I don't think anyone should be offended with your statements and the way you phrased them. Folks might not agree with you, but you are always entitled to your respectful opinions. (oops, I do see that Peter removed his initial response to you, though!)

Is an interface overhaul overdue? I think it is, too. BUT .... in order to do an interface overhaul, the team would have to probably work on just that for six months to a year. Would they be able to make enough sales with a redesigned BIAB 2013 to justify the expenses? That is always the main question that needs to be answered ... and I think PG Music has been answering "no" to that question so far.

RealTracks -- first and foremost they have to deliver the "popular" ones, the ones that 90% of the audience wants. Right now it is pop, jazz and country (which covers a heck of a lot of ground).


Now at bandcamp: Crows Say Vee-Eh @ bandcamp or soundcloud: Kevin @ soundcloud