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This thread is for suggestions regarding the Tracks view. This is for specific suggestions only, not general comments. There are a few ideas extracted from the main user interface enhancements thread


Here's how the Track view could look
The Left side is an information/controls for the current track selected.

There should be a big "+" to add new tracks on demand.

Right click > Delete Track > confirm. (3 clicks)

Track zoom should be achievable by "pulling" edge of the track. With option to either zoom in / out dynamically (all tracks), or individual tracks.

Volume node editing in T.View there is a new request for this in wishlist.


- Play marker that defines the playback start point.

- Volume node editing (automation)

- Track headers to include a minimum of:
ARM - for audio recording

Tracks Window Scrolling Improvement
Would it be possible to add the use of 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys (or similar) to achieve scrolling the Tracks window to view other tracks. Currently, the only way to achieve vertical scrolling is to use the narrow scroll bar on the RH side of the form.

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
tracks_window_mockup.png (191.26 KB, 260 downloads)
Last edited by Andrew - PG Music; 01/21/25 11:33 PM.

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We have been giving input on the track view for 18 months.
1) Yes, it should support panels (any position)
2) Yes, it should support drill down (by all track types)
3) Yes, the track header should be more complete (look at missing existing mixer pan, arm etc)
4) Yes, it should support more context menus (at track type level)
5) Yes, it should support loop bar in timeline
5) Yes, it should support Editable chords in timeline

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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It's kind of surprising to me how areas that got a lot of feedback in the generic UI/UX thread have very little to no input when PGM is asking for much more specific information.
By the way I reviewed the five-page original UI/UX thread and there's a lot of good ideas that need to be reiterated in this broken out. High contributors, I'm talking to you wink
A lot of the existing diagrams and videos have many points. Those points need to be broken out into individual points and discussed in detail to get PGM more information on what is expected.

Probably the easiest change to the track view that would make it more comfortable to use and aligned to other views is what was brought up in the UX thread but needs to be reiterated.

Only show the tracks that are populated by default.
So, in most songs you would see 5 tracks taking up the whole work area.
How do you add another track type?
Easy do it the same way as all Daws on the planet do it. Right mouse click add track by type.
For Heaven's sakes get rid of the big scary eyeball idea which is awkward unconventional and cumbersome to use.

Last edited by jpettit; 01/23/25 12:39 PM.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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By default, number tracks 1-24.

1) It supports the idea of all tracks are equal.
2) It makes it more convenient and easier to communicate when working between one track and another. No need for long loss stepchild black sheep "utility track".
3) It is the standard convention that's used on all DAWs

Naysayers will say: But this will break the way I'm used to seeing the drums on track 3 and the Bass on track 1.
You will continue to see Bass on track 1 and Drums on track 3 and Piano on track 2, because that's the way the 11,000 styles will load them no change no difference.

PGM resistance: But this would obsolete many videos. Such is life. Just think how long your videos your new videos will last. wink

Thru track made sense to put it there 20 years ago.
Through track belong down with Master track. AFAIK It can't be used for anything in the track view.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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1) Don't show all tracks by default. Showed tracks that are populated by default.
2) Add button to add tracks as needed.
3) Double Click a specific track to bring up that track type's Editor panel.
4) Show Hide a Linear Editable chord track panel.
The Track View becomes a one stop shop.
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Last edited by jpettit; 01/24/25 04:56 PM.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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Ok, if someone disagrees with me, please state specific reasons. I am curious. Why do we need Audio Edit view?
Could we just do it on a TrackView level with a Audio Edit Tools in a panel? Tracks View zoom level allows for fine editing.

Suggestion is use a single Track View. Audio Edit button could expand track to full screen view, but it will not limit user to resize to any comfort zoom level. Benefit is less "views" and you can edit tracks side by side.

Current Tracks View zoom level:

[Linked Image from]

Band-in-a-Box Wishlist
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Yes of course, you could do it that way.

Shown proposal = ~2-3 lines of code to open existing panel or views as panels.
To build in track editing = ~10-20 lines of code X 24 editing options X 3-4 track types.
I don't mind ether way.
PGM would know better.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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re...why do we need bb audio edit view.

ive been banging that darn drum for some time.
i'm tired of it cos i cant edit in context of seeing all of my other tracks.
as ive said too many times now...
bb track view should be a musos 'work centre' for all audio and midi editing...
(like i can largely do in rb tracks view...a reason i like it.)

for example being able to do following..

