer, all the notes reappear and the extraneous detritus disappears.

Hi Jerry,

This is normal. When you open your song, the tracks will be empty until they are generated, and each time you generate (by pressing Play) the tracks will by a little bit different. This is how Band-in-a-Box works. UNLESS you freeze your track(s). To freeze your track, you can click the "snowflake" icon in the Mixer.

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Wait, hold on! I thought "WE" had cured this annoying problem. Here is what I am doing and what is happening:

1) I load a completed song.
2) When I click the NOTATION button it shows BASS in the small black window.
3) I click on BASS and change it to the melody instrument which, in this case is an ORGAN.
4) i Click on SAVE AS and save it by clicking SAVE AS - the first listed way to save it (there seem to be ten choices).
5) A window opens that asks, "Ok to replace existing file?" and I click YES.

Seems simple enough, but today, at least, every time I reopen the song it is stuck on BASS in the black window. It is not the end of the world to reset it and other songs every time I open BIAB, but for the money I spent to upgrade to 2024 MegaPak, I expect it to work properly.

Any further thoughts?

Jerry Krouse

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The currently selected track is not something that is saved with songs. The selected track shouldn't change when you load in a new song, and it doesn't as far as I can see in my testing. At the start of a session, it defaults to selecting the first track, which is normally Bass. It could be argued that it should default to the Melody track...

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That is all very interesting, but what does it mean or do for actually correcting my BIAB so that it resets to the Melody Track?

I know this complicated program wasn't designed to work this way.


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BTW, thank you for hanging with me on this problem.

I thought it might make a difference if I changed the BASS to the melody instrument in the mixer instead of the black box. It doesn't,

When we got into this earlier,I was certain the problem was fixed. I am now wondering if it works sometimes and other times it doesn't. I know that doesn't make much sense especially dealing with electronic commands and things.


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Andrew and anybody else out there,

This never, ever, happened in my previous three versions of BIAB. I just upgraded from 2020. Before that it was 2016, I think. I do not remember the year of the first one.

Something has to be wrong. And, by the way, the current problem came from the download off the HD that way.

If all else fails, why can't the brains of BIAB put in a fix so that it would always reset to the Melody Track when it closes.


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When you open the program, the first track is initially selected. In previous versions, the Melody track was initially selected, and that's probably the way it *should* continue to work. Simply opening a song file does not change the selected track in my testing. Let me know if this is not the behaviour you are seeing.

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Andrew and anybody else that can help,

Some songs (very few) do not open with the BASS in the black box. So, I started checking. That is just an anomaly; most open with BASS.

I tried an experiment that failed. I changed from BASS to ELECTPIANO for one song, then hit SAVE AS. If I stayed in the program and opened other songs but eventually came back to the problem song, it would open with the correct melody instrument.

However, If I closed the program, reopened it, and loaded the "corrected" song, it always reverts to BASS in the black box.

I really, really hate this, and it is not what I expected (or paid for). My IT guy who loaded it from the HD I got onto my PC is the head of IT at a local college and he knows his stuff. After loading it, registering it, and opening it, it was doing the BASS thing from the very first try out of the box.

Something must be done to correct or ameliorate this horrifically annoying problem.

Have you any suggestions?

BTW, before I came to the forum with this problem, I got on the Chat Help and told the tech exactly what the problem was. They said they were sending me a form to fill out with all my computer info and for me to describe the problem. They said they were having the "technical department" look at it and somebody would contact me in 0 - 2 days. Nobody, to my knowledge, has contacted me.

I would like some relief, but how and what? Do I need another HD program shipped? I'd be glad to ship this one back.

I await your positive response.

Jerry Krouse

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Here is a set of specific steps that I did to try to duplicate the problem.

1. Open / re-open Band-in-a-Box. File | New
.... Bass track is currently selected as expected (*see note)
2. Select Melody track, by clicking on Melody in the Mixer window.
3. Open StylePicker, select _PRIME.STY, click [+] button, click Load song demo for current style.
4. OK to exit StylePicker.
.... Melody track is still selected as expected.
5. File | Open, navigate to bb\Demos\MIDI Style Demos\Styles00, and select ZZJAZZ.MG1
.... Melody track is still selected as expected (If auto-generate track labels is enabled it will say "Trumpet" instead of Melody, but regardless it is the same track.

So far, this is working as expected. Can you please post detailed step-by-step instructions similar to the above that I can use to see the behaviour you are seeing, where the selected track changes by itself.

(*note: I know that you want the program to open - i.e. step 1 - with the Melody track selected initially)

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I really, really hate this, and it is not what I expected (or paid for).
Something must be done to correct or ameliorate this horrifically annoying problem.

Jerry, this is not as challenging as I believe you are suggesting.

If you want to see the Melody in the Notation window, just click Melody in the Mixer. One single mouse click is all that's required. I don't consider that single click to be "horrifically annoying" smile

Personally, I don't find that particularly stressful. Just one-single-mouse-click.

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BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
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Here's an example of how quick it is to view the Notation of any track:

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Calm down, take a few deep breaths, take a look at the simple answer, try it, stay happy. smile smile smile

Last edited by AudioTrack; 02/03/24 03:16 AM.

BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
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Audio Track (and others),

First, I just opened BIAB. Not a song, just the program. At this moment there is a MELODY in the mixer. However, if I open a song (which I am doing now), there is only:

ELECPIANO (the MELODY instrument in this song)

Just below that, but not highlighted and not used in the song are the usual: Soloist, Thru, Audio, Utility#1, etc.

I have checked this on a good many songs and it holds true.

Yesterday, in a long, tedious, trying session on PG chat (not ChatPG), in which I was finally able to take a screen shot and send it to the moderator, I was told this:

BIAB Chat Person: I see, thank you. This is a known issue that we have reported to our development team. They are currently working on a fix and it will be added in a future build update.

Jerry: So, I am stuck with it until then? Will I get a notification when and if the future build update is ready? And, how long might that be?

BIAB Chat person: Yes, we will reach out to you via email as soon as we have a build update available in the next week or two.

I am trying to learn how to send screen snips. I think I am gaining ground on that. Hopefully, a couple will follow soon.


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Jerry, could you please respond with the steps that Andrew asked:
So far, this is working as expected. Can you please post detailed step-by-step instructions similar to the above that I can use to see the behaviour you are seeing, where the selected track changes by itself.
I'm thinking that you always want it to open on the Melody track, and you are not prepared to click the Melody track first. Is that correct?

(If they changed the software to default to the melody track, what if a user wanted the default to not be the melody track?)

BIAB Chat person: Yes, we will reach out to you via email as soon as we have a build update available in the next week or two.
It's interesting to learn that they'll have an update / fix out so soon. In the meantime, could you answer Andrew's question?

BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
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Audio Track,

I will try to respond, but this stuff is really difficult for me.

BTW, I just watched the Australian movie, "Boy Swallows Universe," set in 1985 Brisbane. Excellent movie.



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Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter

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