I own the audiophile version of BIAB and I currently run it from the external USB drive on which it came.

The operational speed is pretty good but I would like to make it faster for when I am trying out new styles and constructing songs.

Could I:

Install just the WMA version on to a faster internal drive (probably an SSD).

Run from this internal WMA version while I am experimenting with styles and composing in order to take advantage of the faster disk speed. (This probably accounts for 95% of my time using BIAB)

Switch back to the slower external USB Audiophile edition when I am ready to burn the individual tracks to WAV files to get the advantage of the full 16 bit WAV realtrack files?

Obviously I would have to have both versions looking in the same place for the song files.

Would this physically work or would having both the internal WMA and the external USB bersion installed on the same PC cause issues?

If it would work would I be in breach of my software license with PG Music or would they be comfortable with this?

As a secondary question I am not sure where BIAB writes its working audio files (i.e. the ones that you hear when you press 'play') to. I guess this would also benefit from writing to the faster internal drive. Can you configure where these are written?

I guess that the above approach would also be attractive to notebook owners where the internal notebook hard drives are not usually big enough to install the full audiophile version. Installing just the WMAs internally would give you a fully portable system and you could tether back to the external USB full Audiophile version to finish the songs before exporting to an external DAW.

All thoughts welcome!

Many thanks


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