1..move a note or phrase thats too early or late.
2..normal copy/paste. (for example in rb this is a doddle or another daw....i can even copy/paste many sections of many tracks eg rb and other daws.)
3. heres an example of sometimes i want a piece of genned rt to do say a gentle sweep/pan across the stereo image eg left to centre to a lead break. cant do that right now....gotta go to a daw.

there are too many other things i would like....but i have to use a daw for.
finally i would like to hilite a section of a track...right clik over section and see various edit options i can carry out on the hilited section.
ie...its all typical edit features.

i'll stop there as i could type pages and pages of needs and i'm prolly wasting my time needlessly as i know some dont want more daw like features in bb.
so i doubt i'll ever see it.

why i need such is i'm weary wasteing too much time and bouncing around tween different music apps and their menus and dialogs and views etc etc.
i really pity the user new to music production haveing to learn various different apps. its a darn long learning cycle.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 01/25/25 05:55 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
(90 songs created useing bb/rb.)
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Summary of discussion on Editing in Track view:
1) Editing: People in general agree an easy path to editing would be good. (PGM has already signified to us that this is in the road plan.)
2) How: Use existing edit views. (as an easy solution vs. build the edit into the track events)

Charlie I could not open your pictures on my browser. Oops I see post is gone now. Your point I believe is you can do all the edit in existing views. I agree but suggest and easier path to do so and the ability to compare to other tracks just like the ACW give you the ability to compared to chord view. (in otherwards PGM has already done this in other areas)

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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Adding new tracks in Track View idea.
I think there are very specific track types that can be added as "new tracks"
1) items from MTP 2)Audio-blank 3)MIDI-blank 4)Chord Track

A "plus" icon on the top right. When pressed an intermittent small popup appears (disappears when choice is made) with 4 choices:

Library - opens MTP at RT tab by default. Users are free to roam audition and choose whatever they like from MTP and the track will adjust accordingly. Function wise pretty much to what we have now.

Audio - Will open a blank tracks with "Arm" for basic audio recording.

MIDI - Will open a blank MIDI track

Chord Track - Will generate MIDI chord track. This one is a little tricky as there are two kinds of Chord Tracks with different functions, so I will revisit the suggestion when idea puzzle comes together.

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Originally Posted by jpettit
Summary of discussion on Editing in Track view:
1) Editing: People in general agree an easy path to editing would be good. (PGM has already signified to us that this is in the road plan.)
2) How: Use existing edit views. (as an easy solution vs. build the edit into the track events)

Charlie I could not open your pictures on my browser. Oops I see post is gone now. Your point I believe is you can do all the edit in existing views. I agree but suggest and easier path to do so and the ability to compare to other tracks just like the ACW give you the ability to compared to chord view. (in otherwards PGM has already done this in other areas)

I pulled that post because I wasn't sure it aligned with the other suggestions and it was worded more as a comment than a suggestion.

<< Your point I believe is you can do all the edit in existing views. I agree but suggest and easier path to do so and the ability to compare to other tracks just like the ACW give you the ability to compared to chord view. >>
You're correct on both statements. Overlaying the AEW on Tracks view retains full functionality of both windows and provides the same ability to compare other tracks the same as the ACW/ Chord view. The tracks sync so copy/paste can be between tracks and the curser can by matched. I'm not following the build the edit into the track events suggestion and why that's easier.

BIAB 2025:RB 2025, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.
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Originally Posted by Rustyspoon#
Adding new tracks in Track View idea.
I think there are very specific track types that can be added as "new tracks"
1) items from MTP 2)Audio-blank 3)MIDI-blank 4)Chord Track

A "plus" icon on the top right. When pressed an intermittent small popup appears (disappears when choice is made) with 4 choices:

Library - opens MTP at RT tab by default. Users are free to roam audition and choose whatever they like from MTP and the track will adjust accordingly. Function wise pretty much to what we have now.

Audio - Will open a blank tracks with "Arm" for basic audio recording.

MIDI - Will open a blank MIDI track

Chord Track - Will generate MIDI chord track. This one is a little tricky as there are two kinds of Chord Tracks with different functions, so I will revisit the suggestion when idea puzzle comes together.
So, are you agreeing to Point 2 in demonstration above with improvements?
It lists all the track types I believe.

