Hi bharris,

Another technique that might yield results is to use the Stylepicker window and to look for similar styles in the MIDI section of the window.

For example, I looked under Country styles and found a Realtrack-based style for waltzes. All these styles started with "BG" (the underscore means that Realtracks are contained in the style).

Now that I have the name I'm looking for, when I scroll down to the MIDI styles, I find ...

The above MIDI styles may or may be a good substitute for the _BG Realtracks styles but they're what I'd try as a starting place. It's been my observation that, sometimes, Realtrack-based styles are developed from one of the original MIDI styles and comparing names often allows a person to track down the original MIDI style if one was used.

NOTE: If a style has _ or = in front of it, it contains RTs. Any other character in front of the style indicates that it's a MIDI style.


Audiophile BIAB 2024