For the few occasions where this happens it does not matter to me. My wife, with decades of music (piano and band) and 2 music degrees and 1 education degrees it drives her nuts. So before I hand her music I scan it with my somewhat eagle eyes, wearing +2 cheaters (glasses) and spotting the dreaded sharp when it should be a flat, realize that I am rambling, but foray on, and finding a small bottle of whiteout, fix the dreaded 'mistake' and write her name on the top of the chart.

This small application of whiteout saves me no end of personal misery. I swear she's liable to hit me with flute one day. I used to just avoid certain periodic days to maintain martial bliss in all things, however menopause is permanent pms (in my case only), so I now diligently scan all her music.

My wife was hot when we got married, but now it comes in flashes.

We could have resolved this with one word, but isn't this more fun?

John Conley
Musica est vita