As I mentioned in a RealBand post, some RealTracks will not respond to a tempo change in a song.

In a song with a 3/4 Swing chorus, 4/4 Waltz bridge, 3/4 Swing chorus the RT Harmonicas leave a blank space at the 3/4 Waltz Bridge and resume again at the second 3/4 Swing chorus.

To workaround this I created just the 4/4 Waltz bridge in BIAB and generated a RT Harmonica part I was happy with on the Melody Track with a maximum volume setting (127) and Froze it.

Then I entered DAW mode in BIAB.

Then I opened my full song in RealBand, selected an empty tack below the blank RB Waltz Bridge and Drag/Dropped the BIAB Melody Harmonica track to that spot on the new blank RB track.

Now the song plays through with the harmonica responding to the tempo changes.

Hope you find this useful.
