Capitalism doesn’t allow Notes to make a living, Notes is able to make a living because he supplies a service that is appreciated by enough people. Supply and demand, which has nothing to do with Capitalism. Capitalism means something different to everybody, so it is not easy to discuss it without a proper definition. When most people talk about Capitalism today they mean global finance, with all its shortcomings. The only common denominator between Capitalism and honest work is money. Unfortunately Capitalism, like Socialism and Communism has got out of hand. They were all good ideas at the start, but somehow got derailed by greedy power grabbing people. We are heading for a situation where the financial institutions are so powerful as to be able to dictate money policy and therefore control the markets to their own ends, which will definitely be to most people’s disadvantage. The day money became a comodity in its own right and no longer just a means of payment, was the start of a general shift of power from the elected bodies to the private sector. They have the dollar and the pound stitched up and now they are going for the euro. There are no longer any checks and balances on the global financial system. You can see how all the European governments are helpless in the face of the attack on the euro. I think that people are starting to realise that it is now or never to get some form of control back from the private to the elected systems. If that doesn’t happen then our children’s children can look forward to a life of slavery. I think that cressjl is confusing hard working business people, who maybe make a lot of money but supply a value in return, with Capitalists. There is nothing wrong with money, the problem starts when the system that controls it is greedy and is out for world dominance.
