This gives an idea how RealTracks can work using the same guitar but recorded in many patterns/styles to allow change at any beat or bar. You don't need RealTracks with FX just direct Input and user can add any VST FX they like, they will just have a default VST FX. This will save a lot of hard drive space going into the future.
Guitar-Acoustic-Nylon-Multi-Ev8-120.rar Use WinRar or drag "Guitar, Acoustic, Nylon Multi Ev8 120" folder out into your x:bb\RealTracks\UserTracks folder.
This gives Multi pattern of the same instrument, it's only basic and basic chords Maj minor dim Maj7 m7 7 m7b5 just to give an idea.
Holds are made by selecting the start of the bar up to 4 bars long then it can be moved a bit earlier with "Edit Riff", it can also be used for a push by generating on the start of a bar them move and resize with "Edit Riff", a shot can be made by shortening the Holds quick.
UserTracks won't generate where a Hold C... or Shot C.. is so if this is used for other track freeze them then remove the Hold/Shot to enable the generation of the UserTrack Hold to work (until an option is added to BB to allow UT to play through a Hold).
An issue with the partial regen is the dialog gets in the way when selecting the track, you need to keep closing it then opening it to read and select: