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Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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This new feature Sync playback seamlessly with your DAW—such as Presonus Studio One or Pro Tools—including support for floating-point tempo is what a lot of folks have been waiting for.
The good news is that DAW plugin follows the tempo map that has varied tempo changes just fine. The problem comes when you drag them files from the BIAB plugin over to Studio One. They will not conform to the tempo changes because these tracks have no tempo information in the audio wave file.

Automatic timestretching is based on the relationship between the Song tempo and the audio file’s tempo. Each Audio Track has a Tempo mode that controls the behavior of the Events on the Track, based on the Song tempo. The Tempo mode can be selected in the Track Inspector. The following modes are available:
I usually set this to time stretch mode.
For automatic timestretching to work as described, Studio One needs to know the original tempo of an audio file. The software can then calculate how to stretch the file to fit the Song tempo. Many audio loops have this information encoded.
But since the DAW plugin does not include this in the wave files being dragged over you must set each track manually.
If you look in the track inspector panel near the bottom you will see a box labeled file tempo and it will read Not Set. You need to enter the correct tempo of the project here. Then you need to set tempo at the top of the inspector to timestretch.
You must do this to each wave file that is being dragged over to the DAW.
I have no idea how other DAWS work without a embedded tempo in the wave file?

On a Developer side note: Is it possible to include the file tempo of the generated track being dragged over? Also what about generating a output chord track like in BIAB?

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BIAB 2025 Ultrapack- Studio One Pro 7 Windows 11, Mac Mini M4 with Logic Pro 11, Melodyne Studio

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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I thought if you acidize the renders Studio One picks that up ?

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Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Brian, you got an awful lot to say here. grin Most I don't understand and the rest I disagree with... but lets just talk about one item:

Originally Posted by Brian Hughes
The good news is that DAW plugin follows the tempo map that has varied tempo changes just fine.

If that is true it would be good news indeep for S1 and PT, but it don't work that way in Reaper. To be clear what exactly are you playing. 1) Synch the plugin to the DAW and then run from DAW transport, or 2) Turn off the the plugin synch and play from the plugin transport? Do the both follow the DAW's tempo map?? or just one of them? or are you saying something else?

BIAB – 2025, Reaper (current), i7-12700F Processor, 32GB DDR4-3200MHz RAM, 1TB WD Black NVMe SSD, 2TB WDC Blue SSD, 1TB WD Blue, 2 TB SK NVMe, 6 TB External, Motu Audio Express 6x6

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Yes you are correct if you have the button for acidize waves on it will include the tempo information in the exported files. I overlooked that button.

BIAB 2025 Ultrapack- Studio One Pro 7 Windows 11, Mac Mini M4 with Logic Pro 11, Melodyne Studio

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Originally Posted by DrDan
Brian, you got an awful lot to say here. grin Most I don't understand and the rest I disagree with... but lets just talk about one item:

Originally Posted by Brian Hughes
The good news is that DAW plugin follows the tempo map that has varied tempo changes just fine.

If that is true it would be good news indeep for S1 and PT, but it don't work that way in Reaper. To be clear what exactly are you playing. 1) Synch the plugin to the DAW and then run from DAW transport, or 2) Turn off the the plugin synch and play from the plugin transport? Do the both follow the DAW's tempo map?? or just one of them? or are you saying something else?

I am including a picture of what I am doing. There is a track of EZ drummer midi which is following the DAW tempo map above it. The BIAB plugin is synced to the DAW following the same tempo map. You can see in the plugin under the tempo is the new tempo it is following and is in perfect sync with my EZ drummer track which is using the changes in the tempo map.

However if I was to import a wave file without the embedded tempo information in it. I would have to follow the procedure I outlined.

This is from PGmusic:
The latest version of the Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin introduces powerful new features compatible with all DAWs. It offers fast, ".WAV-less" generation, enabling tracks to play directly from disk without generating .WAV files. Sync playback seamlessly with your DAW—such as Presonus Studio One or Pro Tools—including support for floating-point tempo changes, allowing you to quickly change styles while working on your project, and more!

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BIAB 2025 Ultrapack- Studio One Pro 7 Windows 11, Mac Mini M4 with Logic Pro 11, Melodyne Studio

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Thanks for the clarification. I can only tell you this is not working for me in Reaper.

I see the same tempo markings in Reaper - It looks like it is following the DAW in the early bars, but as it plays it starts to wobble and gets all messed up. When I remove the tempo map, all is fine.

BIAB – 2025, Reaper (current), i7-12700F Processor, 32GB DDR4-3200MHz RAM, 1TB WD Black NVMe SSD, 2TB WDC Blue SSD, 1TB WD Blue, 2 TB SK NVMe, 6 TB External, Motu Audio Express 6x6

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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I hate to see that Dan. One of the big things for me was to record me playing a guitar track without a click and being able to bring other real tracks to follow me. This would give that more human feel with the slight variations in tempo just as in a live performance would be without a click track. The floating point tempo is a big deal for that. I have not done a full song yet but just from what I have played with so far it has worked.

BIAB 2025 Ultrapack- Studio One Pro 7 Windows 11, Mac Mini M4 with Logic Pro 11, Melodyne Studio

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Originally Posted by Brian Hughes
Originally Posted by DrDan
Brian, you got an awful lot to say here. grin Most I don't understand and the rest I disagree with... but lets just talk about one item:

[quote=Brian Hughes]...
The good news is that DAW plugin follows the tempo map that has varied tempo changes just fine.


I am including a picture of what I am doing. There is a track of EZ drummer midi which is following the DAW tempo map above it. The BIAB plugin is synced to the DAW following the same tempo map. You can see in the plugin under the tempo is the new tempo it is following and is in perfect sync with my EZ drummer track which is using the changes in the tempo map.
This is from PGmusic:
The latest version of the Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin introduces powerful new features compatible with all DAWs. It offers fast, ".WAV-less" generation, enabling tracks to play directly from disk without generating .WAV files. Sync playback seamlessly with your DAW—such as Presonus Studio One or Pro Tools—including support for floating-point tempo changes, allowing you to quickly change styles while working on your project, and more!

Hi Brian,

Have you tried syncing VSTi BiaB MIDI to Studio One? I have tried everything that I know but I can not get VSTi BiaB MIDI to sync. Maybe it only works with acidized RTs?

I went line dancing last night. Well it was a roadside sobriety test, same thing.

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Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Hi Brian,

Have you tried syncing VSTi BiaB MIDI to Studio One? I have tried everything that I know but I can not get VSTi BiaB MIDI to sync. Maybe it only works with acidized RTs?

Mario I have not played with the MIDI part till you mentioned it. Can you actually insert a VSTI plugin inside of the BIAB plugin? I see no place to do that. I know in the main program you can add VSTI's but I don't see how in the plugin. I suppose you are just supposed to drag the generated midi from the plugin to a instrument track with your VSTI loaded there?
I also see the chord output to midi channel but I have not figured out exactly how this works. It is not the same as in the main BIAB program.

BIAB 2025 Ultrapack- Studio One Pro 7 Windows 11, Mac Mini M4 with Logic Pro 11, Melodyne Studio

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Yes, the BIAB-VST plugin uses the same midisynth as you set in BIAB. But you can adjust it in the preferences\option settings of the plugin. SI Folks have reported that the plugin crashes if you try to change it. Just give it a try. Reapers seems to be ok, But, [img]
ubb=download&Number=29772&filename=Screenshot 2025-01-05 194358.jpg[/img] No one really knows what will happen.
Otherwise, I am not sure what Mario is talking about. Always seemed if the DAW had a fixed tempo then the plugin would automatically synch with the DAW (or a blinking light would warn you to manually synch the tempos.

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BIAB – 2025, Reaper (current), i7-12700F Processor, 32GB DDR4-3200MHz RAM, 1TB WD Black NVMe SSD, 2TB WDC Blue SSD, 1TB WD Blue, 2 TB SK NVMe, 6 TB External, Motu Audio Express 6x6

Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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The BB Plugin uses VSTSynthFont64.dll in C:\bb\Data\libx64 to play the midi internally if set in Preferences
you can open it in the drop down, I wonder if you put other VSTi in the libx64 folder it will give you them in the drop down as a choice ?

I tried the playing midi from the Plugin v7 and it stays at the original tempo of 120 and won't follow the tempo changes
If I drag the track in it follows the tempo changes

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I selected scan for VST and it was scanning then crashed Reaper
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Last edited by musocity; 01/05/25 06:02 PM.
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Now in Preferences if I set it to Send Midi to DAW Always, the midi stays at the original tempo also.
Also if I click the Generate button to generate all midi tracks, it won't generate wavs as well when disable in Preferences, but if you select the + to generate whole track of individual instrument it will then generate a wav as well.

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Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Originally Posted by DrDan
Yes, the BIAB-VST plugin uses the same midisynth as you set in BIAB. But you can adjust it in the preferences\option settings of the plugin. SI Folks have reported that the plugin crashes if you try to change it. Just give it a try. Reapers seems to be ok, But, [img]
ubb=download&Number=29772&filename=Screenshot 2025-01-05 194358.jpg[/img] No one really knows what will happen.
Otherwise, I am not sure what Mario is talking about. Always seemed if the DAW had a fixed tempo then the plugin would automatically synch with the DAW (or a blinking light would warn you to manually synch the tempos.

Ok I had to rescan the vst's in the daw plugin so I could see my other instruments. I did load up a Alicia Keys Kontak instrument but it did not do good at all. It did not crash but it don't sound right either. Also it is not responding to the tempo changes either.
Of course if I drag the midi data from the plugin over to my tracks and assign them to a VSTI then they are good and do follow tempo changes.

BIAB 2025 Ultrapack- Studio One Pro 7 Windows 11, Mac Mini M4 with Logic Pro 11, Melodyne Studio

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