Your idea of using the MTP to pick generator types is a good idea as it does not care what the track type is it converts it to the type you selected.

So, maybe just a Audio for recording live (or MTP target track) and a MIDI for recording live (or MTP target track) since MTP changes the type when you generate.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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"So, are you agreeing to Point 2 in demonstration above with improvements?"
Of course. What I proposed is an extension to that. Choosing 4 main types:
MTP will convert track to any - depending on content selected, no need to pre-define - same as it is now.
Audio for recording, MIDI (blank MIDI track) and a Chord Track.

Last edited by Rustyspoon#; 01/25/25 12:10 PM.
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What is difference between MIDI and Chord track.
Is not a chord track just a population of a MIDI track?

Let’s talk more details about the fourth thing demonstrated. The Linear Editable Chord track.

It it deserves a healthy conversation.
I will start.
It should right mouse or double click to open the chord progression window
It should be in sync with the timeline track.
It should support all context edits such as chord and bar settings.

Last edited by jpettit; 01/25/25 04:49 PM.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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Chord Track (BIAB term as of 2025) - Set of usually simplified MIDI block chords derived from main chords of your arrangement, with very specific set of rules and options that can be defined in settings. It is mainly used to drive either arpeggio type synths, Midi phrase or sample phrase based VST instruments, which reinterpret those block chords to seamless backing to your composition and commonly utilize "Key Switches" (2025 BIAB addition - preserve range) for variation, intonation and whole bunch of other things.

There are two main "types" of Chord Tracks currently available in BIAB.
1 - activated in settings and pointed to particular track - it always "picks up" any changes you are making to chords automatically
2 - Generated on any track per right click. It takes current arrangement chords and creates MIDI block chords. It will not pickup changes automatically, but is fully editable.

Both types (auto and single use) have separate purposes.

There is more to that, but this is essential purpose of these. Range rules, certain modified simplification, and manually set range preservation makes them very distinct from your average MIDI track.

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It is not just a change in image, but a change in design thinking.
It becomes like a normal DAW, such as STUDIO ONE, CUBASE
BIAB not only has the functions of STUDIO ONE.
In addition, BIAB can generate music by inputting chords on the chord track, and can also easily insert various REALTRACKs

In the end, BIAB won.

WIN10 20H2, AMD R4800H ,16G , 2T ,FOCUSRITE 2i4 MKII,Studio One,FL STUDIO
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If the track is MIDI do not forget to show the channel number & instrument description.
Ex. MIDI: CH 1 - Piano

Last edited by Vincente; 01/26/25 11:12 AM.

WIN11 OS build 23H2, 16MB, 1TG SSD.
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Originally Posted by Rustyspoon#
Chord Track (BIAB term as of 2025) - Set of usually simplified MIDI block chords derived from main chords of your arrangement, with very specific set of rules and options that can be defined in settings. It is mainly used to drive either arpeggio type synths, Midi phrase or sample phrase based VST instruments, which reinterpret those block chords to seamless backing to your composition and commonly utilize "Key Switches" (2025 BIAB addition - preserve range) for variation, intonation and whole bunch of other things.

There are two main "types" of Chord Tracks currently available in BIAB.
1 - activated in settings and pointed to particular track - it always "picks up" any changes you are making to chords automatically
2 - Generated on any track per right click. It takes current arrangement chords and creates MIDI block chords. It will not pickup changes automatically, but is fully editable.

Both types (auto and single use) have separate purposes.

There is more to that, but this is essential purpose of these. Range rules, certain modified simplification, and manually set range preservation makes them very distinct from your average MIDI track.
Thanks for the education, but my point still remains. It just how you are using the MIDI track.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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Originally Posted by Vincente
If the track is MIDI do not forget to show the channel number & instrument description.
Ex. MIDI: CH 1 - Piano
Yes, this would be in the improved Track header.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
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To the point Charlie made, doing the editing in the tracks view has several advantages over the audio edit window. Being able to edit in line with the other tracks is vital. Now that the cursor extends through the tracks you can cut, copy, paste and regenerate are just a few things that would be better if you had them at hand when you work. Being able to highlight an area in one track and then see it in relationship to the others is important. Sure you can change tracks in the AEW but it is still not the same.

HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
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In this video, Tobin provides a crash course on using the new BB Stem Splitter feature included in Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®. During this process he also uses the Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) and the new Equalize Tempo feature.

Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter

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